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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Tks for Gus Van Sant/ Brokeback Mt article ;) 


I agree with Barbie's comments as to why Leo probably turned the role down , as we well know from his roles in Total Eclipse/ J Edgar he has  previously played gay characters





Ditto :thumbs_up:


 Replace Leo with anyone else in The Revenant and, although it still a good movie, I'm pretty sure the line at the theater would have been different




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@JadeBahr haha that Gif! Ugh Leo looked so hot in The Departed. I cannottt. Leooooo start lifting the weights already lol


Anyway, it reminded me of that Japan interview Leo did for the Departed where the interviewer asked if she could feel his muscles 😂 have you guys seen it? It's the most hilarious interview he's done tbh



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Thanks Jade, Balevendriaukr and ox for the pics, video and news!


8 hours ago, Jade Bahr said:

Totally agree with you in this point...  I will never forget when I was in cinema to see "The Revenant" how those young girls behind me was giggling when he made his first appearance in the movie... dirty, long locks all over his face, bearded hardly to recognize and still they were melting like we would watch "Titanic". One of the best moments ever :D Power of Leo indeed.

There were a couple of young ladies talking about how they loved hearing him sigh and breathe heavily throughout the film, :wub6yh2cm:


Hell yeah I'm watching The Departed tonight! He was adorable flexing his muscles for her to feel...sexy man. Watching the video again!


Even in the Revenant, he was still looking good. Still swooned over his eyes. The other day, I was channel flipping and it stopped at a Titanic scene. I wasn't paying attention until I heard that voice, and I stopped in my tracks. Even his voice does that to me, LOL.


As far as turning down parts, I think Leo turned down the American Psycho part. Would have loved to see him do that movie!

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14 hours ago, Balevendriaukr said:

@JadeBahr haha that Gif! Ugh Leo looked so hot in The Departed. I cannottt. Leooooo start lifting the weights already lol


Anyway, it reminded me of that Japan interview Leo did for the Departed where the interviewer asked if she could feel his muscles 😂 have you guys seen it? It's the most hilarious interview he's done tbh



He truly was at his fittest point ever in "The Departed" and "Blood Diamond". But I always liked the fact that he doesn't need a typical hollywood body to have success and even with his more chubby "dad bod" he's making everyone crazy. For me that's his power too. He's just very very special and I love that :heart:


Love this interview. Like ox said his japan interviews are always hilarious. Would love if he would show the world more often his funny side. A friend of mine (don't know her that long) was from the very beginning I can't stand Leo DiCaprio until I showed her some interviews via youtube and she said I didn't know he's so cute and funny... he's still not really her type but now she sees him with other eyes :D

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@oxford25 whoa. had to fan myself there for a sec. 😂 those pics 🙈..and yesss his japan interviews are always the best. If only the full interviews were posted on YT.. can't seem to find them. I agree with you @Jade Bahr he should really show the world his funny side! 

@SexyLeo91 lol we are all in the same boat.. so hopelessly in love with this guy we don't even know except through a screen. Except for you lucky few who got to meet him! I'm still trying to find out exactly WHY I've got this crush on him. 

This post I saw on instagram though 😂





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19 minutes ago, Balevendriaukr said:

@oxford25 whoa. had to fan myself there for a sec. 😂 those pics 🙈..and yesss his japan interviews are always the best. If only the full interviews were posted on YT.. can't seem to find them. I agree with you @Jade Bahr he should really show the world his funny side! 

@SexyLeo91 lol we are all in the same boat.. so hopelessly in love with this guy we don't even know except through a screen. I'm still trying to find out exactly WHY I've got this crush on him. 

This post I saw on instagram though 😂


Balevendriaukr, for years, I tried to fight this infatuation for him(ironically, I'm not into blonde blue-eyed men, but for some reason, I couldn't get him out of my mind all those eons ago on my mother's favorite soap opera, Santa Barbara, and later Growing Pains, LMAO):rolleyes:, then finally, I just gave in :blush:. Kept my liking him a secret from my family, friends, hubby, but they all figured it out and teases me about it, LOL (I got a convert. My sister, who went from hating the guy to being swooned). Well, now I know my diagnosis:56608ac1cc5a3_smilynewone:


I love his dorky, silly side :p

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Can I ask what you guys are personally hoping to see in the upcoming Once Upon a Time in Hollywood? 


