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Bar Refaeli


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No need to sound the alarm: Sports Illustrated's latest Swimsuit Issue models (from left) Jessica Gomes, Bar Refaeli, Tori Praver, Daniella Sarahyba and Cintia Dicker aren't making a career change – they're just on hand to ring the closing bell Tuesday at the New York Stock Exchange.


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Way to go BAR!!!! Aren't we proud and happy for the most beautiful model on the planet! :drool: I am very excited for her and she deserves all the best!

It was soooooo cool to watch Letterman as the board was unveiled on Monday night! What a treat !

This has got to be the most coveted cover for any models in the world and BAR actually had it. So great to see her so happy for having been honored at 23 years of age!

CONGRATULATIONS BAR... and may this fabulous recognition open you all the doors you need to fulfill all your goals in the US and around the world!!!!

Thanks to everyone here who shared links, articles and stunning pictures! :)

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I would KILL to have her body, literally KILL,.... well maybe not an actual person, but a small animal like a possum or a rat or something scary like that, would definately get it , I would even hunt it down myself and I'm terrified of almost all animals :laugh:

I saw her yesterday morning on the TODAY show and she looked so cute and genuinely sweet, I am so happy for her

CONGRATS to BAR :kiss:

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haha, thatgirlkay, you are too funny! Don't let PETA hear you say that, they will hunt you down.

Don't forget- BAR is on Letterman tonight!

I would hunt that thing down with every member of PETA behind me waving signs, and I'd get em to,If and only If I could come out of it looking like Bar, thats the only reason I would put myself in such a terrifing situation :ninja: :laugh:

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