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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Yeah I haven't heard much either about Leo's experience with horses.

Isn't Gatsby supposed to finish filming in December and Django starts in January... looks to me he won't get much time off between films. How long is Django suppose to film for? Was there any info released about that?

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Leo on horse

Thanks for feedback on Leo's riding experiences :)

Django filming and Leo

When Leo finishes Gatsby he is scheduled to do the J Edgar Europe premieres in Jan before he heads down South to do Django. But since his character is not in all of the movie, that will give him the needed time for J Edgar pr and a little down time for family, friends, and a special someone :p

Below is comment from Entertainment Weekly article about Django /Costner

Django Unchained is due to start filming this January



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This is off topic, but did anyone else notice that the girl who tweeted about seeing Blake in Boston, some of you posted her tweets earlier , has posted a photo of herself with Blake ?

Blake lively is way chiller than I thought. Will forever be a gossip girl fan.


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oh fash, I'am back. I was watching Coldplay live in Rock in Rio... I'am still recovering from this amazing show, I burst into tears just seeing on tv, I love this band. Sorry, off topic but I'am just speechless with this show, when Chris Martin started to play the piano... aw my heart just melted. I love them so much. I saw Maroon 5 also, pretty nice.

I know Leo likes Coldplay and Maroon 5, I remember he had gone in some shows of this two bands if I'am not mistaken.

thanks ox for clarify about Django shooting.

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According to this tweeter Leo and Tobey were at the Australia Zoo earlier today this Sunday ,and, now , with time zone difference, it is almost midnight Sydney

I bet Ruby and Otis had a good time seeing the animals with Uncle Leo :)

The Australia Zoo, made famous by the late Steve Erwin, is located in Beerwah, Queensland


NickrocksozNick Crewdson

leonardo dicaprio and tobey maguire were at australia zoo today aswell but i didnt see them :(

3 hours ago

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Article about Leo and Tobey being in Queensland airport on Sat

Wonder if we'll get to see Ash Brown's pix and video of Leo and Tobey :p

A-list actors touch down on Coast

Rae Wilson | 3rd October 2011

WHAT do The Incredible Hulk, Spiderman and Titanic's Jack Dawson have in common?

The A-list actors who played them on the big screen all visited the Sunshine Coast in the past week.

Assistant manager of RipCurl's Sunshine Coast Airport store Ash Brown said he was accustomed to seeing celebrities sneak through the Coast airport but three Hollywood stars in two days blew him away.

He got a photo on Friday with Chopper and Hulk actor Eric Bana who told him he was flying back to Melbourne after spending time with his wife and two kids in Noosa.

But it was American stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Tobey Maguire who really caught the attention of airport staff and passengers on Saturday.

"They flew in on Saturday morning in their private jet to spend the day at Australia Zoo," he said.

"They then came back through that night and I got a couple of photos and video of them walking through.

"Leonardo was wearing a hoodie and sunglasses and Tobey had a cap and sunnies, at 6.30 at night.

"Tobey was holding his baby while waiting for Leonardo who was buying some magazines.

"Jetstar was about to start boarding but they had to get them through security first and onto their private jet."

The Daily received other reports of the celebs being spotted at Australia Zoo.

Mr Brown said celebrity spotting was not hard at the small air gateway to the Sunshine Coast.

Australian cricketers Cameron White and Brad Haddin, tennis great Evonne Goolagong-Cawley and Splendour in the Grass band Bliss and Esso are among others to pass through recently, he said.

"I love seeing them all when they come into the shop," he said.

"They check out the new RipCurl gear and most of the time, they're all willing to have a chat.

"Chopper's a great movie, Spiderman is good and I love Blood Diamond - it was a great couple of days."


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Thanks for the news, pix, and tweets! :flower:

I believe Gatsby is supposed to wrap in December. It's supposed to be a four month shoot and filming began on Sept. 5. The original reports about Django said it was due to start filming in November, but the most recent report in a New Orleans paper about filming location gave a January start date. I wonder if he will be considered a supporting actor in Django... I haven't read the script, but I've heard from those who have that his character dominates the second half and he is the one holding Django's wife, which is central to the plot of the movie. But if they film in chronological order, he might not have to start until later. Tarantino has a rep for working fast, though. Did Leo ride a horse in Quick and the Dead? I can't remember now... I don't know if Calvin is that type of character. I'm picturing him in fancy suits pretending to be a charming, genteel southerner when he's not being an evil, ruthless slave owner.

