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TAG Heuer goes green with Leonardo DiCaprio


A recent visit from TAG Heuer’s brand ambassador Leonardo DiCaprio has encouraged the construction of solar roofing for their factories Western in La Chauds-de-Fonds, Switzerland. Upon completion, the project will represent the largest solar roof on any private company in Western Switzerland.

TAG Heuer’s president and CEO, Jean-Christophe Babin said, “Leonardo visited the factory with an eye on everything that could be done to reduce our energy consumption. His factory visit in La Chaux-de-Fonds turned into an inspiring and creative environmental audit. Leonardo combined his environmental mind with a highly respectful approach toward our staff, making his visit an impactful highlight of TAG Heuer’s 150th anniversary celebration.”


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You are very welcome Barbie and Sick :wave: Thanks for those scans Sick as my secrets!!!!

Leo was at a party with the cast of Inception for the DVD release of Inception.

Inception’s Hollywood Hills DVD Release Party: Nolan, DiCaprio and Zimmer Talk

Amy Dawes reports on what she saw and heard at Inception‘s DVD and Blu-Ray release (read Oscar) party Tuesday night in the Hollywood Hills. Leonardo DiCaprio smokes a cigar and worries about African lions, Nolan talks The Dark Knight Rises (and wants everyone to stop trying to figure out the ending of Inception) and composer Hans Zimmer talks the score that’s “Better than drugs”:

Christopher Nolan’s sci-fi thriller Inception comes out on DVD and Blu-Ray today, and of all the dazzling extras it offers, surely the gimmick they’re calling “Extraction Mode” will generate the most interest. Run the movie in this mode and it actually pauses in the midst of the action to let you know, in a feature vignette, how this or that trick in the elaborate puzzler was pulled off.

So when Warner Bros. threw a party in the Hollywood Hills last night to ballyhoo the DVD release, as well as to stoke the fires of its awards season campaigns for the summer blockbuster, it seemed obvious that “extraction mode” was the way to work the party. Just like in the movie, where Leonardo DiCaprio, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Ellen Page are an elite team that infiltrates people’s brains to steal their secrets (or plant ideas), a wily journalist could surely lob enough well-aimed questions to coax some fresh info out of these celebrants about their latest escapades.

But in the real world, this goal proved elusive. Nolan, bearded and affable, explained that he’s scrambling to finish the script for The Dark Knight Rises, his third Batman movie, which he’s writing in collaboration with his brother Jonathan, mostly from his oceanfront abode in the Paradise Cove trailer park in Malibu..The script is due in January for a July release. But he wouldn’t say what the story’s about or who the villain is, other than to confirm that Inception’s Tom Hardy will play “a key role, not saying good or bad,” and to shoot down reports that he’ll resurrect The Joker by including unused footage of Heath Ledger’s performance in the previous chapter. “That’s all wrong,” said the writer-director, who’s also producing the next Superman movie, for Zack Snyder to direct.

DiCaprio, who was smoking a cigar while entertaining pals on the patio next to the infinity pool against a dazzling backdrop of L.A. nighttime lights, said he’s between movies and traveling a lot this year for pleasure. He said he’d been to the Middle East, and just returned from South Africa, where he went to take in the World Cup soccer matches, and said he’d been concerned to learn that many lions in Africa are suffering from the feline equivalent of the AIDS virus.


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Leonardo DiCaprio, Ellen Page and Christopher Nolan bring 'Inception' to Oscar

Appropriately timed to the blockbuster's DVD and Blu-ray release next week, Warner Bros. held a swank celebration for "Inception" Tuesday night in the Hollywood Hills. And while only director Christopher Nolan, producer Emma Thomas and additional behind-the-scenes talent such as composer Hans Zimmer were promised to be in attendance, the party found stars Leonardo DiCaprio, Ellen Page and Ken Watanabe coming out to support the film and its potent awards campaign. Besides select members of the media, the all important Hollywood Foreign Press Association were in the house, er, mansion as the picture battles for what is turning out to be an incredibly competitive best film - drama category for the organization's upcoming Golden Globes.

To be honest, while DiCaprio was social and moving throughout the crowd, this prognosticator couldn't think of anything to ask him. Was he really going to show his allegiances toward which performance -- "Shutter Island" or "Inception" -- SAG and Academy members should recognize him with a nomination for? Even with drinks flowing throughout the event (as well as some tasteful smores on a stick) DiCaprio would be too smart not to provide the expected political correct answer. Instead, I first made my way to the always delightful Page.


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Thanks for the scans SicK As mY SecReTs! He looks so hot in the Tag Huer one! :drool:

Thanks fashiondream for the articles and pics about Leo with this award season :fun:

Hopefully the SAG, Golden Globes, and Oscars nominate him this year!

What do you guys think leo should be nominated for? Inception or Shutter Island?

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Oscar Power Rankings 2010: Pre-Awards Edition


9.Leonardo DiCaprio in Inception – It remains to be seen how deep the love for this movie will go, but if it extends into the acting categories DiCaprio seems the most likely beneficiary. If he can avoid splitting himself with Shutter Island.

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Leonardo DiCaprio was one of the first celebs to get on board with green cars and is a self proclaimed eco-geek. So, perhaps it should come as no surprise that his green lifestyle has left an impact on the people around him.

Case in point, Swiss horology brand, TAG Heuer, who got a visit from DiCaprio at their La Chaux-de-Fonds factory this past march. With the help of TAG Heuer, the actor co-designed the Aquaracer 500M, as part of an initiative to raise money in support of two leading environmental organizations, the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and Green Cross International.

Now that the Aquaracer 500M is being released, TAG Heuer is making an effort to reduce its carbon footprint and has signed an agreement to equip the rooftops of its factories with solar panels. Construction is scheduled to begin today, and continue through December.


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I just think Leo and Bar are so cute! and you are totally right! :heart: thanks everyone for the news!!!

I don't know, but I don't like that Leo was listed at 9, seems like he's not one of the main actors academy WANTS to nominate, don't like it at all! what they are thinking? Leo have to movies for them to considerate, I will get so upset if they don't put Leo in the 5 actors of they're list!!! :cry2: :anger: :no::angry::war:

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2010 Satellite Awards Movie Nominations Dominated by 'Inception' and '127 Hours'


International Press Academy has announced the nominees for the 15th Annual Satellite Awards on December 1. Leading the way to win big at the prize-giving event is "Inception" which snatches 11 nominations out of 23 categories, followed by "127 Hours" which takes 9 nods. The moneymaker flick from Christopher Nolan and the emotionally arousing film from Danny Boyle also lead their stars, Leonardo DiCaprio and James Franco, to score a nod for best drama actor. Meanwhile, Nolan and Boyle themselves will face against each other for best director prize.

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