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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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CLAIM: Leonardo DiCaprio’s Partying and Bingeing is Threatening Latest Film

Leonardo DiCaprio has gotten hooked on pizza,” reports the National Enquirer, and the producers of his latest film J. Edgar “fear his waistline could reach titanic proportions.”

The mag says the actor was initially told to pack on some pounds to play FBI director J. Edgar Hoover, but DiCaprio “went overboard and ended up struggling to squeeze into his wardrobe.”

“One of Leo’s favorite foods is pizza, and he became quite the pizza addict after being told to put on some weight,” a so-called “insider” tells the Enquirer, which further claims that “concerned execs have told him to close the lid on the pizza box.”

The supermarket tab says DiCaprio’s “late-night partying triggers bursts of middle-of -the-night food binges.”

Adds an alleged source, “Everybody marvels that he turns up ready to work” after a full night of partying and pizza.



A source involved in the production tells Gossip Cop the Enquirer piece is “absurd,” and notes DiCaprio’s at exactly the weight he’s supposed to be for his character.

“There have been no changes to wardrobe, and he’s nothing but professional,” emphasizes our insider.

The Enquirer’s cheesy pizza tale about DiCaprio is wrong – no matter how you slice it.


... National Equirer and their fabricated stories are so funny!! :laugh:

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The following is a translated interview (Romanian) with one of the actresses in J. Edgar hoover. Her name is Marlene Comãnescu and she mentions what it was like working with Leo. The following link shows what she looks like and in the pic below we see her with Dicaprio.

"It was incredible to work with these great men of film. I was impressed how they formulate their scenes. DiCaprio, for example, even if it is famous and has an impressive resume, do not treat anything superficially. E perfectionist. The first time I met him, I felt that my heart jumps in the chest. I would be hopping with joy, but they were filming the scene at that time had to be relaxed, so I started to get pierced with finger nail to stay serious and to get back down to earth, "said Marlene, who completed "The three main actors(DiCaprio,Hammer, Dench) I thought were intelligent and deep. They knew exactly what they do and were always ready to work. In the moments I stood next to her I felt the luckiest person in the world. I would have liked to last forever. It was fascinating to live for several days in 1935. I felt great sadness when I left home, I returned to my clothes and "I'm back" in 2011. I was charmed by the atmosphere on set and I'm sure the great Clint Eastwood will create a film that will win many awards,


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Another star cast in Hoover. :)


Clint Eastwood's biopic J. Edgar has been shooting for several weeks now-- you can already see set photos of Leonardo DiCaprio in costume-- but in a story this big there's still plenty of room for new cast members. Variety reports that Stephen Root, the character actor you've seen in, uh, everything, has signed on to play Arthur Koehler, a relatively minor historical figure who still played a major role in the life of J. Edgar Hoover.

Much of Eastwood's film focuses around Hoover's investigation of the Lindbergh baby kidnapping, and his realization that the wrong man likely was hanged for the crime. Root will play the wood specialist who helped Hoover investigate the ladder that was used in the kidnapping. He joins a cast that already includes Armie Hammer, Josh Lucas, Ed Westwick and Naomi Watts, and given how quickly Clint Eastwood tends to shoot his movies, we can easily expect this one in theaters by the end of the year. It will quite possibly wind up being his sixth movie of 2010.

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"Please say your name for the sound check", the engineer asked me during an interview with Leonardo DiCaprio about his new movie "Revolutionary Road". And after I "Silke Haas," said Leo asked whether I know his friend Lukas Haas, who is also an actor. I said no, and he said: "Maybe you are too young." I think because I have me a little crush on him. But I was honest and said, "I'm afraid I'm older than you." - "Really?" Charmer. Unfortunately he is dating only models ;-).

If you would like to have a photo with a star, it's always good to have an intern here in respect of which you then ask. Otherwise the wäremir too embarrassing. Alex, a nice student who had already shadowed the Berlin studio was totally happy.

The film, which is first in the Leonardo di Caprio and Kate Winslet in "Titanic" are back together in front of the camera, unfortunately not to my taste, although the template "Revolutionary Road" in the 60s was a pioneering work and still to the 100 best American novels include: a double tragedy in the 50s, is in dispute in which only, but great play by both, but just totally depressed and even then with a horrible end.

