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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Leo has always been one of my favorite actors. I love him. The first movie I ever saw of his was "Titanic", even though I was four and it was one of the first movies I had ever seen in theaters and I can't even remember seeing it then, being I was so young, I still take pride in having seeing it. I have seen almost all of his movies and he does an amazing job in all of them, no matter what. I truly thought he deserved the Oscar for "The Aviator", he completely embodied the character. He isn't amazing just because of his looks, he IS talented. He has THREE Oscar nominations and even though he hasn't won, yet, he has still been nominated and that says something. I was reading some of the replies from when this topic was first up and I don't think "Titanic" made him underrated at all. In fact, it made him an even bigger star. That film did make over a $1 billion. Even though he wasn't nominated for lead actor, he was nominated for the Golden Globe. The film won 11 Oscars (not 12). A chick flick does NOT win 11 Oscars! And Kate Winslet was nominated for Best Leading Actress for the Oscar. Leonardo is one of the greatest actors ever in my opinion.

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I think that Titanic was a good (entertaining and spectacular) movie but very overrated, really it was a romantic chick flick with a terrible script.

The film won 11 Oscars only because of the enormous production and marketing.

It is one of Leo's worst roles, but very important for his career because his status was elevated to superstar after he acted in 'Titanic' and I guess he is grateful.

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Leo has always been one of my favorite actors. I love him. The first movie I ever saw of his was "Titanic", even though I was four and it was one of the first movies I had ever seen in theaters and I can't even remember seeing it then, being I was so young, I still take pride in having seeing it. I have seen almost all of his movies and he does an amazing job in all of them, no matter what. I truly thought he deserved the Oscar for "The Aviator", he completely embodied the character. He isn't amazing just because of his looks, he IS talented. He has THREE Oscar nominations and even though he hasn't won, yet, he has still been nominated and that says something. I was reading some of the replies from when this topic was first up and I don't think "Titanic" made him underrated at all. In fact, it made him an even bigger star. That film did make over a $1 billion. Even though he wasn't nominated for lead actor, he was nominated for the Golden Globe. The film won 11 Oscars (not 12). A chick flick does NOT win 11 Oscars! And Kate Winslet was nominated for Best Leading Actress for the Oscar. Leonardo is one of the greatest actors ever in my opinion.

Hiii vintagecoffee!! I totally agree with you. Some people say "oh titanic is a chick flick" when a mojority of guys saw the movie and loved it even though it was romantic, parts of it were kinda scary, and exciting, and suspensful. I couldn't agree with you more! He is defiently one of the best actors ever!

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: - Leo's hair in that two pictures makes me wanna rub my hands through it soooo bad!!! :woot:

- I'm also not that much on the whole great Gatby-thing, although in Holland noone has ever heard about it som aybe since people here dont know that much about the original, they won't critisize that much...

- I agree with the whole oscars-situatition, but to me, I CANT TAKE THE OSCARS SERIOUSLY ANYMORE, there sooo much stupid winners over the last years, and brilliant movies that weren't even nominated <_<

YOU KNOW WHAT I ALSO WONDER :whistle::laugh:

Leo is still great friends with a LOT of women he has slept with !!!!]

(I mean ofcourse you can't believe all the rumors and stuff, but some of them I do)

* Great friends with Cameron Diaz

* Great friends with Naomi Campbell (both at the helicopter-party and both have according to the rumors slept with him)

* Is hanging out with Ashton Kucher and Demi More (after he - don't know if its true - was a reason for the breakup of her and Bruce Willis..

This all just seems to me like he must be a great guy (and maybe great lover :Angel: )

or would't that be just extremy WEIRD and AWKWARD, expessialy since he brings his current girlfriend along most of the time :hehe:

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These are musicvideos I made for my favorite Leo-movies:

The Basketball Diaries - Just Like A Pill

Romeo and Juliet - Bring me to life

Romeo and Juliet - You're beautiful


Titanic - She's so high above me:

Inception - Beautiful distraction

Hope you like them!

By the way, i'm working on a Leo and Kate one,

and I want to make a Leo and Bar one, so if anyone has good ideas for songs or pictures give me an e-mail

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Just posting it... they say they got first hand knowledge but you never know...

Secrets From The Set Of Leonardo DiCaprio's "J. Edgar"

Posted on February 22, 2011 at 7:32 AM

RumorFix has learned exclusively that the minute you walk onto the set of J. Edgar, everyone is in character, whether cameras are rolling or not.

The movie, starring Leonardo DiCaprio as controversial FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, began filming in the LA area just over a week ago.

A crew member tells RumorFix that filming took place on Friday at the Smokehouse, a legendary movie hangout across the street from Warner Brothers in Burbank, California.

Our insider says actors were informed in advance that they could not talk to one another while on the set, they could only recite their lines. "It's intense," our source says. "But everyone is very professional."

Also, the insider says it's hard to tell when cameras are rolling because no one yells out "Action!"

"It is the oddest set I've been on," says our source. "Someone will use a hand gesture to signal that film is rolling. Instead of yelling out 'Cut,' some associate director comes up to you and whispers in your ear, "You can reset your position."

The movie also stars Naomi Watts and Armie Hammer from the Social Network and is directed by Clint Eastwood.


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Kinda a cute article :)

Amanda Seyfried was 'obsessed' with DiCaprio


Amanda Seyfried was "obsessed" with Leonardo DiCaprio in 'Romeo and Juliet when she was growing up.

The 25-year-old actress has confessed she used to watch the 1996 movie - which was a modernized version of Shakespeare's original play and starred Leonardo as tragic lover Romeo Montague - all the time because the big screen heartthrob was her "favorite" actor.

She said: "I've always loved movies that have that kind of fantastical element to them. I was obsessed with 'Romeo and Juliet'. I was, like, 11 when it came out. I watched it all the time. I couldn't stop watching it. Leonardo DiCaprio was my absolute favorite. I was just so inspired by that movie, for whatever reason. It's beautiful. It's bright. It's vivid and intense. And then the love story and the soundtrack . I probably shouldn't have seen it as young I did, but I did and I loved it."

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Just another Report from someone who was by today's "J Edgar" filming at Santa Ana Courthouse ... sounds exciting

On my lunch break and just walked by the Old Santa Ana Courthouse, where there was obviously a major motion picture being filmed (many, many trailers, streets blocked off with all sorts of technician types running around, trucks, lighting etc..). Asked a few people and they said it was an Eastman/Dicaprio film "J. Edgar."

The Courthouse is still open to the public, and it looks like they are filming in the large courtroom on the third floor (third floor was blocked off). There were a bunch of extras in Nazi looking uniforms and a guy dressed up like a judge milling about.

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Video inside the 'two kings' party we can see leo (briefly) at 3 min 10 sec!!! And i see Bar too.. pause it at 3 min and 6 sec and at the far left of the screen you'll see her she's wearing a black outfit (with her arms showing) and her hair is a little bigger. She's not standing right beside leo, so you can't focus on leo to see her but she is close to him hehe. It's so quick though you have to pause it the exact second lol. And you can see Jay his bodyguard too kissing a blonde woman.

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