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Status Updates posted by yours_forever

  1. oh... okay :shifty:

  2. oh... okay... :laugh: ... Do you have a name too? :shifty: haha

  3. oh... okay... hahhaha... how long did it take you to think of that comeback? rofl

  4. Oh... so, you came back! haha

  5. Oh... well I will just send it to you through the mail :p I can't drive anyway :laugh:

  6. Oh... yes!!!!! We should do that... then maybe John can move back to Texas and we can have fun with him too :shifty:

  7. Okay :hug:

    Poor little Mattie... hurt himself :/

    What did you burn them on?

  8. Okay... just thought I'd ask... no one has had a problem with having my initials on it yet but you never know... :p

    *pms you* Haha

  9. OMG! I'm sorry :hug: ... *comes back* :p

  10. omg!!! I clicked your name and it brought me here :p how you doin'? hahaha

  11. ooo.. brows... lol...

  12. ooooh. you like her music?

  13. Oooooooo... bringing out the D&G. :p sexy.... :brows:

  14. Ooooooooooo... fast fingers :shifty:

    Hahaha.. j/k :ninja:

  15. Ouch... you can't even remember my name... that hurts... :( How are you Ire?

    I'm trying tott forget that I'm addicted to you, but I want it and I need it, I'm addicted to you.

  16. Pink and I have already discussed what Ryan's and my children will look like :rofl:

  17. Pink, my love, my soul mate... :)

    I have started on your birthday gift!!! I might be able to send it off in time to have it to you by your birthday!!! YAY!

  18. School isn't so bad... what are your plans for after school is all over?

  19. She certainly is my princess... and she knows it and she knows how cute :p

  20. Slovakia huh? Pretty cool. It's nice to meet you Jane!

  21. So... I was being honest... not nice :p

  22. Some stuff happened... she'll probably tell you when she gets back.

  23. Sorry for the nightmares. Hahaha... I just said the first thing that came to my mind :p

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