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Barbara Meier


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mmh... :( ... I just checked: there were two red headed models at Lac et Mel - but no Barbara

For today my only hope left is for Kaviar Gauche, for she walked for them before, but now that they have more prestige, they tend to choose the very slender girls, just like Joop! later tonight and, unfortunately, most of the other designers :/

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hmm..it is not the whole collection they show at the web site (it was the same last season, remember the 3 Scherer Gonzalez pics? Just 2 of 3 outfits she wore were posted) and the dress that look-a-like-barbara wore, wasn't there, too.

Do not give up :)

(Wenn sie es nicht ist, bitte ich um Verzeihung f

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BFW official site (same like last years) - and then I also compared the pics to the one you posted

The only chance left is that they just didn't show her picture on the site, but if you ask me, that is very unlikely :/

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(Wenn sie es nicht ist, bitte ich um Verzeihung f�r den Trubel)

Oh please, you didn't cause any trouble!!

(No one wants to admit it, but in the end we all enjoy this philosophizing and puzzling over the whole thing, don't we?? :brows: ;) )

:laugh: that is right!

If not I have a compensation maybe. Today at 9 pm is a VIP-dinner made by Lac et Mel. I am shure she is there as we all know that she likes those events :ninja:

edit: Barbara is partying again with Hubertus...I'm not jealous at all! :p


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Auch Barbara Meier, Gewinnerin der zweiten Staffel der „Germany’s Next Topmodel“-Casting-Show, guckte genau hin. „Ich achte bei Modeschauen immer wenig auf die Kleidung und mehr darauf, wie die Models laufen, denn dabei kann man oft etwas lernen“, sagte sie. Anscheinend muss sie das auch noch, denn während der Fashion Week wird sie bei keiner großen Show auf dem Laufsteg zu sehen sein – Heidi Klums „Topmodels“ scheinen sich in der echten Modewelt nur schwer durchsetzen zu können.

oh oh :(

update: MAJOR New York changed her Portfolio again.

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Well, I think she'll walk for the Next Generation Award thing there (which was today, right?) :/

And next year, when those designers have their completely own show and when they're a bit more established, they won't book her once more :persuazn: <_<

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You have to read between the lines

Anscheinend muss sie das auch noch, denn während der Fashion Week wird sie bei keiner großen Show auf dem Laufsteg zu sehen sein

They say that Barbara will not run on a big show. But this means *in my eyes* that she runs for one show, but not the big ones *like Boss, Joop etc.* So let's wait! I'm waiting for Scherer Gonzales!

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edit: Barbara is partying again with Hubertus...I'm not jealous at all! :p

LOL how come he's always at all these fashion events, anyway? :rofl:

well... i mean with Barbara i can understand that she has some tough competition when it comes to Boss or Joop but i mean at least she's doing good in editorial.

I still hope she walks some shows. :drool:

And she looked good at the events :) (at least something good comes from these events lol)

I like her at the dinner, the blue make-up, the short hairdo and the greyish dress look exquisite!

but what i wonder - how come Jenny (aka endless legs) didn't manage to walk a big show? She didn't get a lot of work... And shows are her thing. With those legs and that face she should fucking score lol :/ (please management get a grip! and Jenny, please exercise, slim, train!)

and at first i didn't realise she was at that event when i saw the picture - she looks kind of casual lol

Jesus girl! You've got so much potential! USE. IT.

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