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I'm sorry guys that i have to spread some "bad vibes", but this day sucks!!! :cry:

Not only that i almost choked at noon on a fishbone (whole cafeteria was looking) today the greatest party ever is going on, the "medizinerparty" and i can't be there as it is sold out!!!! I hate it!!! :cry2:

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I'm sorry guys that i have to spread some "bad vibes", but this day sucks!!!  :cry:

Not only that i almost choked at noon on a fishbone (whole cafeteria was looking) today the greatest party ever is going on, the "medizinerparty" and i can't be there as it is sold out!!!!  I hate it!!!  :cry2:


I love my life :rofl:

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I didn't get to sleep for 28 hours. And then I crashed and haven't heard from three different people who either said they'd get a hold of me, or would be someone you would think would email you back.

And now I feel like I'm going to puke and that feeling doesn't want to go away.

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today sucked cus....well...me and the girlfriend got to her house alone...11:30 at night in the basement with her parents sleeping...or so we thought. perfect time for a little loving.....except her parents beat us to it....so we were in the basement....while her parents were having sex...and we could hear everything.

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today sucked cus....well...me and the girlfriend got to her house alone...11:30 at night in the basement with her parents sleeping...or so we thought. perfect time for a little loving.....except her parents beat us to it....so we were in the basement....while her parents were having sex...and we could hear everything.


man that has gotta suck. That'd ruin EVERYTHING! Talk about a turn off :x

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