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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Tweet from person who is on same plane to L.A. as Leo & Tobey, so our Gatsby group hasn't arrived home just yet, as it is about a 17 hour flight from Sydney to LAX :)

sweatybettyprRoxy Jacenko

Hmmm on our flight to Los Angeles, Toby Maguire and Leo Dicaprio... Doesn't happen everyday! X

9 hours ago

I had to post the pix of the above tweeter and her daughter on the plane. I love the caption she put under the photo :)


And in true tourist style I felt it vital to document us about to take off - my co pilot is keeping her eye on a particular passenger! LOL

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We'll have to see once Leo arrives if Erin flew home with him, or she went back to NY /her family in Chicago.

I'm sure the paps will be at LAX checking to see if Erin flew home with Leo.

On GMA this morning they talked about Leo dating Erin, and showed all the other lovely blondes he's dated (Gisele, Bar, Blake )

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Girls iI think that the reason why the Usa sites are posting the article now, is beacuse now is confirmed that the girl is Erin.

Before they just mentioned mysterious blonde, and couldn't attach Erin names on it just by assumptions...

Even late, they gonna post the news just to get a piece of the new romance Leo-Erin.

Thanks for the tweets :wave:

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Leo's flight just arrived in L.A. ( 9:05 PST), so what are you doing here ???

We want you at airport getting pix for us :)


Yes, I don't know of any men who would turn down the opportunity to have sex with a variety of beautiful women :p

And while being physically attractive doesn't automatically mean you are a bright, caring, kind, thoughtful person at same time it doesn't automatically mean you are not :)

I'm constantly amazed when some are quick to assume a beautiful woman wouldn't have those qualities as well while at same time inferring that all less attractive women automatically have them.

Each of us are individuals , there are no absolutes, and all should be judged individually :)

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Princess: I believe your right. I don't think they could just publish this stuff, thinking its erin before they find out for sure.

Ox: Yes, even though they are all very attractive, it doesn't mean their personality isn't a factor. Leo even said himself you can't just be good looking you have to have a personality otherwise its not gonna work.

A vid from CelebTV

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Leo's flight just arrived in L.A. ( 9:05 PST), so what are you doing here ???

We want you at airport getting pix for us :)

BELIEVE ME if I weren't so busy with the Christmas preparations. I would be already, not in the airport,

rather waiting for him in the Cabos with a cocktail in hand and a tiny bikini :laugh:

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YAYYYYYYYYYYY NEW PICS OF THE PAIR!!! :clap: Awww they look happy :wub: So I guess she went to L.A with him :)

Heres the article from popsugar where the pics come from :)

Leonardo DiCaprio and his Victoria's Secret model girlfriend Erin Heatherton had their latest loved-up afternoon out in LA yesterday. We had a first glimpse of the couple together last week, when they were spotted checking out a museum in Sydney. Leo had been in Australia on and off for the last couple months working on Baz Luhrmann's adaptation of The Great Gatsby, but it seems a holiday break has allowed the 37-year-old actor to go back to the states. Leo's home base in the US is in LA, but 22-year-old Erin's a native of Skokie, IL.


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