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Jade Bahr

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Everything posted by Jade Bahr

  1. Now this is a movie poster šŸ˜ @Lilja K
  2. Pauly gettin some raves šŸ’˜ @Lilja K
  3. @Pami @Sugarwater back then in germany we had this doc they even had a song in this "let's talk about Leo, what about Leo, we love Leo"... it was kinda hilarious when I thought about it now. I don't really remember everything (maybe it was similiar to the one Pami posted) but I remember very cleary how they fatshamed him even back then right after Titanic like "look at him he's becoming more chubby every day". That's where I almost kicked that stupid VHS out of my window lol
  4. The movie is 2 hours. There's more lol
  5. Yeah but she was a virgin too LOL What's the difference?
  6. Yeah but these women also decided to date him. It's not like he forces them to anything lol
  7. What was so bad about it?
  8. He dated models all his life. Also what this man is doing in his private life is nothing but his own business.
  9. Really? I thought it was a great sex scene in the book. It was much more detailed than in the show.
  10. Pretty sure he didn't. Jim Carroll died in 2009 many years after the movie. Leo & Jim
  11. Was is so disappointing like the critics said? Even though the audience seem to like it.
  12. They have sex once. In the book and also in the tv show. You see Damian lots of times shirtless and/or half naked though. But there's lots of sexual tension between the 2 actors that's right.
  13. Maybe the movie treatment wasn't a good idea afterall. I will give it a shot nevertheless. The Daily Beast Calls ā€˜Horizon' A ā€œMisogynistic, Racist, Retrograde Mess" I went into this morningā€™s ā€˜Horizonā€™ screening rooting for Kevin Costner who shelled out $38 million of his own money to make these films. I wanted to like it, I really did. What I got instead was an utterly meandering and dull experience. The film plays like a 3-hour set-up for the second film. Itā€™s all play and no action. Iā€™m starting to think that this one should have just been a mini-series. There are so many characters, locales and storylines that it would have greatly benefitted from the breathing room of episodic TV. With that said, The Daily Beastā€™s Esther Zuckerman disliked ā€˜Horizonā€™ for another set of reasons. The headline for her review states, ā€œKevin Costnerā€™s ā€˜Horizonā€™ Review: A Misogynistic, Racist Mess.ā€ Hereā€™s an excerpt: Everything about Horizon is retrograde. Men are noble heroes (like Hayes Ellison, the drifter played by Costner) or brutes who toss around the women, themselves either saintly like Miller or frivolous and nagging. Or, maybe, itā€™s just an accurate recreation of Americaā€™s past history? Isnā€™t Zuckerman describing what happens in practically every classic western? It comes with the genre. The film takes place in 1861, not 2024.
  14. Yeah but they had those issues right from the beginning lol
  15. He had lots of kids in his recent movies actually. Revolutionary Road - 2 kids Inception - 2 kids Shutter Island - 3 kids The Wolf of Wall Street - 1 kid The Revenant - 1 kid Don't Look Up - 2 kids Killers of The Flower Moon - 3 kids
  16. @Lilja K ā€˜The Apprenticeā€™: Donald Trump Movie Screens at Cannes ā€” It's Good! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Donald Trump Vows to Sue ā€˜The Apprentice' Filmmakerst
  17. Not sure about the innocent part. They had lots of issues and broke up so many times, slept with other people etc. He also was her mentor so in a superior role. That's always a bit complicated.
  18. He's so pretty I'm crying šŸ˜­ Actually they both are. Source
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