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  1. The reason why Leo dated/date Bar because he doesnt like to jump from girl to girl and have the media write about him like in the past. Its much easier to have one "friend" with benefits than many. I think she's only a long term "friend" with benefits if he hasnt broken up with her already. A guy has needs. They're many people who stick with someone because they dont truly love someone and sometimes this happens for years. Just ask my neighbors. That's part of the human condition for some people. What does love have to do with it? Not a thing. lol And Leo is no exception. He's human and he also has his faults with women but it look like he's finally realized this fault is leading to a dead end road.
  2. Leo is not busy right now. He's been hanging out with his real friends going swimming,clubbling, shopping and to restaraunts. Yeah he's busy alright. Busy for a whole month hanging with his real friends.
  3. Leo is expected to be there but he wont show up. Dream on Bar fans dream on!!! lol
  4. That is not true. Leo's movie will only be premiered at the Venice Film Festival, just like it has already been premiered at a number of different locations all over the United States. Many people have already seen this movie. This is just another showing of many more to come.That is how it works in showbiz. They show the movie first to select audiences. Even if he was going to Venice,which he isn't, I doubt he will be meeting with Bar since they have broken up. About time too.
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