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Noemie Lenoir


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I do. Some of us enjoy HQ versions of a picture we already have, don't impose your own rules and preferences on the rest of us.

A HQ version of a picture previously posted in a MQ or LQ version is NOT a repost.

Thank you - that is my opinion too. The constant repost accusations in this thread are not exactly welcoming or friendly, especially if they are incorrect.

Of course everyone's entitled to their own opinions. But since we are posting on the Bellazon forums, I suggest we use Bellazon's general definition of a repost.

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That's YOUR opinion. I have mine, as you well know.

Well, you might not have noticed, but the URL at the top of your browser window doesn't say scriptgirl.com, but Bellazon.com, so don't impose your own rules on the rest of the forum community.

If someone posts a HQ picture of something we only had in MQ or LQ before then it's petty AND very disrespectful on your behalf when you chase that person away accusing him or her of reposting. There are lots of people who view these threads who DO appreciate HQ versions of certain pictures.

Rule of thumb for reposting: don't post a picture that has been posted in the same quality in the last 5-10 pages. It's not too much to expect of people to browse through 5 pages before they submit something. Other than that, I'd much rather see a quality post one time too many than not at all.

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I also agree with nothingless and SympathysSilhouette. I prefer the high quality images, the higher quality the better. I'm always grateful to those that post them (thank you to all of you by the way), sometimes even more so when a lower quality version of the same picture has already been posted if it's a picture I really like.

When someone takes the time to contribute they should be thanked, not scolded like a little kid. My first post in this thread was some high quality versions of pictures that may or may not (I didn't see them when I checked, but I might have missed them) have been posted before in a lower quality and the first thing I get is "reposts." That doesn't exactly encourage me to share anything else I might come across in the future.

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nothingless and others, don't bother. Don't even bother, you're wasting your time, yes, it's an opinion but really one shared by only one person, and it's a ridiculous to think one can't post a photo that is bigger, better or unwatermarked. Who the hell wants to see noemie face plasterd with writing all over it, if someone can post it without, by all means go ahead. i've tried to explain that exact point of if it's significantly bigger and better quality reposting of the same image is warranted and 9 out 10 people would like to see it, the one other person is the person that keeps telling everyone it's useless and pointless because... i have no idea, they want to be the only one to post photos..? i have no clue. Fact of the matter is, it's a practise that happens at bellazon and you guys are right, people like to use these pics for art and the better the quality a pic is the better your art looks. If a photo that is posted is 400 by 500 and someone goes and post the exact same size, yeah that's a repost for sure or even it's 500 by 600, really that's pointless.. but if someone can post say it double the size than no it's not a repost and they have every right to post the photo without being told every minute it's a repost that's a repost, how about a thank you. you know there a pic that was posted here a small tiny thumbnail and someone actually posted the photo in bigger size, yet there goes the whole it's a "repost", not even a thank you. COME ON, the photo was like 150x175...the other person posted it in almost 2/3 bigger nice quality, i had never seen it, so whereever they got it, whether they scanned or surfed the net to find it, it was greatly appreciated, cause it was a great pic. you know what for someone who previously whined about how this/that person didn't say thank you to them for posting photos a little while ago, when someone else got thanks, sure don't say thank you to anyone for when other people take the time to post photos. There is a point to posting a photo that was posted maybe 400x600 bigger if it's like 900x600, let people be. now if its the same size or almost the exact same looking pic well then yeah no point. But let people enjoy the same satisfication you get when posting photos, let them feel a part of noemies thread and helping it grow, don't shoot them down at every opportunity.

I don't post in here anymore for a varity of reasons, this one of them. It really is a turn off and discouraging funny enough i see other people feeling the exact same way and are refraining from posting images. It really isn't welcoming or friendly like nothingless said and it's already chased one person from posting in here and seems like another is following suit. I guess some want to be the only to post photos or something...?, well keep this up and you will be. I think maybe you need to talk to the admins or moderators to get a better understanding of what is or isn't a repost. The people here aren't doing anything different than in all other threads and no one shoots them down, if something does get reposted 3 or or 4 pages back a lot of times it's thanks but thats been posted already, it's a little more friendly and not so standoffish. I do think people should try to back track from when they last visited if they're going to post images, but can't always be the case.

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i went back 5 pages to make sure this wasnt posted.. and it wasnt

and i want to say also... im so happy that others feel the way i do about the

vibe in this room.

my contribution to scriptgirl.com :rofl:

its from the photgraghy site who represents the guy who took the pic.

its been on the thread a few times, but this one is wallpaper size, immaculate hq

for all those who will appreciate this amazing quality pic, cheers!!

to the naysayers..... ppppppffffttttttt :rofl:


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