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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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here the second part:


Winner of the Golden Globe for his role in convincing

The Aviator, DiCaprio arrives with the Oscar chances. Gisele is in the crowd. "He is talented and I hope you win. But if you do not take the statuette, it's great just like in the movie, "said the top to the People. On the screens, DiCaprio misses the teen heartthrob of the Titanic to sink into the abyss of the mind of mogul Howard Hughes.

The actor came to glimpse some disorder symptoms

obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) of your character in itself,

as reluctant to step on cracks in the ground.

How did represent mogul Howard Hughes?

Hughes was a complex man, the tycoon who best represented the American dream. For him, the sky was literally the limit. He had power and money to accomplish everything he wanted, but could not dominate his mental illness. Even with all the beautiful women he slept with the films he made and all the aircraft that it had, Hughes was not able to be a human safisfeito himself. It is a tragic story, a character for the film.

How was it to work again with Scorsese after Gangs

New York?

He is the conductor. The Aviator is a film Scorsese professorial and loves what he does. Everything in his life relates to the movies. When he has two hours off, he'll watch movies you've seen 30 times. Knowledge has a size that makes working with him to be a huge learning experience.

How do you feel when you say is the new

Robert De Niro?

If you are saying that, I can only say that this is the best compliment I could receive. De Niro is arguably the greatest American actor. It's my favorite actor.

DiCaprio and Gisele in the Amazon: "He was upset because the landlady has sold the photos to the TV," says Gisele


Star of The Beach was filmed on Phi Phi, Thailand, DiCaprio donated

$ 1 million to tsunami victims. He is involved

in environmental causes and campaigned against the reelection

George W. Bush.

How do you feel about Bush's victory?

In the campaign of John Kerry, was in 11 states, made over 25 speeches emphasizing that I am opposed to government policy and criticizing Bush as he favors companies that make more and more money on this favoritism. Another issue is global warming. American society should be an example to the world by signing the Kyoto Protocol and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. I'm against the war in Iraq. But the election was defined this way. The people have spoken at the polls. That is democracy.

As an environmentalist, how it felt to visit the Amazon?

What affected me most was to imagine that future generations might not be able to enjoy these wonders are threatened by human activity and large corporations. What makes me an activist is to be sure that this is a planet that everyone has the right to enjoy and not only men of money.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a star?

I am very lucky to be here, while children are battling cancer and so many people have nothing to eat. It is clear that life in Hollywood is wonderful and I'm not the right to complain because they have paparazzi following me. But do not get much interest in the life of the famous. This is so annoying! I have to live with this garbage, but there are people with much bigger problems in life


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Thank you so much Barbie! That interview was very interesting and I loved when he said this:

" I do not think healthy promote my personal life into the public arena so that everyone can comment. This part of my life is not nobody's business. What we do professionally - she, as a model, and I, as an actor - people can comment or criticize all they want. But some things should be kept in private, in secret. My relationship with Gisele is one. Concerns only the two of us. "

And thanks for the cover! :hug:

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Dutch article about a fair-Diamond store/office in Antwerpen,

The intventors were in talks with Leo and George Clooney attending the opening.

It will focus on having a central place in the world were Blood-Diamonds will be avoided and the fair-diamond market will be promoted.

Sweet of Leo to still be so passionate about anti-blood diamonds and if it WILL happen ofcourse I will post anything I can find :)


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sightings of Leo and Lukas yesterday eating out

summerpdrew: just ate din at bouchon & saw tom, katie, adam sandler, malin akerman, leo dicaprio, lukas haas, posh, becks etc. can u say starstruck?!?!

about 18 hours ago via Echofon · Reply · View Tweet

b32: Oh nothing... just back from dinner w/ Adam Sandler, Victoria & David Beckham, George Takei, Lukas Haas, and Leo DiCaprio. No big, really.

about 20 hours ago via TweetDeck · Reply · View Tweet

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