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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Thanks for the pix oxford! Poor Leo - he can't sit on his balcony without the paps or now fans trying to get pix - but that's the price of being a celeb <_<

Probably this is not gonna make some people happy but I don't agree that the reason Leo hasn't an Oscar yet is because he is a big movie star - I mean, Tom Hanks is probably even a bigger movie star (or was when he got his Oscars) , also Julia Roberts and there are other examples, of actors who are huge movie actors and who have received an Oscar.. There are actually many actors/actresses who deserve Oscars but haven't gotten them yet, like Leo. I think the year he really should have gotten it, was for playing Arnie Grape (supporting actor).He wasn't a heartthrob or hugely well-known at that time and he was a critics' favorite so I'm not sure why he didn't get t then. For the other times, I think even though Leo was great, there were the actors who also deserved to win or get nominated so even though I love Leo and think he is great, I know getting an Oscar isn't an indication he wasn't great in a role or was forgotten by people who do the voting.

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You know with J.Edgar we can only hope. So far its being recieved as very good by the people who have only seen scenes, and its got a director and a screenwriter the oscars look at closely every year, but you never know. I just hope I'm not getting my hopes up too high, because then I'll just get disapointed. So I always like to think its unlikey he'll get nominated so that if he does, its a pleasant surprise!

LOL at the girls in a boat outside of leos home! :laugh: That is indeed poor on privacy! Glad hes starting to film though! Now we need set pics! :D

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With Oscar voting/noms you can never really tell. Look at Kate Winslet, until she won her Oscar/GG etc. in 2008, she had been nominated SOOO many times and hardly ever won anything - so when she did win it was even more special, thats why she got such a big standing ovation. I think it will be the same with Leo. He does a lot of Oscar worhty films - which ppl love/hate about him. I think his time will come; I just dont think it will be this year - even though he does deserve it. I just think voters are so picky sometimes especially with "veteran" actors/actresses. Everyone expects him to be good (which he usually is) so they sort of disregard him I think.

:lmao: at the girls in the boat. Like REALLY!! I can never picture myself ever doing something like that :lol: But then again if I heard that someone I adored was in town, I might act crazy too :lol:

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^yeah I get what you mean wijn. Leo dish's out good performances every year, and maybe because he always does so good, its not like its any different for them you know? I notice the Oscars like to give the award for actors who typically don't act super well in their movies, and when they go dramatic and give a good performance I think they're like "holey crap, this person has incredible range, they deserve this award because its out of the ordinary for them." While those who give out performances in every movie they're in, I think they pay less attention too because its just another talented performance!

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From Daily Telegraph a small article about another Gatsby cast member, the article does state that filming began on Monday , as it is presently 2:15 am Tues morning in Sydney.

ALICE Burdeu is living up to her reputation as the most successful working model in Australia's Next Top Model history - with a role in The Great Gatsby, which began filming at Fox Studios yesterday.

The leggy 23-year-old, who won in 2007, is set to play a party hostess in Baz Luhrmann's flick and, while not a speaking role, it's said to be a meaty "featured extra" part.

Fellow Priscilla's catwalk clomper Laura Gorun will play a 1920s party-girl flapper.


Leo and Oscars

Over the years when asked about the Oscars, I've always heard Leo say that "All I can do is give the best performance I can while fliming, what happens after the film is in the can I have no control over

I think he has the right mindset when it comes to his chosen work and things like boxoffice and awards

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Leo and Oscars

Over the years when asked about the Oscars, I've always heard Leo say that "All I can do is give the best performance I can while fliming, what happens after the film is in the can I have no control over

I think he has the right mindset when it comes to his chosen work and things like boxoffice and awards

Exactly! and thank you for the news of Alice Burdeu joining the cast :wave:

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I will tell you wijn that possibly this models will be guests in Gatsby parties, he gave a lot of parties in his mansion and the ladies have to be pretty, I guess.

I hope so :wave:

There are not that much starring roles left anyway ;)

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Just saw on twitter someone tweet how Leo's never been on MTV Cribs.... like its a big surprise. I can't imagine in a million years Leo being on that show showing off what's in his fridge like some of the other celebs do :laugh: But I do notice that you never really see the A-list stars on that show.. alot of the people I see on there now are barely famous. Anyways, just seeing that tweet made me try to picture Leo on that show. :p

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Just saw on twitter someone tweet how Leo's never been on MTV Cribs.... like its a big surprise. I can't imagine in a million years Leo being on that show showing off what's in his fridge like some of the other celebs do :laugh: But I do notice that you never really see the A-list stars on that show.. alot of the people I see on there now are barely famous. Anyways, just seeing that tweet made me try to picture Leo on that show. :p

I would love to see his house though, but yeah- the people on cribs just want to show off...

