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I think she looked similar from 2010 actually. Look back at it.


But we still don't know how she looks on the runway so, I don't want to complain too much yet. esp since she doesn't look that bad. I fee like more people complained about how she looks this year compared to last and honestly thats when she looked tired af and I don't think she put on any lipgloss.

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I think she just needs to leave. VS sucks now and people don't complain about adriana so much until this show happens. I don't even understand it this time because she looks similar in 2010




We haven't seen anyway runway pics. And in the HQ pics of her backstage, there aren't that many, she looks fine. Like can we see what she actually looked like in HQ stuff first before saying the same things as we do each year (saying she looks sad/tired/washed. )

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yeah she's tired and lost too much weight. I had a feeling that was going to happen. She did what she had to for her body but I knew it was gonna show in her face someway.


Its more prominent here than on the runway and backstage though for some reason.


Another reason why i'd like for her to leave. She burns herself out for obvious reason and it will show facially and then as someone pointed out people will put that along with how many years she has been with VS and be super critical.


It makes no sense. She looks good all year around and proves why she still with the company and the show happens.... VS ain't even worth it anymore for that lol.


I don't believe her when she talks about staying and I hope I am right.

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