Aw sounds like Tobey and fam made the trip to Queensland, and Blake looks so happy in that pic. :) Thanks for the news and tweets, oxford! :flower:

As to why Blake isn't in Australia or Leo didn't fly back here, all I know for sure is there is a big time difference between the U.S. and Australia, there are no direct flights to Australia from the east coast, and it's a long long flight, especially with connections. For that last trip she made to Sydney, she filmed on her birthday and wasn't back at work until one week later. Six days off for a two or three day weekend. Leo hadn't started filming Gatsby yet, either.

The name KevinConzzz reminds me of the Fonz ... ayyy. ;) Thanks for that, fash. :flower: He is a funny guy.

As to your comments below, I think one must remember the paps are the ones claiming the existence of all of these extreme measures.

As think about it , a person who was so worried about being seen out in public and maybe having his photo taken would not be at the Paddington street markets with the general public or eating in a cafe where all the recent twitter sightings came from.

:yes: Always consider the source. For people who have no problem playing hardball with celebs, paps sure like to complain a lot. ;) Why don't they just accept that there is nothing in his job description that says it's his responsibility to make their life easier? It seems like they're trying to pressure him to be more accommodating by taking the focus off their behavior and putting it on his. Not buying it... :whistle:

I like Clooney,but he's smart too,sometimes he sounds a little hypocritical,always being so gentle and kind with the paps,come on give me a break! :whistle:Leo is at least genuine, not fake in his actions,that's what I think.

:yes: He's his own person. I like that about him. He can't change their behavior, but if he wants to make an effort to thwart them I say more power to him. :)

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Leo magazine shopping at airport, I wonder what type magazines he bought ? :whistle:

for Leonardo who was buying some magazines.


I've read the Djano script, and , I agree, Leo's character dominates the 2nd half of film.

So ,yes, he is a major character,and, personally, from what I've read, I took it that the fact that the filming doesn't require Leo to be 'on set' the entire shoot, is the reason why he was able to be part of the film considering the filming follows so closely to end of Gatsby filming.

I haven't read the script, but I've heard from those who have that his character dominates the second half

Yes, in the script we don't see Leo's character doing any riding, he comes off just like you described him below :)

I'm picturing him in fancy suits pretending to be a charming, genteel southerner when he's not being an evil, ruthless slave owner.

Ditto :wave:

I'm not buying it

Ditto :wave:

He's his own person. I like that about him. He can't change their behavior, but if he wants to make an effort to thwart them I say more power to him.


From the article , it sounds like the paps were totally in the dark about their visit, so they were able to come and go pap free, which is great :)

Though, having said that, I suspect if the paps read the same article, they will contact her and try to buy her pix or video.

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I would like to see Leo riding a horse in this movie,it would be damn sexy! :drool:

I'm sure he will play a charming villain and I'm pretty sure he'll be the best character in this movie! :laugh:

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^Perhaps Anil. Perhaps :p

Thank you everyone for the pics, news tweets and ect.!! :grouphug:

And also no fretting on Bleo. If they would have broken up we would have heard about it by now. The media is on this couple like crazy! Plus like JouJou said, theres a day time difference between the U.S and Australia. If Leo flew there, he'd only get to spend like 2 days, and if she flew there, right now it would be the same. Plus shes just hanging with a costar. Nothing wrong with that :D

Oh and about the Django filming stuff. I also hear it starts in early 2012, but Leo won't be filming for the entirity of the movie. Hes surporting, so his role may only take a few weeks!

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Ten fall movies battling for Oscar glory

J. Edgar (Nov. 9)

The life of J. Edgar Hoover, the FBI's first director, gets the Hollywood treatment in Clint Eastwood's new biopic, "J. Edgar." Eastwood and the film's star, Leonardo DiCaprio, deliver a fascinating look at the man who was America's top cop for more than five decades. The movie's biggest surprises are bound to come when it digs into the private life of Hoover, a spiteful, power-hungry figure.


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