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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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I also see Nolan, he doesn't seem happy at all, because his movie in my point of view is not being very well recognized as should be, because Inception is much more than visual effects and I have to hear a DUMB actor (who thinks that knows about Cinema) here in Brazil commenting on Oscar winners saying on tv that Inception is a computer movie, he even doesn't know how to describe Inception, what AN IDIOT! I wanna make him shutt the fuck up...

I'am happy that Leo is enjoying the night with Bar! Hope to see some pics, I doubt but I hope!

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Very happy Inception got 4 oscars so far!! Just getting one is an honour so 4 Is fantastic. Inception is not the kind of movie the oscars really award usually so I'm happy as is! Imagine if inception won nothing and got Totally snubbed then that would be awful...

Thanks SIck for keeping us updated :)

Ok Kat np. Hopefully one of these days the clip surfaces somehow :)

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I understand fashiondream, I know Inception is not the type of movie that academy like to give awards and I wans't expceting that they would give nothing more than technical awards and I'am pretty happy for the 4 Oscars that Inception win, but at the same time I feel sad for Nolan, he's seems a little upset everytime I saw him in audience. Honestly I just expected that Inception should have win the screenplay award because it was like Nolan had been won the best director Oscar, just my opinion!

King's speech won best film, what a great surprise... but I think that seems like a very good movie, congrats!

the female presenter said something true right now at the end of Oscar, she said: "Inception was nomimated as best film, but not for director, and she joked, Inception is excellent but directs itself, it doens't need a director..." Really for me this WAS THE BIG JOKE OF THIS OSCAR!

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I understand fashiondream, I know Inception is not the type of movie that academy like to give awards and I wans't expceting that they would give nothing more than technical awards and I'am pretty happy for the 4 Oscars that Inception win, but at the same time I feel sad for Nolan, he's seems a little upset everytime I saw him in audience.

Ya Nolan has a right to be sad because he was snubbed for best director and definately should have won best oiginal screenplay.. the movie that won (King's speech) is not even completely original its based off a somewhat true story (actual real characters) if i'm not mistaken.. i don't get it :whistle:

However, on another note I'd be sad too if i had to sit through hours of the academy awards ..... Geez the oscars is so dull to watch i can't even sit through it myself at home lol. The singers, the hosts, and presenters were all so boring when i tuned in... Franco is very gorgeous, funny and interesting most of the time but the oscars just sucks the fun out of everything... but i didn't watch the whole thing so i might hhave missed out on the good parts.

Well atleast Leo is probably enjoying himself and having a great time at some high class party hehe!

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I have sure Leo wasn't that unhappy since that he was with his lady love enjoying a lot the night... but I agree fashiondream, I saw all the Oscars cerimony and it was very boring this year, to be honest! James and Anne are nice, but it seemed like something was missing, some more humor and emotion...

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A video of when The departed won best picture. Leos in a little bit, and they all seem so happy! And the man accepting the award talks about how talented Leo is, and how proad he is to work with them :)


I remember seeing this on tv, and how excited and happy I was that I couldn't handle myself and hide my big smile, that year was sooooooo nice, and I loved what that producer said about Leo, so true!

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I have not seen the ceremonie, LA is 9 hours behind Spain but I'm now seeing a summary and a special report.

Where were the mega stars? Denzel Washington, Julia Roberts, Will Smith, Tom Cruise, Clooney, Pitt y Jolie, Depp, Winslet, Pacino, Deniro, Nicholson, Leo :heart: Dicaprio ... ????

So boring, so pathetic, so predictable and no glamour, no mega stars ....

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I am happy inception won some awards! I think Chris should have won best director though, but I am still happy. (and it should have won best picture too) Although I have to say I didn't like James and Anne cohosting together. Your right it was kind of boring, without Leo there, nothing to look at! lol

Also did you guys like the opening? I thought it was really funny how Anne and James were with Leo in inception, and it was alec baldwins dream! :laugh:

Also did you guys know Penelope Cruz and Javiar Bardem named their baby Leo???? I though this was really cool, since they are good friends with Leo :)

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I am happy inception won some awards! I think Chris should have won best director though, but I am still happy. (and it should have won best picture too) Although I have to say I didn't like James and Anne cohosting together. Your right it was kind of boring, without Leo there, nothing to look at! lol

Also did you guys like the opening? I thought it was really funny how Anne and James were with Leo in inception, and it was alec baldwins dream! :laugh:

Also did you guys know Penelope Cruz and Javiar Bardem named their baby Leo???? I though this was really cool, since they are good friends with the two :)

I hate Pe and Javier, they are so stupid, assholes!! I think they named the baby Leonardo ONLY because it is a cute name but not for their friendship.

-Oscar 2011 Brilliant Opening "INCEPTION" : LINK

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