'This is my turtle, and this are my movie-posters' etc etc :)

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1997. The year in which 22-year old Leonardo DiCaprio captured the world with his performance in blockbuster Titanic. The countless auditions he took in his childhood finally paid off. Of course, as a boy he also played the beautiful part of a handicapped boy in What’s Eating Gilbert Grape, but his real breakthrough came with James Cameron’s hit. The movie made billions, and made Leonardo a world star in a minute.

How did you feel about that, from a regular guy to a superstar?

It was a bizarre time. When I walked in the street, and people saw me, they went completely crazy. They jumped on me, kissed me, they totally loosed themselves. It scared me a little bit, to be honest. Thank god it didn’t got my ego up, thanks to the up bring of my parents. They made me, whatever happened, stay grounded. It made me able to handle that strange situation. No, I wouldn’t want that time back. I know I will never reach that state of fame again, like it was in Titanic, but that’s actually giving me freedom. It takes off the pressure.

Did you use you fame after Titanic in the right way?

I think I didn’t lose any opportunities, but I didn’t accept every major role that was offered to me. Most of the time I just didn’t feel right about the subject. I’ve been much selected to which movies I would play in. After some time in the business you realize that it’s a lot of hard work, and I don’t feel like putting in the effort into movies I don’t one hundred percent like. It might sound strange to call my profession ‘hard work’ because of course I’m in a very privileged situation. But you have to realize that when you shoot you leave your house, friends and family for a long time. You’ll only do that for a picture that’s worth it.

You grew up in Hollywood. Did you found out about the toughness of the industry in your childhood?

No, I didn’t grew up in the [part of city] where the rich, famous people lived, but in a part that was dangerous and dirty, it still is actually. I wasn’t sure of my life.

Could you give an example?

In the street I lived, drug dealers were on every corner. I remember I went visit a friend on some day, and I saw a junkie across the street running in my direction. He was still having his needle in his hand. I was in complete shock, started running really fast and hid under a car until I didn’t saw him anymore. In that time I saw with my own eyes how drugs destroyed people’s live. That’s why I never wanted the stuff. Also, there were different gangs on my school. Once in a while I got beat up, but there was nothing I could do. I just needed to learn how to live with it, because there was no point in getting to the principle. It would only make it worse.

Leonardo was fascinated by nature at a young age. ‘When I was a child I was a little biologist.’ The actor watched Hollywood films after school, but also documentaries fascinated him. He could get really sad that humanity would treat nature this badly. Still, Leo feels responsible for the world he’s living in. That’s why he’s driving a hybrid car, put sun-panels on his roof, and was producer of The 11th hour (2007), a documentary about climate changes and the heating of the earth.

Why are you the right person to gain attention for environmental problems?

I try to use my status as an actor to get attention for something really important. People listen to world stars, that’s just the way it works.

What has to change, according to you?

I know it’s not realistic to ask people to stop consuming. That’s not my point. I want people to realize how amazing it would be to live in a world where we don’t have to think about the environment. A world where all our energy is provided by alternative sources. The sun and the wind. It’s important that we are aware of the fact that the way we consume van mean something for the world. Every time we buy something we contribute to the factory that makes it. When you decide to drive a hybrid car and eat [not with dangerous stuff ] food, you make sure producers will only produce that kind of products.

You are getting critics on the way you are environmental-friendly. It was supposed to be hypocrite, because you fly private planes.

Of course I make mistakes too. But because of my work, sometimes, it’s just the only way. I only want to achieve that people are aware of the stage this world is in. Getting a hybrid is a perfect example. You get the same effect as any other car, but it’s better for the earth.

Protecting the earth isn’t cheap. Not everyone can afford to get solar panels.

I know that, and that’s why we should make it an issue. Alternative energy should be affordable for everyone. Unfortunately that’s still far away in the US, but we have to keep fighting. When we give up, that will have major consequences for the world.

Your most recent films were on subjects like the heating of the earth, corruption at the police and African diamond trade. Is it important for you to play in movies that deliver a message?

I like playing in films that show [governmental, social??] issues. When you make a film about subject which involves the people, you get more enthusiastic. But the most important question to me is: will it be a good movie? Do people want to watch this movie? You can play in political and controversial movies all you want, but if no one watches it, it not worth the effort.

It’s lonely at the top, and that is extreme to Leonardo DiCaprio. When a movie is shot he away from home for months. Even though there are a lot a people around him, it are still strangers. On set, no real friendships begin, he says. ‘It can be pretty though. Sometimes you have something you really want to talk with someone about, but you can’t, because there is no person you trust in that way around.’ Like his childhood friends and his parents.

What do your parents mean to you?

Everything. People will be surprised if they would found out how less of an adult I am. I thank a lot of my success to my parents. They have always supported me, but they have never pushed me. Every day after school they drove me to countless auditions and said ‘ Leo, if you want to quit, you can just tell us.’ But I wanted to keep going, that’s what I have always wanted. And my parents thought me to be grounded too. An example? Instead of buying a five dollar coke and the hotel, I rather go to a supermarket to buy a six pack for the same price.

