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Bar Refaeli


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Hi everyone! Welcome to the forum, mypicture! I'm so glad that you're from Israel and of course speak Hebrew. You can give us an inside look into the Israeli media coverage of Bar. Your English is really good. I have a few friends that went to Hebrew school but they forgot most of it and are of no help to me when I need an article translated. Thanks so much for the nrg article. Please translate it because it looks interesting and I'm very curious what if anything Bar says about Leo. Can you also translate the headline above these two pictures below? Thank you!

There's a ot of gossip about whether Leo and Bar are still together. My opinion is that they're still a couple because if they had split up it would have been revealed already. There's only so long you can keep a secret in Hollywood. Also my friend the huge Leo fan told me that Leo has only been going out with his male friends. There haven't been any women around him. That wouldn't be the case if Leo were single. No news is good news. If you think I'm wrong please let me know. I'm interested in what others in the forum thinks.



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Sorry! I thought I linked to the two Bar pictures. She's still in the first two pictures third row down but I can't get those to be the main picture. I'm not computer saavy as you all can tell. So somebody help! Please anyone post those pics here, thanks!

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There's a ot of gossip about whether Leo and Bar are still together. My opinion is that they're still a couple because if they had split up it would have been revealed already. There's only so long you can keep a secret in Hollywood. Also my friend the huge Leo fan told me that Leo has only been going out with his male friends. There haven't been any women around him. That wouldn't be the case if Leo were single. No news is good news. If you think I'm wrong please let me know. I'm interested in what others in the forum thinks.
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That is not true. Leo's movie will only be premiered at the Venice Film Festival, just like it has already been premiered at a number of different locations all over the United States. Many people have already seen this movie. This is just another showing of many more to come.That is how it works in showbiz. They show the movie first to select audiences. Even if he was going to Venice,which he isn't, I doubt he will be meeting with Bar since they have broken up. About time too. :yes:

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Sorry! I thought I linked to the two Bar pictures. She's still in the first two pictures third row down but I can't get those to be the main picture. I'm not computer saavy as you all can tell. So somebody help! Please anyone post those pics here, thanks!
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That is not true. Leo's movie will only be premiered at the Venice Film Festival, just like it has already been premiered at a number of different locations all over the United States. Many people have already seen this movie. This is just another showing of many more to come.That is how it works in showbiz. They show the movie first to select audiences. Even if he was going to Venice,which he isn't, I doubt he will be meeting with Bar since they have broken up. About time too. :yes:
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Leo is expected to be there but he wont show up. :yes: Dream on Bar fans dream on!!! lol

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