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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Jeez people, stop having such double standards!

Everytimes there's something wrong with Leo it's 'his choice' or 'no proof'

but when Bar has something could in some way be off she's the devil herself.

She tweets quotes and stuff all the time :/

And this was posted before the news came out..

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^ Do we even know that? No we don't know why they broke up or if he dumped her for Blake. I just wish we could put that to rest.

I don't think it was bad timing. She's got a history of maybe saying the wrong things... Egypt is primitive comment, Gisele's nose comment, celebrity having different needs etc

No, we don't. All I know is Blake was reported to be single since October of last year, and in a couple long term relationships before that.

Poor Leo. And the poor women he dates (Gisele, Bar, and Blake). It must suck ass to be a girlfriend of Leo's in regards to the media/his fans. They are all ripped apart non stop. I feel bad for them. Well, at least, they get to have Leo in the deal..but jfc, I don't know I'd be able to deal with being trashed non stop by the media if I were dating Leo.

I love Leo to bits, but I don't know how or why his gf's would put up with all the trashing and rumors and whatnot. :p Good for Blake for moving on when she did.

ETA: For the record, I'm not blaming Leo for the trashing. I blame the media and of course the people doing the trashing. I was responding to the comment I just bolded above. I love Leo, always will, but tbh it wouldn't be worth it to me. ;) I'm glad that Blake moved on. She doesn't need it, nor does she deserve it. solange, to your comment below, I don't think he would intentionally hurt anyone. I'll leave it at that.

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kingardam abatdma

OMFG I think I just saw leonardo dicaprio walking the streets of prince george


Saw preview of J Edgar tonight.....DiCaprio looks and sounds amazing

Prince George?

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I love Leo to bits, but I don't know how or why his gf's would put up with all the trashing and rumors and whatnot. :p Good for Blake for moving on when she did.

Jou, Jou, you usually make great comments but I don'tunderstand your last one. Can you explain to me how you feel Leo is responsible for people "ripping" his GF's? Is that his doing?? And also, why do people assume it was Blake that moved on because Leo did something wrong or whatever? I mean, if I knew for certain Leo treats GF's and women badly, I would be the first to knock him, but I don't have any proof so especialy being his fans and thinking I know his character a bit through all these years of following him, I don't see him as a person who intentionally hurts people esp/ GF's.

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Wijn, thaks for the last tweets, esp. the J Edgar one!

I know right! :D

I'm glad the actual movie is getting such good reviews,

a lot of critics said they were dissapointed in the trailer :(

but for the movie ITSELF I have only heard positive things :)

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Oh, and Oxford, you seem to know a lot about the novel,

I read somewhere about a 'franchise', does this mean Leo will make several movies of it too?

And I'm not trying to speak for JouJou,

but I think she ment the RUMORS aren't nice, doesn't have to mean it's true..


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Leonardo DiCaprio keeping the wraps on his latest model match, Alyce Crawford

SORRY ladies, it looks like he's already taken.

With Leonardo DiCaprio's transcontinental romance with Blake Lively over, the superstar is believed to have set his sights on Kiama model Alyce Crawford.

Just weeks after romancing Gossip Girl stunner Lively at Aria restaurant, it is understood that DiCaprio and Crawford have started dating.

Insiders say DiCaprio - who has a history of dating models - is "really into" Crawford, with the actor texting her frequently.

Crawford, 21, a former contestant on Australia's Next Top Model, has also been spotted visiting the Hollywood hunk regularly at his suite at The Star. The pair met at Kings Cross hotspot Beach Haus, which has become one of DiCaprio's favoured hangouts since he arrived here in August to film The Great Gatsby.

"It's been going on about two weeks. He texts her when he wants to see her and they hook up a few times a week," the insider said.

"They've mostly been meeting up during the week. He does other things on weekends. She's been to The Star to visit but he is too smart to be seen with her in public."

Crawford yesterday denied she and DiCaprio were a couple but confirmed they met at Beach Haus recently and described him as "a lovely, lovely guy".

"We have a lot of mutual friends and he seems really nice. We're just friends," Crawford said.

Sources say the actor has been unhappy in the media spotlight during his time in Sydney.

DiCaprio has also dated Sports Illustrated pin-up Bar Refaeli and Brazilian supermodel Gisele Bundchen.

I wonder if it really is true

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:( That's sad (Leo/Blake break up). But I think it's also sad people saying that Bar was immature, because we don't know what whappened between her and Leo, and as far as I know Leo's not perfect and he may have broke Bar's heart. It must be very hard to see your ex boyfriend in a new relationship in every newspapers and magazines in such a short time. So I understand her. But maybe she didn't mean what we think she meant. I mean, I think my comment is very confusing, but I hope you guys can understand me.

