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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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this is a little translation I made from a Brazilian magazine talking about Leo and Gisele's beginning of their relationship, I just think have some nice facts I can share with you:

The article starts with: Love at first sight!

Leo saw Gisele for the first time in 1998 in the runway and became enchanted by her, he liked her so much that send her flowers, but she didn't care saying: "This guy that go out with a lot of pretty women".

Two years later, after cards and phone calls, Leo knew that Gisele would be in a restaurant in Manhattan, the Brazilian Casa. After some P

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Thanks for translating Barbie :wave: While on the subject That reminds me I remember Leo used to say alot of cute stuff about Kristen Zang when they were dating.... He said something about Kristen being the cutest girl in the world and that he looks forward to seeing her at the end of the day. I thought that was cute too :p But Now he's gotten wiser after all his relationships and keeps his mouth shut lol :laugh:

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Thanks again Wijin :wave: It says potential nominee i hope he gets nominated!!! There's just so much good news lately :)

People: DiCaprio now highest-paid U.S. star in Asian ads :clap:

Leonardo DiCaprio has replaced Brad Pitt as the highest-paid American movie star featured in Asian commercials.

He signed a $5 million deal to become the face of a Chinese cellphone company — but the ads will never appear in the U.S., according to the celebrity website Janetcharltonshollywood.

He was spotted in Paris filming the commercial in fake rain.

The cell company, Guangdong OPPO Mobile Telecommunications Corp., will run the commercials in Asia later this year.

The actor has also appeared in ads for watch-maker Tag Heuer and Suzuki.

And he isn't the only celebrity to appear in an overseas commercial for a bundle.

Last December, actress Julia Roberts was reportedly paid about $1.5 million to appear — and not speak — in a 45-second commercial for Italian coffee brand Lavazza.


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thank you,Barbie!

I remember reading somewhere that it took one month to Leo,to make Gisele agree to the first date :laugh:

thanks wijn for news!

I think that Twilight will win cuz teens are voting for it! :laugh:

but that's OK !

thank you,fash,for this info! it's great Leo is highest paid! :ddr:

we hear so many good news from Leo lately and it's amazing! :clap:

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Wow that is really cool fash! Highest paid :clap: Seems like Leo has gained more and more star power over the years.

Thanks wijn for the article. I agree though, chances are like every year all the twilight stars will win :laugh:

Thanks Barbie! That was so sweet how Leo sent her flowers and treated her so sweetly even before they dated :wub: He is so sweet with his girlfriends :blush:

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your welcome :wave:

New pic of leo at JFK airport in New york today :heart:


Leonardo DiCaprio and Bar Refaeli arrived at JFK airport in New York today. While the Israeli model looked stunning and ignored the paparazzi, DiCaprio was up to his old tricks and pulled his jacket over his face.


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Guillame Canet talks about good friend Leo

When he first emerged as an actor he never enjoyed being the poster boy of French cinema, when he was celebrated more for his preppy good looks than acting talent. Not even directing films could alter this perception. It was only when he met Leonardo DiCaprio, who had gone through a similar challenge, that he finally realised he could take charge of his own destiny. "I know that Leo fought a lot to change his image," explains Canet. "Since The Beach we've stayed friends and we talk about it a lot, people like to view you in a box and that is why recently I tried to do a lot of different types of films. If you only eat tomato and mozzarella, after a while you get bored."

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your welcome!!! :flower:

Gwenyth Paltrow mentions Leo in her book.... even way back in the day Leo knew so much about animals :)

"When I was twenty-one, a friend gave me a book called Diet for a New America by John Robbins, which exposed the brutal practices of American factory farms. That, coupled with a lecture from Leonardo DiCaprio (when he was nineteen and I was twenty-one) about how such animals are kept and processed, made me lose my desire for factory farm pork and beef right there."


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