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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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I think his relationship with his godson is really cute, I remember that I saw pics of Leo with Milan since he was a kid, Leo seems like a great godfather! That's why I think someday he will be a great dad!

omg, he looks so cute and I like his V collar white shirt!

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I think his relationship with his godson is really cute, I remember that I saw pics of Leo with Milan since he was a kid, Leo seems like a great godfather! That's why I think someday he will be a great dad!

omg, he looks so cute and I like his V collar white shirt!

l can definetely see Leo as a dad one day. He'll be the best. He comes across as kind and patient. Would love to see Leo become a dad soon but l guess he's too busy with all his projects at the moment. Was watching something on tv about the 5points in NY and it reminded me of Gangs of New York so l dug it out and watched it again. Am jealous that Cameron Diaz got to kiss him so passionately.

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I think his relationship with his godson is really cute, I remember that I saw pics of Leo with Milan since he was a kid, Leo seems like a great godfather! That's why I think someday he will be a great dad!

omg, he looks so cute and I like his V collar white shirt!

l can definetely see Leo as a dad one day. He'll be the best. He comes across as kind and patient. Would love to see Leo become a dad soon but l guess he's too busy with all his projects at the moment. Was watching something on tv about the 5points in NY and it reminded me of Gangs of New York so l dug it out and watched it again. Am jealous that Cameron Diaz got to kiss him so passionately.

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I'm 100% sure their baby will be blond with blue eyes :p haha nothing new but we know that :laugh:

and almost forgot,baby will be very beautiful! :wub:

Umm ... lets just say there is no way that baby can be ugly! Not with a gene pool like that! :laugh:

Thanks for the video wijnboerinnetje! :)

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wijnboerinnetje Interesting article about Akira!! Seeing the backlash for Airbender... i'm sure that if Leo is still a part of this project he will try very hard to make improvements in this respect. Leo seems to be the type to want to be fair and make the characters believable. Leo doesn't have complete control over what happens but i think he has enough influence to make a change though.

Great Shutter Island video! Thank you! Leo did an outstanding job in that role and you did an outstanding job with the video!

I also agree that Leo will make the cutest babies! He needs to hurry up already :p However he's made it clear that babies are in his future so that's good atleast!

Sick Yes I also think he'll have blonde , blue eyed kids. However genetics are so funny because if you look at leo's dad.. he's got black hair and brown eyes and quite different facial features from Leo. By looking at leo and his dad i would never have guessed they were father and son.. especially when leo was younger. He does have his eyebrows though :p However with both parents having blonde hair and blue eyes the chances are always higher that their kids will too! Only reason i want the kid to have blonde hair and blue eyes is because I want it to resemble leo because he was the absolute cutest!! It'll be so sweet to see a Leo mini-me!

Happy Easter... hope you have a good one!!!

KatchitupThanks for the Ben news! Can't say i'm super disappointed or happy about the news. I think Ben is a pretty decent actor .. however i'm certain Baz can find someone even better :)

Cool news about Isla potentially joing the cast. I remember back in 2008 Leo went on vacation with her and her family along with a bunch of other friends. So for sure they are well acquainted with each other! It's fitting seeing as how Tobey is in the cast as well and he was also a part of that 2008 vacation as well!!

However that aside the more important thing is that Isla is a pretty good actress! I guess we have to wait and see what happens because casting seems to keep shifting.

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I know what you mean fash about them having blue eyed blonde kids! IF you look at Bar as a baby, she was soooo cute! She had bright blue eyes and really light blonde hair, and Leo was the same! To tell you the truth though, I think they will have a girl. Don't know why I feel this, but I've always felt like Leo will have a girl! :p :D

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Leo spotted at Madeo restaurant in Los Angeles tonight

marymumbler: I'm not usually starstruck but Javier Bardem, Leo, Penelope Cruz and Jessica Alba isn't a bad way to start he night... #madeo

about 1 hour ago via Twitter for iPhone · Reply · View Tweet

Teabright: How is this for a week in LA...spotted at Madeo: Penelope Cruz, Javier Bardem, Leo DiCaprio, and Jessica Alba

about 1 hour ago via Twitter for iPhone · Reply · View Tweet

Sapodaca: Penelope Cruz, Javier Bardem, Eva Longoria, Jessica Alba, and Sal Apodaca. Power Latinos and Ossi Bucco at Madeos. And @Peterleeb too.

about 1 hour ago via HootSuite · Reply · View Tweet

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