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^ thanks for vid BARBIE :wave:

Article about an interview with Baz Luhrmann about Gatsby.... Baz seems a little strange with his comments :p

Baz Luhrmann Talks in Circles About ‘The Great Gatsby’

A lot of the details have already come to light about Luhrmann’s upcoming film adaptation of the F. Scott Fitzgerald classic “The Great Gatsby”. Leonardo DiCaprio is set to star, Carey Mulligan and Tobey Maguire are said to be in the cast as well. It has an August shooting date in Australia. It is going to be filmed in 3D.

But when Vulture ran into Luhrmann at a dinner party and tried to get him to comment on the film, he kind of said it wasn’t happening. Luhrmann initially says, “I’m not doing Gatsby right now … despite what might be out there, I have made no comment about anything. So until I say it, it’s not said, you know.” In the beginning there was the word. So I guess none of the pretty concrete stuff people have been reporting about this project is true. Luhrmann has not said that he is making The Great Gatsby.

Oh, but wait… the next thing he says in the interview is, “No, I’m making The Great Gatsby.” To quote Rick James, “I wouldn’t go grinding my feet on somebody’s couch like it’s something to do, I have a little more sense than that, yeah I remember grinding my feet on Eddie’s couch.”

Luhrmann goes on to explain where he is with the project, “Right now, my only focus is absorbing. I’ve been studying Fitzgerald now for three years, and my only act now is to absorb the DNA of his world, his life, the world of the novel. That’s why I have published on our website all the books we’re reading. And I think before we all engage anyone, the first thing to do is to do your homework, read the books, and then let’s talk.” So while the rumors of a Gatsby project aren’t completely false, it appears the director is still in the pre-pre stages of development. How then did so many specific rumors about the project pop up?

When the Vulture reporter asked Luhrmann he said, “That would be a really clever way of getting a confirmation or a denial, and I commend you highly!” A confirmation or denial of what? I thought you were just in the early stages of thinking about the project! What exactly is going on with The Great Gatsby might not be clear, but what is clear is that Baz Luhrmann is an amazing interview.


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Thanks fash for the articles and vids! :hug:

Yeah I think Baz doesn't really want to comment on the movie right now, since it is in pre-production. Looks like hes really studing the book right now.

“Right now, my only focus is absorbing. I’ve been studying Fitzgerald now for three years, and my only act now is to absorb the DNA of his world, his life, the world of the novel. That’s why I have published on our website all the books we’re reading. And I think before we all engage anyone, the first thing to do is to do your homework, read the books, and then let’s talk.”

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I also agree with all of you, Leo and Bar need to make babies, I guess it's not a sacrifice for them to do... :whistle::laugh::blush:

kat: about Gatsby, Tobey wouldn't play the Daisy's husband, Tobey is going to play Daisy's cousin, Nick if I'am not mistaken, and I hope that he's still in the project because one of the reasons that make me want to see this movie it's because Tobey will be working with Leo again, as they are very good friends. But also would be nice if Bradley join the cast as Tom Buchanam! I can't wait for this movie, I think will be great!!!

Wood Allen was funny saying that, I think Leo and Scarlett could play a sexy couple onscreen someday!

Yes your right! for a second there I thought Tobey would be playing Tom, but he is going to bne nick! I forgot!

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and about Baz and Gatsby. Baz is not one to be very public about his movies when they are in pre-production, so I'm pretty sure he wants to keep the comments out of the media for now, since its so early on in the film process.

But I think hes still doing it, hes just being coy with the media :laugh:

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a better one and complete of The Aviator winning best picture in GG 2005:

I guess you just had seen this, but anyway. Leo's interview after winning GG: take attention on the second question, the reporter ask Leo 2 question at once, but the second was about to marry Gisele and than he laughs, it was so cute because Leo became a little desconcerted by the question and than he forgot the first one... I just thought his reaction was cute! :p :laugh:

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your welcome Barbie! :wave:

all the pics from the video,some of them I found in my Leo folder and some of them I screencaped :p

Leo in 7th grade

Leo in 8th grade

Leo in 9th grade

Leo in 10th grade

Leo with friends in 1987 ---- I've never seen it before and really love this pic :wub:

Leo in 1990

the same 1990 year Leo in John Marshall High School in Los Angeles

leo in 7th grade.jpg Leo in 8th grade.jpg Leo in 9th grade.jpg Leo in 10 th grade.jpg leo with friends in 1987.jpg Leo in 1990.jpg Leoo in 1990 in John Marshall High Scool.jpg
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