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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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I didn't saw the opening on tv, because the chanel that transmited the oscar here start to show the event in the middle already, but I saw on youtube and the beggining was very nice with Anne and James talking with Leo, I loved the the drwning of Alec Baldwin... :laugh::laugh::laugh:

haha, I thought that was funny too! :laugh:

I also love your avatar Barbie!

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2011 Oscars: Live Coverage Of The Academy Awards Ceremony: link

All we have now is Best Picture, right? LET'S GET ON WITH IT. I want to go to sleep and have a dream within a dream starring Leonardo DiCaprio and James Franco and myself wearing Marion Cotillard's best gowns.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

-About the Oscars:

The reviews and ratings are very bad. Oscar Ratings Down From 2010: link

Maybe I'm a bad person :whistle: but I'm very happy with their failure :wave:

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Palmina: you're not a bad person, it's because the Oscar 2011 really sucks... and everybody notices that! I saw it and I can say, apart from that funny part on the beggining, all the rest was disappointing, previsible and boring!!! Thanks for Leo tweet Kat, Leo is right congrats to Inception, deserved even more but we all know academy have very old concepts and they don't change it... and would never recognize a movie like Inception as the best one!

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Thanks Kat for leo tweet!!! So sweet of him :heart:

Bonnie Fuller talks about what the oscars needed.... A-listers such as leo...

"But it wasn’t just the professionalism that wasn’t on the podium — there wasn’t enough big A-List power on the red carpet, or in the front row.

I don’t care how many times Tom Cruise jumps on a couch — he’s pure Hollywood establishment A-List. Same goes for Brad and Angelina, George Clooney, Julia Roberts, Cameron Diaz, Kate Winslet, Leo DiCaprio, Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones.

Where were they?

We needed them. If they weren’t nominated, then they needed to be there as presenters or special guests.

Since when is the Oscars ONLY about the people featured in this year’s films? The show needs to be a celebration of the top Hollywood talent – on the red carpet and in the front rows. "


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news of Leo at a Post-oscar party at Guy Oseary's house.......

Star power at Oscar bashes

It wasn’t, of course, even amid the swarm at the post-Oscar party hosted by Madonna and Demi Moore at producer Guy Oseary’s house.

“Madonna walked past us with a bottle of Moet, with (daughter) Lourdes nearby, looking more like sisters than mother and daughter,’’ says Mezrich.

Guests at the swank bash included Leonardo DiCaprio, Jude Law, Nicole Kidman, Keith Urban, Jack Black, and Gwen Stefani, who looked “ethereal, white on white, like a statue,’’ says Mezrich. But the best part was running into Atticus Ross, who along with Trent Reznor won the Oscar for “The Social Network’’ score. (Sorkin also won for his screenplay.)


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He was with Bar at the Vanity Fair post Oscar party.

For them, life is 'Fair'

IT was a clutch of designers: Tom Ford, Tory Burch, Donna Karan. A pack of old guard: Betsy Bloomingdale, George Hamilton, Lynn Wyatt. New kids on the block: Michelle Williams, Sofia Vergara, Chace Crawford. Faces you know: Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Lopez, those Olsen twins who never saw a party anywhere they didn't like.

Producer Brett Ratner, doing a film about Madoff: "I booked my lawyer friend Barry Slotnick to play a lawyer. But the part needs 20 days, and he could only spare two days. So before we started, I fired him."

I then went back to my Montage hotel. Though Justin Bieber's mother was let ting him stay up late, I'd had enough. I figured folk like Rene Zellweger, Bar Refaeli and Claire Danes would just have to eat, drink and stare without me.

-source: NYPost

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Oh so it looks like Leo and bar were doing some partiing together! Thanks everyone!

I agree with you all Oscars 2011 was not very good. No star power(like leo)and no Brad or angelina, or many other a-listers. Lots of newbies.

