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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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I agree with you! I wish Leo would not try so hard to hide himself in pap pics. I respect that hes not a fame whore, but Leo its not safe for you to ride your bike and drive your car with your head covered!

And thanks for the HQ's Sick :flower:

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Thanks Barbie and Kat :wave:

Israeli supermodel Bar Refaeli was spotted on Wednesday at the World Financial Center in New York City getting some Starbucks.

Boyfriend Leonardo DiCaprio was there too, but as usual was trying to go unnoticed with a baseball hat and puffy jacket.

Why so shy, Leo???


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I didn't know that Leo was the youngest person to ever be on Peoples Most Beautiful Cover!

Leonardo DiCaprio was only 23 when he appeared on the special issue a year after the release of "Titanic" in 1998, making him the youngest star to head the list.

and didn't know this either.

DiCaprio is one of only three men to have landed on the cover. He is joined by Mel Gibson, who earned top honors in 1996, right around the time he won a Best Director and Best Picture Oscar for "Braveheart," and Tom Cruise, who won the title in 1997.


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Thanks Kat for the news about Adele. It seems like every young female celeb has a crush or had a crush on leo hehe. I can think of sooo many Miley, Kim K, Selena Gomez, Ashley T, Ariana Grande, Amanda Seyfried, Demi Lovato, Ellen Page... and ermm Adam Lambert lol.

Well for sure ADELE has great taste in men.. except i think she's wrong in thinking that Leo is short hehe.

Wow LEO is the youngest to be on the cover of the most beautiful list! Plus only 1 of 3 guys! That's awesome :)

Also just found out that the place leo and Bar were spotted at today (World Trade Buildings) is very close to Leo's building the Riverhouse complex in Tribeca.

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Abigail talking about Leo/CMIYC

e says he didn't get a penny from the 2002 film or the show: He'd sold all the rights to Grosset & Dunlap, which published his memoir, "Catch Me If You Can," in 1980.

Co-written by Stan Redding, it was billed as "The Amazing True Story of the Youngest and Most Daring Con Man in the History of Fun and Profit!"

But while Spielberg loved the story, he forbade his young star to meet his by-now middle-age subject: He wanted the high-flying young Frank on the screen, not the staid, 50-something Frank.

"Spielberg was adamant," Abagnale says. "But Leo kept saying, 'This is the first time I've made a movie about a real person!' " The director finally relented.

The next thing the native New Yorker knew, DiCaprio was on the phone, urging him to fly out to California and be his houseguest.

"He literally sat with me in the living room with his little tape recorder and a notepad," says the former con man. "He picked up on all my mannerisms. 'Why are you scratching your leg? Is that what you do all the time?' "

No, Abagnale told him, "It's just itchy."

After the filming was finished, Spielberg sent him a two-minute trailer. "When it was over, my wife looked at me and said, 'He's got you down perfect! The look, the smile -- he did a great job!' "


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Thanks for the article fash! Its incredible how much work he puts in to get each character addsactly right. It seems like some actors just take roles and just go do it and be done with it, but I guess thats why Leos not like any other actor. :p

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