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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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I wish the SAG awards weren't so far away. Seeing as how that article mentioned that usually the SAG winner turns out to be the Oscar winner, would be nice if we knew the outcome early. So I could have a little piece of mind. And the article mentioned what happened between Keaton and Redmayne last year. Anything can happen.


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Congratulations to Leo for his Golden Globe nomination  :excited::excited::excited:


Also nominated :  Best Film Revenant

                             Best Director Alejandro  Inarritu

                             Best Score  Ryuchi Sakamoto, The Revanant



Leo's reaction to his SAG nomination, he is always so gracious 





"To be recognized by your peers is one of the greatest honors an actor can receive," DiCaprio said. "We were a team, and everyone involved with this project deserves to share in this nomination. Making The Revenant was an incredible experience, and throughout my career I have had the privilege of working with some of the most talented directors and actors. I never miss an opportunity to learn from those I have been fortunate to work with, and this was no exception. We are all thankful to Alejandro [Inarritu] for letting us be a part of this unique and unforgettable cinematic experience. Thank you SAG-AFTRA." 



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Nice pix of Leo posted by Hollywood Reporter announcing his GG nomination on Instagram







Alejandro's comments about working with Leo and his performance to HR






Leo has this internal rhythm that is just like a machine."



Oscar-winning director, Alejandro G. Inarritu, sat down with The Hollywood Reporter for the Director Roundtable to discuss his latest film, The Revenant, starring Leonardo DiCaprio.



The director says he was "very impressed" with DiCaprio, recalling the first time he saw the actor's work. "I remember the first time that I saw Leo, which was in What's Eating Gilbert's Grape?, which I think is a fantastic movie." Inarritu notes the "the way [DiCaprio is] portrayed -- very vulnerable and fragile."


"That's something in Leo that I haven't seen in a long time," said Inarritu, noting DiCaprio's Gilbert Grape performance. He told DiCaprio he wanted "to see the man that can be broken


What I like about Leo is that he is not just only an actor, he's coming from a filmmaker's point of view. He understands the film. He's not about ego, vanity, or 'me, me.'"



Inarritu continues to note his pleasure with DiCaprio's work in The Revenant, saying, "in this film, different than in other films he has done, he has almost no words. So what he had to do, (was very difficult) which was to communicate or express or make you feel fear, anxiety, cold, sadness, rage - all those things that are easier to convey with word than with body language, and the eyes 







The video in which he talks about Leo




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Also Alejandro mentioned Leo in his reaction to his GG nom for BD ,  he received the news in London where he is still giving Revenant  press interviews


Alejandro González Iñárritu, Best Director – Motion Picture (The Revenant), "I can't believe this time last year we were in Calgary shooting The Revenant, and right now I'm in London and just heard the good news! I'm thrilled for our incredible cast and crew. Any nominations for this film are an acknowledgement of them, their hard work and great passion. I'm especially happy for Leo, his emotional performance and what he does is truly remarkable. This film is very personal for me; so I think I will have a drink with my daughter tonight to toast to everyone who was a part of it. Thank you to the HFPA, this is very nice."


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YAYYY GG noms for Leo and Revenant :clap::chicken: When are the critic award nominations?


Also a little OT but awesome to see Mad Max nominated. Movies like this rarely get critic attention even if they are good movies, and this happened to be an action movie that was REALLY good. 

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20 minutes ago, katchitup said:

YAYYY GG noms for Leo and Revenant :clap::chicken: When are the critic award nominations?


Also a little OT but awesome to see Mad Max nominated. Movies like this rarely get critic attention even if they are good movies, and this happened to be an action movie that was REALLY good. 

The Critics Choice Awards are announced December 14th! Can he go three for three?!

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Meteorologist sets record straight after DiCaprio comments


Hollywood actor Leonardo DiCaprio has been taking a lot of heat on social media over claims that he witnessed climate change while on a movie shoot near Calgary last winter. Now a Calgary meteorologist is trying to set the record straight.

DiCaprio called the warm winds that we know as a chinook “scary” and proof of climate change. Global Meteorologist Jordan Witzel was a forecast consultant for the film.


” You cannot make a statement on climate change based on a weather event. Weather is what is happening now. Climate is what we would expect to happen in the future. In 100 years we’ll be able to go back and look at the data and go ‘oh wow, 2014 and 2015 and onward seems to be a climate change, or not’ but we can’t say that now.”

Witzel says chinooks were a challenge for the film crew who was looking for snow.

“There were a lot of chinooks through last year, more than average, and so we struggled with snow pack and that made things difficult.”

Witzel says El Nino was a big factor last winter.

“A stronger El Nino season means more chinooks. Say in a winter we may see five chinooks. Into El Nino we would see 10 to 15 chinooks. Late last fall into the winter was the beginning, the building of those warm ocean temperatures and the strong El Nino.




And of course big congrats to Leo for golden globe nomination :excited:

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Aaaaaaaaaaaand another nomination for Leo!!! :excited: "The Revenant" is also nominated for BEST FILM and BEST DIRECTOR :)



Detroit Film Critics Awards 2015


Christopher Abbott, James White
Michael Caine, Youth
Leonardo DiCaprio, The Revenant
Michael Fassbender, Steve Jobs
Tom Hardy, Legend


complete list:




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