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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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I don't see the big deal if Leo goes to a club without Bar.. He's not allowed to have fun without her? That's not fair hehe :)

plus the fact that Leo takes Bar with him shows he doesn't go to clubs to misbehave ... He goes to just let loose and have fun. Leo even said himself that it helps him to relax and not think about his movies. Right now I'm sure he's got alot on his mind.

Even though it doesn't mAtter he was spotted hanging out with Tobey and Christian Bale ... Two married men with kids. Majority of the time Leo seems to be with other couples and such. Even if he hangs out with his single friends that's not a big deal either in my opinion :) :)

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BarbieErin Bar could be with him, and she would not be recognized. I do not think anyone goes to a nightclub alone.

According to a new twitter Leo was enjoying B.o.B. live at LIV.

B.O.B killed it on Stage!! Leonardo Di Caprio lost weight and looks better than the last time I saw him! Funny how all the girls flawk @ him : twitter

Sorry, but what means flawk?

It means to go towards. All th ladies started to go surround him :)

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I don't see the big deal if Leo goes to a club without Bar.. He's not allowed to have fun without her? That's not fair hehe :)

plus the fact that Leo takes Bar with him shows he doesn't go to clubs to misbehave ... He goes to just let loose and have fun. Leo even said himself that it helps him to relax and not think about his movies. Right now I'm sure he's got alot on his mind.

Even though it doesn't mAtter he was spotted hanging out with Tobey and Christian Bale ... Two married men with kids. Majority of the time Leo seems to be with other couples and such. Even if he hangs out with his single friends that's not a big deal either in my opinion :) :)

I agree, I don't see the big deal either. Leos going to start filming on Feb. 5, so I'm sure he just wants to take time and relax. Also cool hes hanging out with Christian Bale!

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Oh and here is the info about Cameron and A-Rod being in Miami... lol instead of just saying i saw it i'll actually post the info hehe.


BlueAlienz: Leonardo DiCaprio, Toby McGuire, & Christian Bale were at the same Hole in the Wall Bar Tonight as Us... HaHA :)

about 5 hours ago via web · Reply · View Tweet

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thanks everyone for all the news :wave:

I'm glad if Leo lost some of his weight,it suits him a lot ! :heart:

but I suppose he will need to get fat for Hoover :(

it doesn't matter for me if he's alone in nightclub,or not,but sure Bar wasn't there

I actually think Leos losing the weight to play hoover, because Leo is going to be playing a younger, thin, version of Hoover, So I think hes losing weight for the role, not gaining it. :)

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thanks everyone for all the news :wave:

I'm glad if Leo lost some of his weight,it suits him a lot ! :heart:

but I suppose he will need to get fat for Hoover :(

it doesn't matter for me if he's alone in nightclub,or not,but sure Bar wasn't there

I think Leo will play Hoover when he was young, but i am with you... I suppose Leo will need to gain a lot of weight, because Hoover was really ugly and fatty in his youngers days too.


*Armie Hammer talking about his role:

the script mainly follows Hoover and Toulson as strapping young men, there are several flash-forwards that present the duo aged into their seventies. No older versions of the men have yet been cast, so does that mean that Hammer and DiCaprio are going to don prosthetics? "I'm playing Toulson up to his elderly age!" Hammer confirmed. "Makeup stuff comes within the next couple weeks. We're definitely doing a lot of wardrobe stuff right now, but the makeup stuff we haven't done yet."

-Fashiondream thanks for the info! True ... Cameron and boyfriend are in Miami here but I am not sure about Leo with Tobey last night, the twitter about them is located in Miami?

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I don't see the big deal if Leo goes to a club without Bar.. He's not allowed to have fun without her? That's not fair hehe :)

plus the fact that Leo takes Bar with him shows he doesn't go to clubs to misbehave ... He goes to just let loose and have fun. Leo even said himself that it helps him to relax and not think about his movies. Right now I'm sure he's got alot on his mind.

Even though it doesn't mAtter he was spotted hanging out with Tobey and Christian Bale ... Two married men with kids. Majority of the time Leo seems to be with other couples and such. Even if he hangs out with his single friends that's not a big deal either in my opinion :) :)

fashiondream: It's just because sometimes I get worried with his behavior but I guess you are right, Leo seems more mature right now and with his relation with Bar too!

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Thanks palmina for news.

i THINK Leo can pull it off and look like Hoover... it might take alot of effort but i think he can do it!

In other tweets it mentioned he was at Wall... in the tweet with Tobey it mentioned Wall. I researched it and that's in Miami. It doesn't always matter what the location says on the persons twitter because people travel around. Like for example in leo's twitter profile it mentions he is from LA but that doesn't mean he's always in LA . :)

Gizzy8: Leo Dicaprio + celebs & vips @ Wall Lounge Tonight at W Hotel Sobe#Letsgetcrazy

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Who's going to be this year's surprise Oscar nominee?


Last year, the Crazy Heart actress wasn't nominated for a Golden Globe. She wasn't nominated for a Screen Actors Guild acting award either. But on the morning of Feb. 2, 2010, she learned that the Academy had recognized her performance with one of its five Best Supporting Actress slots. Michael Shannon was ignored by the Globes and the SAGs for his work in Revolutionary Road in 2009 only to be richly rewarded by Oscar. Top-ranked candidates who weren't recognized by either the Globes or the Screen Actors Guild: Javier Bardem (Biutiful), Aaron Eckhart (Rabbit Hole), Leonardo DiCaprio (Inception or Shutter Island), Lesley Manville (Another Year), Noomi Rapace (The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo), Sam Rockwell (Conviction), Matt Damon (True Grit). Odds are, one of them will get the call.

So maybe Leo still has a chance! Lets hope so!

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wow, this is great news kat! I love it, I hope that he will be nominated in Oscar and Leo truly deserves to be there among the best! It doesn't matter for me if he will be there for Shutter or Inception because he's great in both movies! I just hope he will be there!

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thanks kat for that hopeful news!

hope he'll get the nomination

to tell you the truth I'd like him to take an Oscar for Shutter,cuz he did much strong and difficult role.

his past nominations were for Gilbert Grape in 1994,The Aviator 2005 ant Blood Diamond 2007

Gilbert Grape and Aviator was just amazing roles and deserved to get an Oscar,now I want him to take an Oscar for deserve

you know it doesn't matter for me,if he ever takes an Oscar or not!,I respect him and know how talented he is! that's number one for me and don't care what that critics say about him and if Academy Awards decides to give him an Oscar or not!

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Thanks Katchitup for tweet. There's also a bunch of other tweets about leo at the game. Also after the game leo went to Sohohouse in Miami... The tweet is from a entertainment reporter for Fox 5 news

@Becky_DiStefano @leodicaprio Leonardo Dicaprio still has that youthful face from his Growing Pains days. He's rocking a Kango hat tonite!

about 1 hour ago via Twitter for iPhone in reply to Becky_DiStefano

I guess #sohohouse Miami is the place to be Leonardo Decaprio & his crew just rolled in. He's always w the same 4 guys,real life Entourage!

about 1 hour ago via Twitter for iPhone

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Thanks for the info. More about Leo in Miami with friends.

---He has gone to a nightclub in Miami. Leo really enjoys electronic-dj music style.

Leonardo dicaprio and the legend @KingJames at @arkadiamiami with dj @MRMAURICIO !!! What a night!! #LLG

Lebron James @MiamiHEAT and Leo DiCaprio are at the table next to us!!! Amazing party!!!

Lebron James and Leonardo dicaprio @Arkadiamiami crazy niiight

I think he is having fun with his "entourage" because in two weeks he will be working hard with Eastwood.

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