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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Hi Katchitup, I saw the similar pictures at:


He's getting some sun and looking healthy! That's awesome to see. One thing concerned me about the pictures. He does not seem to be showing any love to Erin on purpose??? when paps are around. If this is just to protect his privacy, that's cool. If it is to disrespect Erin, that's not very nice. At least in public, he should make more of an effort. Otherwise it could be interpreted as self centred and disrespectful of a beautiful girl who has been so kind to him in the press. One long and consistent turn deserves another of the same kindness, jmo...

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People take these pics too seriously, but they're in REAL LIFE people. They're walking to their car, and hes trying to put on a shirt. That was 10 seconds of their day right there. (yes I agree, he noticed the paps, and tryed to cover his face, thats leo) He saw the paps, tryed to go unoticed, it doesn't mean anything. He probably doesn't want to or need to make an effort to make him look all "lovey dovey" with his GF in public. Because that in turn makes him look like a famewhore, or people will acuse the pics of being fake and set up, and leo is only doing it for the camera.

They are one of the most real couples in H-Wood, non of this calling paps bullcrap. Non of this "we'll stare right into the camera as we passionatly kiss" Nahhh they'r real people,a real couple getting about their business ;)

But just my opinion, don't feel like I'm attacking you Strawberries. :)

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Yes, Leo was protecting his privacy , and that's cool; I agree :yes:


Yes, anyone who has ever followed Leo all these years, are read/heard any of his comments in print/vid interviews well knows how Leo feels about the paps intruding in his private life .

Besides, why would Leo have to prove to anyone when these pix were taken, or at any other time of his day, ( and that includes all of us here on this forum )how he feels about Erin or any of his previous girlfriends ? He knows how he truly feels about her , and she knows how she truly feels about him, and at the end of the day, that is the only thing that matters

Putting on a PDA show for the cameras , won't make it 'real' if it is not , and at same time not putting on a PDA show for the cameras, can't make the feelings felt between these two unreal .

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Ox exactly! :flower:

Also if Wolf does indeed start tommarow....then leos got to be back in NY by now or very soon! Unless the articles about August 13th are false. I would think that if the date of filming was actaully August 13, leo would have shaved his beard at least a few days ahead of time. Hmm wonder if hes shaving as we speak...... :D

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I noticed Sao the Hulk sent a tweet to Leo, as well as, reposted the pix we saw of the two of them when Leo was in Sydney

Soa tweeted he is coming to Las Vegas to support a friend, so I wonder if he is hoping Leo might ,also, attend same event ?

There is a big UFC event taking place in Vegas over Labor Day weekend, I wonder if Sao is hoping Leo might attend ?

Soa The Hulk Palelei?@soathehulk

@LeoDiCaprio Hey bro DM me when you get the chance. Hulk


@soathehulk Is now following me!! #OUAAAAAAA

Retweeted by Soa The Hulk PaleleiExpand Collapse

14hl9blpcreyp1wojrgar8g_normal.jpegSoa The Hulk Palelei?@soathehulk

@danhendo Dan I'm going to be there at your fight in las Vegas bro. Il pop in to team quest to see you guys before hand. #hendoforko


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Alas, I have a feeling the rumored Aug 13th start date for Wolf was wrong, and the other rumored Aug 20th date was right :cry:

As, Leo could easily shave the night before/morning of a filming, but look at his hair in that pix by car. His hair would have to be done by professional , and I can't see him waiting to morning of filming to do that

Speaking of Leo shaving, look at him clean shaven in that Sydney pix, he looks 20 .

I'm always amazed at how much younger ( then his real age ) he can look just by being clean shaven

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^I think that sounds about right. Because like you said, leo would get his hair cut and dyed by a professional from the movie crew, and they wouldn't want to do that the day filming starts. And agreed, leo clean shaven takes 10 years off easily. Of course leo looks younger than his age with a beard as well, leo looks younger than his age period I think. but the clean shaven look takes off soo many years.

And thanks for the Soa tweets Ox!

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I think he will be gorgeous with dark hair and blue eyes,really! :clap:

I'm so waiting for this movie...in fact,I'm so waiting for all his movies that havent debuted yet.... :persuazn:

And The Great Gatsby has been postponed to complete the situation.... :persuazn:

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Leonardo DiCaprio & Erin Heatherton: Malibu Beach House!

Leonardo Dicaprio and Erin Heatherton get ready to relax as they spend some quality time together at a beach house on Sunday (August 12) in Malibu, Calif. The 37-year-old actor and his 23-year-old model girlfriend looked ready for some fun in the sun!

ef43b1205705818.jpg 94835d205705839.jpg

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A larger version of Leo pix; but I don't see Erin in the other pix, she must be the girl hidden behind the girl in black suit


I think that too ox, because I can't see Erin and only have 2 pics. Maybe he's in some of his friends house, and we can see that have other people there. As I remember he put his Malibu house to rent, isn't it?

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