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I found Letterman`s interview.So it`s really stunning :)

Irina, tell us about yourself. You came from a small Russian town, is not it? How it`s called?

Yes, indeed. It has a very complicated name - Emanzhelinsk. Practically the same as my last name - Shayhlislamova. Even to me its difficult to pronounce it.

How many letters are in your name?

14!When I bought a ticket in New York, I was asked - is that a joke? Shayhlislamova? I said no, that's my surname. So I decided to shorten it up in order to make it easier to pronounce.

Tell me about your hometown and your family. Do you have brothers or sisters?

Yes, I was born in a difficult way. In two hours from Moscow on a plane. My town includes 30 thousand people, its really incredibly small. Its not even on the map. I have an older sister, she is married ... Unlike me (laughs).

Tell me, what people are doing in this desolate place?

Well, this is a very small town, there is even no plants and so on. Practically the village.

Story gets even more interesting!How a woman from such a small and unknown town, was able to escape to the United States and become world-famous model? How did this happen?

It all started with a bus stop ... (room laughs). Wait! Now I'll explain everything. Do not worry, this is a very interesting story, be prepared to listen. My mom saw an ad on the recruitment of a local beauty school at the bus stop. And since my sister was curious about appearance etc she decided to qualify in this school. When my sister went to register for school, she invited me along for company. There I found a manager from modeling agency.

But the agency was in a small town?

No. This happened when we moved to a larger town, about 6 years ago when I started to study marketing in college.

Then let's establish the chronology of events. You got out of his small town and went to Paris, right?

Yes, in Paris. That was my first trip. I did not know English, and I had a hard time. Then I moved to New York and began working with the magazine Sports Illustarted. All spun on my first cover ...

And that's what you've become popular. Congratulations on your success.

By the way what your relatives from Emanzhelinsk think about Sports Illustrated and this prestigious shoot for its cover?

Yes, of course. They were waiting for that moment when at last they will see the photos. They really liked the end result.

Where the shooting of the cover took place?

In Hawaii. It was an incredible photo shoot. First, we have a very long time I got there, then we woke up to the shooting at three o'clock in the morning ...

And why it was necessary to rise so early?

Well, firstly, we wanted to capture not only photos but also videos. This year's Sports Illustrated the first time released a 30-minute DVD. So we had time to do everything in one day.

Could you ever imagine that you would be shooting for the cover of Sports Illustrated?

It is the dream of every model, and it was hard to imagine.

How many swimsuits do you take for this shoot?

Oh ... 15 or 20. You never know which of the shots will go to cover. Just try to take the sexual pose and ...

Let's talk about boyfriend (Cristiano Ronaldo). He isn`t only a football superstar, playing for Real Madrid, he is also a model.

Oh, you do not know how to pronounce my name, but know so much about Ronaldo!

But you, Irina, also have some problems with ur name (laughs). Okay, tell me how two stunning people met each other?

Well you know, I'm from Russia: The State Security Committee and stuff like that. We know how to keep secrets.

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