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Leonardo DiCaprio & Armie Hammer's Kiss: "Done in a Very Tender Way

It's no secret we love talking about Leonardo DiCaprio and Armie Hammer kissing.

We've already told you that the Inception star and Social Network hottie will indeed be doing some lip-locking in the upcoming Clint Eastwood-directed biopic J. Edgar.

So what's the flick's Oscar-winning writer Dustin Lance Black telling us about the film's hunky man-on-man lovin'? Oh yeah, and the rumors we'll be seeing DiCaprio in drag?

"Yes, certainly there's a relationship between these two guys," the Oscar-winning Milk writer assured us at Elton John's Academy Awards party benefit for the Elton John AIDS Foundation. "And it wouldn't be a Dustin Lance Black script if it didn't have a little gay kissing in it. So the answer is yes."

Sounds good to us!

"Those who want to see that will be pleased," Black added. "I think it's done in a very tender way, surprisingly."

And when asked whether or not we'll be seeing DiCaprio get some cross-dressing camera time, Black simply teased, "I gotta' leave something for you to buy a ticket for."

But don't ask Hammer about the smoochin' anymore. "I don't know what you're talking about," he said with a smile at the Oscars.

However, Hammer was more than happy to talk about Eastwood. Turns out that the director never barks, "Action!"

"He doesn't say action because he doesn't want to startle the actors," the Social Network actor explained. "He's really considerate, kind and just an amazing man."

He's also a man who lets Hammer play with...guns! "Last week, all day Thursday, I just spent all day shooting a machine gun, like a 1930s machine gun," he said. "I was shooting out a door. It's great. Pieces of the door were just flying everywhere."




intresting :p

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thanks for the article wijnboerinnetje! Seems very interesting, I like the thing of tender kiss... but I can't imagine Leo as a cross-dresser, if I think on this I start to laugh, I think I couldn't take this too seriously, but this was not a fact as I know, was a rumor that Hoover dressed like a woman, so maybe will not be on the movie even that by the way Dustin talked seemed like we can expect some surprises from his script...

What you think about this, people? And when Dustin said, it's done he means that the kiss scene was already done, was shoot already?

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Rumours of leo going to Rio de Janeiro.... but as it even says it is not confirmed. <_<

Leonardo DiCaprio will soon land in Brazil to follow the Carnival in Rio de Janeiro, you know?

According to O Globo, the Hollywood star is in talks with the box of beer to be Devassa VIP presence at the site.

While DiCaprio does not confirm his arrival, Pamela Anderson banged his gavel and, like Jude Law, will attend the parades of samba schools in Rio cabin Brahma.


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you are faster than I'am fashiondream! I would put the link here saying that Leo maybe comes to Rio for the Carnival, he don't confirmed yet, maybe because of the J.Edgar shooting... but in other link I put here some days ago said that Bar is also inveted to come with him, I hope they come to Brazil, would be soooooooooo nice!


Just for you know, the Carnival starts at this friday 4 but the parades of the Escolas de Samba in Rio starts sunday 7 and monday 8!

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Ya Barbie it would be nice to see leo and Bar go to Brazil :) . Those two have traveled alot of different countries together but never Brazil if i'm not mistaken. However, like you said i wonder when leo will have the time since he's filming... but i do notice leo does seem to have free time to go out on the weekends and such soooo maybe he'll find a way hopefully. If so then there better be pics hehe :p

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Thanks sick for pics :wave:

I don't think it'll matter if they meet. early Last year Leo and bar attended the same party as Gisele and Tom. It was reported that Leo said hi to Gisele. Also bar has met Gisele before sooo Everyone has moved on, hehe :)

yeah I know that they were at the same party,but didn't know if Leo said hi to her.Bar and Gisele are often at the same party,mostly at Met Gala.

I know nothing will happen if they meet,I just said joke :p Gi said they often talk on phone and two of her dogs leaves with him. Leo even send her present after Gisele childbirth :)

that's very nice of Leo :wub:

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