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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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^+the vid! I really hope there is more content live! So far its great, but I want more darn it :p Also it was cute how he seemed like he was kinda nervous fidgeting the whole time :p  :wub:


Ox: totally forgot about that, thanks for reminding, I hope we get alot of pics tonight :dance:

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OMGGG he is so handsome and smiles a lot, speaks so well... *Dying* I love that he's always moving his hands haha ! He looks soo happy :) I'd love to see him more on talk shows like that !!! And only 2 videooos? :( There's not the full interview anywhere? I wanted to see him arrive and say hi to all the fans and Ellen !! ;)

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Just saw it live, he was adorable :heart: There wasn't much else said besides the interviews already posted on Youtube, though he did tell the story about his parachute failing, that was funny the way he described it. :D He also talked about Jonah a little bit :hehe: 

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Just posting the parts with the most leo :hehe:


Wolf of Wall Street Editor Thelma Schoonmaker Says Leonardo DiCaprio "Will Do Anything for Marty"

The scene you've probably gotten asked the most about is the Lemmons scene, the wild drug trip. There's so much interesting stuff going on with the camera, it stays still and them moves within the perspective. How did you not only assemble the scene but maintain the tone so that it stays funny? 

Well, it's interesting. I didn't expcet it to be as funny as it is. But Marty knew, right from the beginning, it was going to be funny, and that it could sustain. When he starts to crawl toward the car, I said to Marty, "Didn't you do any coverage, to cut away to a close-up here or an insert of his hands or anything?" and he said, "Oh no no, the humor is in his body language as he drags himself in a wide shot toward that car." And Marty knew it was going to work. And I was a little nervous about it. The first time we screened it people were just roaring. He really knows, and he's very daring. He was just killing himself, Leo. That's very painful what he was doing. He never gives up. He will do anything for Marty. He will just keep going until he drops. He hurt his neck and all kinds of things, but he just kept going. But Marty knew the humor of the body language in that wide shot was the thing.

Leonardo DiCaprio has given a lot of great performances, but this feels like a new level he couldn't have done without working for you guys so many times. Do you feel like you've watched him grow? 
Yeah, I think of course he just completely trusts Marty. A lot of the actors have been saying on these panels that they feel safe in Marty's hands, because he understands that things can be humiliating. He's acted himself, and he's been very nervous when he's done it. So he knows that actors need to have the feeling of security. Once they get that feeling, then they're willing to just blossom and do anything. Leo has been incredibly good about just trusting Marty. He's so brave in this movie, isn't he? It's wild, what he's doing. I think that he understands that Marty will do right by him, once we get into the editing room. That trust is built over the years more and more and more. I love that he can really make fun of himself. And there's nothing like a handsome actor doing that.



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Regarding tweet that Kat posted above, according to their Facebook page it appears to be a magazine that one can buy in UK, and I'd to know what the Leo interview says :)



Tks for Thelma's comments about Leo's working relationship with Marty ; I think her last statement is true and is why so many have described Leo's performance as "fearless"

Also, tks, for alerting us to Leo's Square Mile magazine cover Flower%20for%20you.gif

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2014 National Board Of Review Awards Gala at Cipriani 42nd Street on January 7, 2014 in New York City
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Looks good! Though while he looks dapper in those suits IDK why he never wears those grey ones on the red carpet. That is clearly his color :p Also, maybe just me, but his hair has seemed darker lately?

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