Now, the only thing I care about is J. EDGAR!!!!!! Can't wait for this film!!! :ddr:

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Leonardo DiCaprio keeping the wraps on his latest model match, Alyce Crawford

SORRY ladies, it looks like he's already taken.

With Leonardo DiCaprio's transcontinental romance with Blake Lively over, the superstar is believed to have set his sights on Kiama model Alyce Crawford.

Just weeks after romancing Gossip Girl stunner Lively at Aria restaurant, it is understood that DiCaprio and Crawford have started dating.

Insiders say DiCaprio - who has a history of dating models - is "really into" Crawford, with the actor texting her frequently.

Crawford, 21, a former contestant on Australia's Next Top Model, has also been spotted visiting the Hollywood hunk regularly at his suite at The Star. The pair met at Kings Cross hotspot Beach Haus, which has become one of DiCaprio's favoured hangouts since he arrived here in August to film The Great Gatsby.

"It's been going on about two weeks. He texts her when he wants to see her and they hook up a few times a week," the insider said.

"They've mostly been meeting up during the week. He does other things on weekends. She's been to The Star to visit but he is too smart to be seen with her in public."

Crawford yesterday denied she and DiCaprio were a couple but confirmed they met at Beach Haus recently and described him as "a lovely, lovely guy".

"We have a lot of mutual friends and he seems really nice. We're just friends," Crawford said.

Sources say the actor has been unhappy in the media spotlight during his time in Sydney.

DiCaprio has also dated Sports Illustrated pin-up Bar Refaeli and Brazilian supermodel Gisele Bundchen.

I wonder if it really is true

Another model! That's my Leo! :laugh:

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I wonder if it's true, and if so, would it be serious?

I usually don't like the [insert name here] next top model's, just because of all the bitch-fights :rofl:

But we'll see, glad he's not 'alone' :)

And she's very pretty!! :o :)

Somehow I do have the feeling we don't need to plan the wedding yet,

espacially since she talked about him to the press xD

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Wow another relationship rumor already? Geesh!

But I guess its not true since she denied it! Too soon for Leo anyways, and sounds like it was just random linking! :laugh: I don't want him to start another relationship so soon!

Crawford yesterday denied she and DiCaprio were a couple but confirmed they met at Beach Haus recently and described him as "a lovely, lovely guy".

"We have a lot of mutual friends and he seems really nice. We're just friends," Crawford said.

Thanks everyone for news and tweets!

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And for the speculation for the breakup. I think its pretty simple. THIS IS MY THEROY! I think they probably got in a fight, and were having some problems, the distance made it hard to stop these problems, and they both mutually decided, I'm over here, your over there, lets see how it works for us being apart for a while. JUST MY THEROY :p

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And for the speculation for the breakup. I think its pretty simple. THIS IS MY THEROY! I think they probably got in a fight, and were having some problems, the distance made it hard to stop these problems, and they both mutually decided, I'm over here, your over there, lets see how it works for us being apart for a while. JUST MY THEROY :p

Mine is ...

I think that he really was into her and it was great for a while but then he realized they had nothing in common ... she is a girl who likes to stay home and he ... well NO. he prefers to go out and have fun with his friends

For a time she could keep him at home cooking for him but then he got bored and returned to his old routine. (He has admitted many times that gets bored easily)

she realized that that he is not ready to engage in a serious relationship.

All this and adding the distance...

she was the one doing all the effort, She even took a flight of nearly 24 hours just to be with him 3 days

I think that's when she realized that would be nothing fun to do that for the next 4 months and would not be able to do all the time

and now I want my Postgraduate Diploma in psychology

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I wonder if it's true, and if so, would it be serious?

I usually don't like the [insert name here] next top model's, just because of all the bitch-fights :rofl:

But we'll see, glad he's not 'alone' :)

And she's very pretty!! :o :)

Somehow I do have the feeling we don't need to plan the wedding yet,

espacially since she talked about him to the press xD

I can't see it being true. Leo's ladies know not to say anything to the pres, and of course the glaringly obvious, she's not a blonde :)

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about Bar's tweet,maybe she meant Leo in her tweet,but to tell you the truth I can't blame her,we don't know what happened between them,but maybe Leo really broke her heart,cheated on her with Blake,you are all girls here and I guess all of you can get how offensive it is.if it was so,I can get her,but if it wasn't so + if Bar really meant Leo in that tweet,that's really low level behaviour.

I also remember her comments about Egypt,celebs priorities and of course about Gisele's nose,that last one was very offensive but,on the other hand, funny for me as Gi's fan.

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