How are you looking at yourself now you are heading to 37?

I have to say that I’m very happy with where I am now. Sometimes I wake up in the morning and I think; is this actually happening? I love acting and I love to be involved in the environment. I get bored easily, but these two things make me want to get out of bed everyday.

You seem like a reversed person, except for when you talk about the environment, is this the real Leonardo DiCaprio?

I think so, yes. In private I’m pretty calm also. When I’m out with friends, I don’t have to be the one talking all the time. I like to observe people and don’t always express my opinion in discussions. But yeah, talking about the earth is that important for me that I change my whole personality for it (laughs).

We don’t know much about Leonardo DiCaprio’s private life. Is there something special you’d like to share with us?

Alright, I’ll tell you something; I once almost died skydiving. The parachute didn’t open, and there I went, with an incredible speed closer and closer to the ground. On my way to death. I saw my life flashing before my eyes. Images of my childhood rushing at major speed. And then, just in time, the parachute opened. I can’t tell you how relieved I was. I haven’t done it ever since.

You are admired by women all over the world. Are you aware of your image, or do just not care that much?

It’s not nice when ALL women want something from you. There are really negative sides on it too. You can’t just go get a beer with friends, because every move you make is getting watched up closely. It’s still strange; when I was young, before I played in Titanic, I never had much luck with girls. I found it hard to really get contact with them. To be honest, I was kinda slow on the aria of love (laughs). My first girlfriend was Cessi. And I can tell you, it went fine through the phone, but when I saw her I went red and couldn’t say a word. I couldn’t even look at her. Very embarrassing.

Which qualities does the one has to posses?

She absolutely needs to have humor. And a thing I can’t stand: someone who’s so arrogant that she thinks she’s better that other people. That’s an absolute turn-off.

Are you planning to get married and have children?

Of course, in the end, that’s everyone’s wish, right? To have a family? A few years ago I thought of this way different actually. I didn’t believe in love and marriage. But I grew and my opinions has changed. I think it’s wonderful to have children and to see them grow up. But if I will get married before I’m forty? I don’t know. Let’s wait.


I don’t know if this is recent, and some answers seems snippets from other interviews, but I thought, since it’s a slow news day, I would translate it ;)

Thanks dicapriophotos for the interview, it’s from the dutch magazine Libelle.

Hope you guys like it :wave:

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Posting nice article that the Australian Featherdale Wildlife Park has on their website about Leo and Blake's recent visit

Leo and Blake go wild at Featherdale

Featherdale played host to Hollywood Stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Blake Lively during their trip down under.

Leonardo DiCaprio and Blake Lively came up close and personal with some of the local Australian Wildlife at Featherdale Wildlife Park on Monday afternoon. Leo, who is in Australia to film 'The Great Gatsby' took time out of his film schedule to spend time with Blake during her whirlwind visit downunder.

The couple arrived with their entourage and spent two hours touring the Park. Featherdale staffers Kellie Ames and Rhys McDonald brought out a range of animals for the group to meet including a baby Dingo Pup named Nala, 'Austin' the Koala, a baby Wombat, a python called 'Cuddles' and 45 cm Saltwater Crocodile. 'We were told to expect a VIP group but were really surprised to see Leo and Blake get out of the car', Kellie said. 'I think they were really blown away to walk through the entry and see Wallabies hopping around freely. They wanted to get up close to the animals, and that's what we pride ourselves on providing'.

'The couple appeared to really enjoy each other's company during their visit', Kellie Ames further said. 'They loved spending time with the Koalas and Leonardo was especially interested in Featherdale's animal conservation and breeding programs'.

Featherdale is gearing up for a busy Spring season. Already, the Park has welcomed a variety of baby animals including Koala and Kangaroo Joeys, Penguin Chicks and a variety of baby reptiles and birds.



Thanks for translating Dutch Leo interview for us :) :)

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Tks Wijn for this great article and I think Leo made ​​a prediction about himself right here... :laugh:

Of course, in the end, that’s everyone’s wish, right? To have a family? A few years ago I thought of this way different actually. I didn’t believe in love and marriage. But I grew and my opinions has changed. I think it’s wonderful to have children and to see them grow up. But if I will get married before I’m forty? I don’t know. Let’s wait.

You know one thing girls....of course we want him to get an Oscar,but sometimes I really think there's something about it we will never understand,I have some theories. And it will confirm depending on the outcome...let's see. I just want him to be recognized because he really deserves it! But if he does not win....nevermind! We know how great he is! :)

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That must have been a pleasant surprise for those Featherdale staffers. Imagine if it was one of us who worked there... double the excitement for us.

Yeah Pami be what may... we know Leo gave his all like he usually does. Oscars aren't everything... and hey maybe it's best for him that he hasn't gotten one yet. Maybe this way he doesn't have to deal with the pressure of topping that Oscar winning performance.. plus many who've gotten oscars tend to go downhill from there. So there's a positive way to look at the situation I guess.

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