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Lima Love has decided...

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So, yeah, here I am! Been here for a while though, felt too lazy to introduce lil old me... Doing it anyway! ;)

My name is Annieke, I live in the Netherlands, I'm eighteen years old as of may 13 2005, I have darkblonde hair, green eyes, I'm 1.76 cm (5'9?) and I have a cute West Highland White terrier by the name of Cedric. He's 10 years old.

This is him:



Right now I'm saving for another dog, I'd love to have a White Shepherd puppy, and see it grow up to be a beautiful, well-trained, loving dog! I guess I'm a bit selfish since I want that dog to be all mine! :laugh: I might regret that when puppy decides it's 'trash-the-house-' time! :fun:

I love dancing, singing, writing, music, dogs, Adriana Lima, Alessandra Ambrosio, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Anthony Hopkins, internet, Photoshop CS2 (thanks Neo! :wub: ), and Bellazon!

Anyway, I guess this is my little introduction then...

Ciao! :wub:

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hi Lima Love welcome to bellazon :laugh:  :laugh:  i wanna get a husky but dont think i am around enough to properly care for a dog ;)


Thanks! :laugh:

Yeah, I don't think it would be fair for the dog if it had to be alone a lot... :cry: That's also what I'm a bit worried about for the future, but I guess I'll just have to find a nice job at home, where I can at least be around and make my own schedule. :)

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And although I'm not a wacko Finnish sauna maniac, you know I'll always be your male slave. So I'll go get the beer.

You need to give us an update to your life. Horse school must be over, what are the plans for after the summer? An what are the summer plans?

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^ :laugh:

You can be my slave any time! :laugh: :wub:

Yes, horse school is over. I stopped, because I was becoming more and more afraid of the horses, which really sucked. I've gotten over it, though. I've never been very courageous with horses, although I do really love them. But I think that being on the ground, next to the horses all day gives you a much better perspective of their behaviour and their moods, and I just got scared every time a horse was in a bad mood or being a bit annoying. So... I quit the school.

At the moment I'm working at the police, I make html pages of word documents that they send to me. I can't say what it is about, it's classified! :o :laugh: But I really enjoy the work, I'm contracted for six hours a day five days a week, and I'm earning a nice bit of money with it! :drool: I think what I enjoy most about this job, is that I can work at home, with my own computer. Great! :fun:

Me and my parents and twin-brother are leaving for a two week holiday to Crete on the 21st of July, I believe. I'm looking forward to it! Laying by the pool all day, getting a nice tan, see the sights... And I'm soooo hoping we'll find a snackbar in the village where they sell pita rolls. Those are soo delicious, it's a crime! :drool: :drool: :drool:

And, I still need to buy a bikini.

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Me and my parents and twin-brother are leaving for a two week holiday to Crete on the 21st of July, I believe. I'm looking forward to it! Laying by the pool all day, getting a nice tan, see the sights... And I'm soooo hoping we'll find a snackbar in the village where they sell pita rolls. Those are soo delicious, it's a crime! :drool:  :drool:  :drool:

And, I still need to buy a bikini.


You should bring a slave to put on your bikini and rub you in sun lotion and stuff like that...

You really need to check out Icelandic horses now, they aren't as big, and they they have much nicer personalities. I'm going to Iceland with my family next week, for two and a half weeks :whistle:

Job sounds nice, hopefully it won't get too boring too fast...

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At the moment I'm working at the police, I make html pages of word documents that they send to me. I can't say what it is about, it's classified! :o  :laugh:  But I really enjoy the work, I'm contracted for six hours a day five days a week, and I'm earning a nice bit of money with it! :drool: I think what I enjoy most about this job, is that I can work at home, with my own computer. Great! :fun:

i've been looking for something like that, not as many hours though. how'd you find out about that? it's got to be cool working at home doing that, you set your own hours?

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You should bring a slave to put on your bikini and rub you in sun lotion and stuff like that...

Sounds nice! :laugh: :evil:

You really need to check out Icelandic horses now, they aren't as big, and they they have much nicer personalities. I'm going to Iceland with my family next week, for two and a half weeks :whistle:

Yeah, I've thought of them too, they're really cool and pretty laid-back. I'm just not sure whether I'll fit on them, I have long legs! :laugh: Have fun in Iceland!

Job sounds nice, hopefully it won't get too boring too fast...


Nah, I don't think it'll be boring at some point. Maybe frustrating, because I keep going back to change stuff, which means I have to change about 30 files each time my boss comes with something new that has to be added or changed. <_<

I just look at my bank-account to make me happy. :laugh:

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i've been looking for something like that, not as many hours though. how'd you find out about that? it's got to be cool working at home doing that, you set your own hours?


My dad works at the police, and he asked me if I'd like to do the job, since the police didn't have anyone who could do it, time-wise. I earn 10 euros an hour, so I was like, yeah, sure! I guess I was just lucky. But I am looking for other work for when this 'project' is finished and they don't need me anymore. Then I want to be doing the same hours and at home as well.

I set my own hours, yes. I work whenever I feel like it, but I do make sure I work six hours. Sometimes when I don't feel like working on a week day, I just work during the weekend.

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Yeah, I would fit on them, I don't know though if I like it when much of my legs stick out from underneath the horse. Or is that a lot less than I think it is? I have this whole idea that half my lower leg will dangle from underneath the horse! :laugh: :blush:

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Oh, good. :laugh: I've been riding a 1.63 cm horse for three years (before I went to the horse school), and even on her back half my feet were visible under her belly. She was such a nice horse :wub:

But I do want to get to know some Icelandic horses one day. Or Friesians, they're very sweet as well! :fun:

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