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Bar Refaeli


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I actually agree with Bigmax. 17 years difference is wayyy to much imo :no:

But I do doubt it's for money. She makes millions herself and has like one appartment and wears sloppy clothes.

Like many of you say, with Bar you never know because she has tons of male friends, but if so, I don't like it at all sigh :/

Welcome MissDignity :hug:

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Io Donna Italy

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ELLE Turkey May 2013

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[Comment edited b/c it was in response to an edited post. ~PC]...And yes Bar is rich but why is she consistently with super rich guys? Lots of women are attracted to Jason Statham and I am sure Rosie is too. I think she is probably impressed with these guys. I think it's gross.

Edited by PinkCouture
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I allready told you guys that  [Comment edited. Bashing ~PC] Nadav Schetzer (instagram: nadavsc1) is her new boyfriend. And now she confirmed it on her social media :blah:  [Comment edited. ~PC]

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Apparently Bar fucked everyone she is pictured with?



This stupid and it's nonsense ... You just can't assume she is dating someone just because there's pictures of them, they could easily just be friend. And if she IS dating someone there's no reason whatsoever to assume it's down to money, let me remind you that Bar is rich on her ow by now so the last thing she needs is a rich boyfriend. If anything ALL of Bar's boyfriend have been older than her, so I think it's pretty safe to say she likes older/mature men.


She didn't confirm shit on twitter and I doubt she ever will, if there's something we know about Bar is that she almost never comments on her current relationships.

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 And if she IS dating someone there's no reason whatsoever to assume it's down to money


I agree with you MissLimaVzla, but, can you please name one of her boyfriends who wasn't a millionaire, sorry, i can't. 

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There's also the fact that millionaires have the confidence to even approach someone like Bar.


Confidence is worth a lot, and being extremely rich helps generate it.  As do many other things. 


But really I kinda roll my eyes at folks who get up in arms about who people choose to date, it's transparent jealousy and insecurity delivered as judgment. 

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Nadav Schetzer defitely not  got the looks, [Comment edited. Bashing ~PC] only his bank amount is goodlooking! Poor Bar, you can get better........


I already told you guys that she was with him, if you follow instagram you've got plenty information :hehe:

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 And if she IS dating someone there's no reason whatsoever to assume it's down to money


I agree with you MissLimaVzla, but, can you please name one of her boyfriends who wasn't a millionaire, sorry, i can't. 



Memento Mori basically explained it for me.


Bar moves in a world where probably most of people she knows are in fact millionaire or famous (especially in Israel)  and that kind of men are probably the only ones who have the balls to even ask her out anyways.


There's a reason why most of models end up with rich or famous guys, because that's the world they live and because other guys are just too insecure to even approach them. You have Isabeli Fontana on your avatar, name at least one of her boyfriends/husbands who wasn't famous? NO ONE. Same goes to Gisele, Adriana Lima, Natalia Vodianova and basically 90% big name models. It's just that for some reason Bar's sex/love life seems to be the one people loves to bitch about.

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Haha holy shit :D



What Memento Mori said. In Bar's case it's probably a cultural thing too. She obviously didn't make a lot of ... things... in the US industry in the past 2 years or so and seems to be settling down in Israel. So someone living in the same region and from the background just "fits".

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 And if she IS dating someone there's no reason whatsoever to assume it's down to money


I agree with you MissLimaVzla, but, can you please name one of her boyfriends who wasn't a millionaire, sorry, i can't. 



Memento Mori basically explained it for me.


Bar moves in a world where probably most of people she knows are in fact millionaire or famous (especially in Israel)  and that kind of men are probably the only ones who have the balls to even ask her out anyways.


There's a reason why most of models end up with rich or famous guys, because that's the world they live and because other guys are just too insecure to even approach them. You have Isabeli Fontana on your avatar, name at least one of her boyfriends/husbands who wasn't famous? NO ONE. Same goes to Gisele, Adriana Lima, Natalia Vodianova and basically 90% big name models. It's just that for some reason Bar's sex/love life seems to be the one people loves to bitch about.




Amen to you guys !! rhythm%20is%20a%20dancer.gif By the way i think Bar  date people that  are rich even becuase she is rich ..i mean,if you would be her ,would you date someone more poor than you ? So then he can live at your backs while you working ? Well,i wouldn't like it .  And i think that i disrespectful to you guys to think Bar just date rich men.We don't know all her boyfriends and i don't think she date them just because they are rich because she could get a billionare in one minute if she really want to !  & finally last time Bar was REALLY dating a man it was back in january and she never posted about him on instagram or twitter ,i don't think she want to show her romantic life on social medias where everyone can see and judge. Infact in an italian interview she said she just going to some random dates untill she will meet the one .   :Angel:  :surrender:

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The difference is Gisele is dating(edit: married) somebody who is rich and attractive.  There is no doubt there that she is definitely attracted to her husband.   I have no idea how much or why Bar likes the guys she dates I just am suspicious [Comment Edited ~PC] .Bar can get a guy who is both rich and attractive.  It would just seem 'more right' to me and I would respect her more.  I'm not jealous.  That would be a complete waste of time.


Adriana is probably attracted to her husband too.

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If the guy is ugly that's a problem and she's a gold digger, if the guy is hot then that's a problem too because it means she's superficial, so I guess she better stay single forever and keep everyone happy? :idk:


And last time: is not even confirmed she is actually dating the guy. So everyone just chill the fuck out until there's a decent confirmation.

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