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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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yeah, Sick! Not that I want a crazy Leo and as you said he grow up, he's a lot more mature today but I felt like he lost some of his "lightness", he seems too much serious about things! I miss old Leo, who was more open and less worried about his public condition! But I think it's all about how the interest in his personal life turns intense through the years, and when he was younger and NOT worldwide famous, he couldn't care less. But today Leo is known everywhere and I think this makes him take things in a much more serious way, also because he seems very dedicate to his career, all his work, I think all of this have something to do with the way he behaves today, I know professional life and personal life walk in different ways, but seems that Leo put his career first than anything, so it's something that really matters for him and that's why I think it's all connected! I love Leo, I respect his privace and the way he drives his career very seriously, but also I think that he can relax a bit, he have a stable career and we can say that today he also have a stable relationship with Bar, so he can take things in a more relaxed way.

But I felt his behavior when he's not in public with his friends and family should be different, I always heard how he's a funny guy, so probably he is this serious just when he's on the public eye... I also notice that in some interviews he lets to escape his funny side, I just wish he could do this more times than usually!

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I don't think Leo got that much more serious....

Ofcourse he changed a little bit, but I think thats for the good,

because he (and others) described himself as a little punk when he was younger,

and I think nowadays he is just more polite and friendly, and not running around set all the time.

I think his overexposure after Titanic tought him to behave himself ;)

But didn't neccasairly make him less enthousiastic, because you can see videos of Leo getting into a friendly pushy fight with Lukas on the inception set,

and stuff like that,

He just looks more after other people, but is still a little bit of a goofball..

He didn't show that at the Coachella-festival, since the paps were right in front of him

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yeah, wijn! I don't think he turns into a boring person but I just mean like you said that he changed as he got older and his fame got stronger aroung the world he became more serious about his work because he don't wanted to be seen just a hunk guy and a bit crazy, when I say crazy I mean goof like you said, but doesn't mean he's not anymore, he's just more private in public than he used to be in the past!

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thanks everyone!!

PIcs of leo are inside the link... i recognize Milan.. leo's godson. The man beside Milan is Milan's father and leo's close friend Jonah Johnson. Kevin Connolly is there too. The other guy is Alex

Leonardo DiCaprio's Funky Final Day at Coachella

Getting into the fun and funky spirit of the celebration, Leonardo DiCaprio enjoyed the third and final day of the Coachella Music Festival yesterday (April 17).

The "Titanic" star donned a groovy glow necklace and a Oregon State University baseball cap while he made his way around the event, checking out different music and art booths along the way.

Meanwhile, the 36-year-old is gearing up to be a potential nominee for the upcoming fan-based 2011 MTV Movie Awards.

The final cut of contenders will be a announced May 3rd, and could reveal a bid for Leonardo in any of the following categories: Best Male Performance, Best Line from a Movie, and Best Jaw Dropping Moment, all for his role in "Inception."


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5 Celebrity Couples Saving the Earth

With Earth Day this Friday, people everywhere are making pledges to support the planet and show appreciation for the environment. Whether it’s planting trees, recycling, or just walking instead of driving, plan to do a something eco-friendly on April 22 – you’ll join the countless celebrities who continue to raise awareness about persevering our planet. Here are some celebrity couples who are not only committed to each other, but to Mother Nature as well:

1. Bar Rafaeli and Leonardo DiCaprio: DiCaprio is one of the most outspoken celebrities to discuss environmental issues, and girlfriend Rafaeli is no different. In 2008, the Titanic star purchased a condominium in Riverhouse, an eco-friendly building in New York City. He also drives a hybrid, flies commercially to reduce his carbon footprint, inspires other celebrities to go green, founded the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation to support many eco-friendly causes, and created a documentary about the global environmental crisis called The 11th Hour. Meanwhile, Rafaeli is an activist in promoting alternative energy sources.


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Thanks for the news and pics everyone! Looks like Leo is having fun at the Coachella music festival! It also looks like he brought his godson! :blush:

Its cool to see Leo and Bar made the list at #1! So cute that they both care about the envorment!

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I think his relationship with his godson is really cute, I remember that I saw pics of Leo with Milan since he was a kid, Leo seems like a great godfather! That's why I think someday he will be a great dad!

omg, he looks so cute and I like his V collar white shirt!

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