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Status Updates posted by yours_forever

  1. Loopie cat :) Hw are you? :hug:

  2. Lupe (watermelon) wanted you to know that she can't log on because she has been suspended. She says she loves you and she will pm you when she comes back. ;)

  3. Marvelous M--- man :brows:

  4. Maybe you've been out of it because you are sleeping all the time. :p

    Are you sick too? :/ Poor baby :hug:

  5. Merry Christmas to you too :)

  6. Merry belated christmas!

  7. Merry Christmas! Love your profile picture BTW :)

  8. Morning K! How goes it?!

  9. Morning! Hope. They're fun meetings. Or at least moderately entertaining! :p

  10. My day is really good. I'm tired as heck, but that's every day so no change there. Haha

  11. My holiday was good... I got a new set too! :chicken:

    I will use it soon... you will see :shifty:

  12. My job... it all depends on the route really... there are really short ones, that can be part time, and then there are full time routes.

  13. my life has been... well... certainly not boring.... work has been goos (except for the part when I was almost hit by a school bus) and my life is good(except that my best friend is about to get married to a guy she has known for about 2 weeks and he is joining the army so she is moving away)

  14. My mom already worked there and she offered to help me get a job... it's cool though, I don't have to do much and I get paid like $10 an hour!

  15. My name is ToniRenee' and I'm from Arizona. How about you?

  16. My plans... um... I plan to marry a handsome rich man and have him take care of me... but if that doesn't work out, I'm gonna be homeless... I have no idea what I want to go to school for.

  17. My stomach feels funny... :/

  18. My weekend was pretty good. How was yours? :) Hope it was enjoyable.

  19. Nah... we were only "just friends" for a little while. then we started dating. hehe. I'm so excited. I can't even believe it still :p

  20. No models or her yet... still too little :p

  21. No one ever comments you :|

    *comment* :p

    I'm bored... :/

    Have a nice evening :D

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