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Bar Refaeli


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ienergy as always sarcastic and inconvenient! you should work on VS because you are obsessed with this! Go Bar and Leo!!!

where is your problem? is this so bad to wish Bar will work for VS as one of thier angels?

all best top models around the world are want to be one of the 5 agnels and open the show in the USA

about the visit here

again the same mistakes

no wonder people will hate Bar later that they ignore the paparzi and not giving them even one photo


all the people want to see them here and see Leo walking here in jersalem toghter with Bar

also why go to other places as he can stay here!

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ienergy, you don't by me with this non sense converstion. Why you don't just admit you don't like Bar or her work? why you don't admit you don't like her relation with Leo? one more question, why you are here on this forum? when you clearly don't like nothing here! just to clarify, I would love if Bar get the opportunity to be a VS Angel, it would be great for her career, a great step, I think she can easly be a VS Angel, but for reasons I don't know she's not working for them, so get over it already! I have sure thousand of others works will come for Bar, VS is not the only brand in the world. Another thing, did you remember the last time Leo were in Israel and have that great confusion because of paps? so I guess either of them don't want this to repeat, so they probably are more caution about this. I'am honest to say that i would love if we can see some pics of them together in Israel, but I also know should be annoying being pursued by paps. And if they want go to Egypt it's not of your business, you don't have nothing with this, leave them in peace!

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about the visit here

again the same mistakes

no wonder people will hate Bar later that they ignore the paparzi and not giving them even one photo


all the people want to see them here and see Leo walking here in jersalem toghter with Bar

also why go to other places as he can stay here!

They can go wherever they want AND sorry but its so ridiculuos! :blink: :blink: They've never been ones to parade their relationship in front of the cameras.

They are a very private couple.


I would like to get more info on why she can’t go to the US.

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sure it is like this but her agent can not set this up

only me!

also there are so many countries around the world to model like paris and also try to get merried with Leo

this can solve the problem easy

actually when it is famous people they must go by the rules as all people check them all the time

that's actaully why the USA gov can not allow Bar to stay even one single day without permit as other people will say

hay this is Bar Leo's friend staying with no work we want to do the same

Her Agancy can not solve this anyway as also he is not so good as he know this before

nothing will happand if Bar will not go to the US for 6 months more for me not worth even try to talk with them if I were Bar's mother....

what about hosting a daily tv show in Israel tv?

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Proletinchen thank you so much for explaning that to us! & it makes a lot of sense because Bar asked for taxes relief in Israel a couple of months ago so my guess is that she now will fill for a Resident card or something like that so she can stay in USA because it's pretty obvious that she now lives in LA.

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THANKS FOR explanation. it kinda explains why Bar was in Israel for so long because from what i can tell she usually doesn't stay there that long. Either way the month is almost up and she can be in the States very soon.

i agree with mzvzla .... does any one know the rules for the tax relief system and how long it takes to get in to affect. SINCE Bar applied for that it seems like Bar would be in the process of a getting a permanent residence status in the US right? What are the requirements to get permanent residence? :blink:

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as we don't have other news yet, I found old pics of Bar I guess some you didn't had saw before:




just some, here on this site you could see all the pages:


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well, it's not that easy to get a U.S. permanent resident card (green card) - it takes several years after applying and not everyone who applies gets one. but apparently, there is a special work visa for fashion models but i dunno how long a model can stay in US with that kind of permit . i always thoguht Bar went back to israel so often besides seeing her family was cause of this immigration thing.


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well, it's not that easy to get a U.S. permanent resident card (green card) - it takes several years after applying and not everyone who applies gets one. but apparently, there is a special work visa for fashion models but i dunno how long a model can stay in US with that kind of permit . i always thoguht Bar went back to israel so often besides seeing her family was cause of this immigration thing.


Relax, ladies, its not that big deal. I mean, Candice Sweanpool and Behalti Prinsloo are from Africa, and they are both living and working in New York. And Africa is much more difficult than Israel. I am sure this all be clear soon.

Maybe it is difficult to get a green card or visa for you and me, but certainly not for Bar. She is a model, and she certainly can proove she works in the States- at least there are photos to proove it :)))

Unfortunately I can't tell you what are the taxes issues for Bar- as long as I understand she wants to pay her taxes in the USA, because taxes in USA are lower than in Israel. So she said, she was basically not living permanent in Israel, and she earns her money mostly abroad. That is very common in the world of celebrities - many of them declared they live in Monaco to avoid taxes.

At least Bar is honest and says she is living in the States.

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well, it's not that easy to get a U.S. permanent resident card (green card) - it takes several years after applying and not everyone who applies gets one. but apparently, there is a special work visa for fashion models but i dunno how long a model can stay in US with that kind of permit . i always thoguht Bar went back to israel so often besides seeing her family was cause of this immigration thing.


Relax, ladies, its not that big deal. I mean, Candice Sweanpool and Behalti Prinsloo are from Africa, and they are both living and working in New York. And Africa is much more difficult than Israel. I am sure this all be clear soon.

Maybe it is difficult to get a green card or visa for you and me, but certainly not for Bar. She is a model, and she certainly can proove she works in the States- at least there are photos to proove it :)))

Unfortunately I can't tell you what are the taxes issues for Bar- as long as I understand she wants to pay her taxes in the USA, because taxes in USA are lower than in Israel. So she said, she was basically not living permanent in Israel, and she earns her money mostly abroad. That is very common in the world of celebrities - many of them declared they live in Monaco to avoid taxes.

At least Bar is honest and says she is living in the States.

oh, I am not worried about Bar cause of course other models who are not US citizen continue to live and work here but Im just saying it's not that easy to get a permanent resident status like some people were thinking = just cause you have job here don't mean the US is gonna give you permanent resident status. Maybe it has something on the Israel side where Bar is havin problems. who knows :blink: anyways, Bar will have legal help and advise on this, so no worries.

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