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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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I love Leo's movie choices.. (maybe a couple that I think are meh to be honest) but the point is it's obvious he goes for roles that speak to him. He's in a position where he can choose the kinds of roles he wants to do... he shouldn't have to choose roles that he thinks will appeal to others because that's a losing battle. You can't please everyone.

However, as much as I love leo's choice in movies a SMART, GOOD comedy would still be nice to see. I know those are hard to come by though but if ever a good offer comes up i'd like to see him take it up. The thing with Meryl is that yes she does serious, quality movies but she still mixes it in with a comedy now and then ( It's Complicated , Devil Wears Prada) so that's why I think people don't harp on her like they do Leo. It would shut people up about Leo and whether he is versatile.. can't lie that would be nice to see but I also don't want to see Leo in some shitty comedy either ... and I trust Leo knows a good script when he sees one and when he doesn't. So all in all it just comes down to what is presented to him (and what the talent around him is doing) and you can't fault him on that. Overall i'm very proud of him and he has one heck of an impressive resume!

agree you fash! absolutely agree!

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Ditto :)

I've always kinda viewed a lot of his choices as things of a serious nature and stories that are not like a day to day events since I think he likes to do things that are completely opposite of his life and his personality which I always percieve as a laid back, funny type of guy who likes to enjoy life. So I think he always tries to go the opposite of himself in ways...but in roles he finds interesting and things he can relate to in some manner


Thanks for screen caps from trailer.

The ring J Edgar wore was given to him by his mother. He wore it to his death.

In the first pic seems he's using a wedding ring, but this is not possible I guess because he was never married and probably is just a normal ring


Thanks for J Edgar screencap and link to official site :)

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Wow, I'm soo happy the trailer is getting good reviews! This film really does look Oscar worthy, and now I am waiting for a longer trailer :D :laugh: But it defiently looks like an interesting, intricate, biopic/thriller!

Also, thought I might add, I thought it looked like Armie gave a steller performance as well! :)

And fash I'm going to +1 your quote because I would just be restating you if I gave my opinion :p

I love Leo's movie choices.. (maybe a couple that I think are meh to be honest) but the point is it's obvious he goes for roles that speak to him. He's in a position where he can choose the kinds of roles he wants to do... he shouldn't have to choose roles that he thinks will appeal to others because that's a losing battle. You can't please everyone.

However, as much as I love leo's choice in movies a SMART, GOOD comedy would still be nice to see. I know those are hard to come by though but if ever a good offer comes up i'd like to see him take it up. The thing with Meryl is that yes she does serious, quality movies but she still mixes it in with a comedy now and then ( It's Complicated , Devil Wears Prada) so that's why I think people don't harp on her like they do Leo. It would shut people up about Leo and whether he is versatile.. can't lie that would be nice to see but I also don't want to see Leo in some shitty comedy either ... and I trust Leo knows a good script when he sees one and when he doesn't. So all in all it just comes down to what is presented to him (and what the talent around him is doing) and you can't fault him on that. Overall i'm very proud of him and he has one heck of an impressive resume!

+1 :p

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Sick thanks for screencapping that pic :wave:

Barbie yeah it's true that page did move insanely fast now that you mentioned it :p

Kat I thought Armie shined in the trailer too :yes:


since I think he likes to do things that are completely opposite of his life and his personality which I always percieve as a laid back, funny type of guy who likes to enjoy life
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OMG finally able to see it! :D

I have to say, at first I wasn't even sure if this was Leo's actual voice :p

The transformation is just absolutely wonderfull!

First of all, no bashing at all, but I agree that Leo is 'over-acting' sometimes (just very very very little, but that's just my opinion, I don't think there's a way for any actor to not do it,) but in this trailer I didn't see it AT ALL :clap:

I honestly believe this could be his best movie yet :D

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thanks for the explanation ox, I don't know too much about Hoover and I don't want to know, I prefer to discover while watching the movie. And I thought really cute his scenes with Judi that play his mom, so sweet.

I agree with you kat and fash, Armie seems great in the trailer also.

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LOL I love that pic Valentina. I also think about him all day :wub:

Thanks Ox for more screen caps! I really liked to see Naomi with Leo, I love her!

And wijn for the Clint comments! I think Leo would be a good director, he seems to know what good movies are. Although I feel it will be a long time before we see him directing. I think producing and acting for now is good enough for him :p

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