For me..it's quality improv with a good plot. I feel like no one cares about plot and story arc anymore which detracts from viewers completely enjoying a movie.. we want to see intelligent dialogue and story movement.. and since its a Quentin film I just hope they don't go too overboard with the swearing because we all know he likes that. I personally find that kind of self indulgent... Anyway, I really think you can do both and succeed. Something Al Pacino is GREAT at. It will be interesting to see how all the actors interact with Al, who I consider to be one of the most astounding actors. 


Also, at this point of time there seems to be an insane list of actors attached to the film, and I kind of wonder which one is going to really steer this movie and have the most screen time lol 🙈 Leo and Margot did so amazing together on the Wolf of Wallstreet.. I really think that both of them would produce a lot of great dialogue, story, and dynamic again.. and what about Brad Pitt lol?

As much as I love Leo, I think Al Pacino is going to really bring his A+ game and hit a home run with this one.. 🙈








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From this movie, I would love to see the history behind the transition Hollywood went through in the late '60s, from the studio owned productions, the hokey 60s TV shows to more independent, maverick films in which the leading men weren't the traditional leads (like Jack Nicholson, for instance, and Al Pacino, like you mentioned).


Plus I'm really into period pieces (the 1920s and 1960s are my favorite decades for TV and film) , so I'd also like if the film touches somewhat on the changing political climate as well.


I like Brad Pitt, so I'm glad he and Leo are doing this project together, and maybe it'll finally end the rumors that the guys hate each other, LOL. Gossip rags are always pitting one famous person against another. Reminds me of Beyonce and Rihanna. They're cool with each other, yet their fans hate one another and the blogs, well, you know the rest.




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Haha you're right! Leo and Brad.. it will be interesting to see their dynamic on screen 😊


And yes, I am so with you on the period pieces..The set designs, the posters, the cars, and clothing (flared pants!) are already indicative that there seems to be a lot of detail going into the making of this movie.. Imagine all the other stuff we haven't seen.. I do hope they touch on the political climate as well.. the movie should feel totally emersive and transport us back to that time..


Another tiny little pet peeve of mine are the accidental smiles when actors are doing dialogue. If you really want to be a great actor, I feel like you really shouldn't let those smiles slip.. especially when you are doing improv lol

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Titanic was the first movie I watched in the cinema.. I was 6 years old and I still remember being glued to my seat and watching it very intensely. It was a great introduction to cinema 😂 so immersive.. but I never properly developed a crush on him until my early teens when I watched Romeo + Juliet. But it was a small crush. This current mania only started recently, a few months ago 😂😂 after I started learning who he really was. Not that I claim to know who he really is.. but you know when you learn a few truths about a person and you see them with totally new eyes? Like that.. and knowing those things makes them more real to you and less like some distant star. Real is so much better and more raw than fiction.. What about you?


Honestly he's still so gorgeous why wouldn't anyone have a crush on him?

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I think for me I was a crush here and there from the time I was a kid and teen (plus I liked the fact that here is a talented actor that I could relate to (love of hip hop and R&B, for instance) but what really got me liking him was during the time he had that special on climate change back in 2000. Time magazine interviewed him, then did a hatchet job with the story, during the Beach, which bombed here.


Everyone was dissing him here in the US and writing him off as a has been and using this as a publicity stunt, etc. Being an environmental advocate is controversial now, but it was far worse back then. It was so much hate for Leo here (the international fans are far more loyal, I notice that).


The special aired and bombed badly at the time. So a lot of people didn't take that, nor him, seriously. After 9/11, when I heard stories of how he volunteered quietly to help victims and firefighters, then becoming more of a environmental advocate over time really made me go 'wow, he has some strong principles' and I like that.


The tides turned around 2006 I think. Vanity Fair did their usual celebrity cover story while always leaving out the person with the legit backing behind it. The covered featured everyone except Leo, LOL, and I remember thinking "hell, Leo's the only one I really hear talking about this.'


The following issue had letters from folks all over the world, not necessarily fans saying, hey, what about DiCaprio?. Finally, he got his own cover(only because people wrote in. Otherwise, I doubt he would have done the cover shot, lol), but that showed me he is serious about this, and that is what really drew me in. I don't know him, but what I see of him, he seems like a pretty cool and kind soul.



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