Sorry. I did not even have the discussion after the press screening durchgestanden.Aber for the nice interview with Leo, I've suffered like in the movies. He was really sweet. Maybe I'll pull me over Christmas again with sister and brother in law who visit me here then, "Titanic" pure. And I cry must be determined again when Jack goes down.

Sand City

post-42076-0-1446084231-87205_thumb.jpg post-42076-0-1446084231-89025_thumb.jpg post-42076-0-1446084231-93806_thumb.jpg

from leosfanforum.de

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I dont know if this is true, but according to perez hilton the might be an inception 2!


Guess we'll be returning to the dream world sooner or later.

Now that the Inception cast has signed on for sequels, it's definitely possible that Warner Bros will continue with the franchise, assuming Christopher Nolan is on board.

Back in December, Nolan said the following about the possibility of Inception sequels:

“As for sequels, it’s not something I want to say no to, but it’s not something I’ve given a lot of thought about.”

While Inception was phenomenal as a standalone film, we must admit that we're pretty confident in Nolan's ability to put together a strong sequel, given his track record…cough…The Dark Knight…cough…

Are U excited

We will see...

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Leonardo DiCaprio Hits a Pre-Oscar party

Leonardo DiCaprio and Jon Hamm took advantage of the pre-Oscars parties happening around LA last night, with each actor adding Grey Goose's bash at the Soho House to his itinerary. Jon hung out with the British star Nick Jones, who hosted the event, while Leo caught up with his old friend Donovan Leitch. The evening out gave Leo a chance to break from filming J. Edgar. Production on the film has kept Leo busy for the last few weeks between night shoots with costar Armie Hammer and days spent under the direction of Clint Eastwood.



-But the hot night ended not at Mr. Chow but at SoHo House, where Nick Jones threw a private party for friends like Lionel Richie, Donna Karan, Harvey Weinstein, Jon Hamm, Anthony Mackie, Virginia Madsen, LA Reid, Benny Medina, Leonardo DiCaprio, Alexander Skarsgaard, David O. Russell and his parents, Donovan Leitch, and so on. I ran into four of my favorite show biz ladies Nikki Haskell, Loree Rodkin, Jane Rose, and Joann Hurwitz, all looking ready for Oscar weekend.

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I doubt they will make an Inception sequel. I also doubt Leo will sign on. This movie is something you can not recreate, and I'm afraid if they try to make another one it will not be good, and it will turn people off, but we will see!

Thanks for the articles and such sick :) Cool theres a documentary about Leo needing an Oscar! :cool:

And thanks Palmina for the photo of Leo at a pre-Oscar party! I am curious who is that man talking to Leo in the pic?

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Pre-Oscar Soho House/Grey Goose Part 1

... But not even Jon Hamm owns the place like Leonardo DiCaprio. The most casually dressed of everyone, he was escorted onto the patio with personalised service, a woman with an earpiece, leading a posse of 4 that included Kevin Connolly. Leo was clean-shaven, more handsome in person, a little, and taller than I expected. About the same height as Jon Hamm actually. Maybe even slightly taller.

They took him to a back table. His table. They actually moved people off the table to accommodate him. He pulled out a giant cigar, leaned over, and spent the rest of the time speaking authoritatively, telling jokes and funny anecdotes, while his buddies listened rapturously. Those stories you hear? Yes. That’s actually how he rolls. I saw him laughing and smiling a lot. It made him seem young again, quite a departure from the austere, uber professional we’ve been accustomed too. Happy is a good word for it. He was happy. He looked happy. It’s not an adjective I’ve ever used, I don’t think, to describe him in previous posts. Fascinating when the veil comes down, non?

I love it that there were several girls hovering by his table, perched coquettishly, not talking to each other much, waiting and hoping he would notice. But last night was boys’ night. He wasn’t taking, at least not when I was there. And since “his table” was situated right beside the cheese station, and the goddamn cheese at this place was out of my mind, I made a few flybys for several fat + carbohydrates fixes that I’ll have to work off this afternoon, motherf-cker.


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