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Everything posted by ziggurat234

  1. You know what, just go here: http://www.thefashionspot.com/forums/f52/c...y-29103-88.html Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and you'll find what I was talking about. WARNING though!! The picture has NUDITY in it!
  2. They probably just didn't renew it, as is the case with many of the loads of models that have worked for VS in the past. I'm not 100% sure on this though.
  3. Also, I have a rare nude picture of Carolyn that I want to post here, but I know I'm not supposed to post it directly through Bellazon's image service (because it has to be textlinked, and there doesn't seem to be any way to do that using Bellazon's image uploader). I have an imageshack account, but pictures with nudity aren't supposed to be uploaded there either. Any tips on how best to approach this issue, anyone?
  4. Not the most direct pictures of her, but I'm posting them here nonetheless.
  5. I'm pretty sure these are Marisa. I got them from http://vsbrowser.altervista.org/vsbrowser.html As you can see, her face isn't visible (so...really...you can't see...). A lot of VS pics have several different versions/forms; crops are just one example, and the link I listed allows one to view the cropped versions of the main picture (if there are any) at the simple click of the appropriate button. These cropped versions, you may notice, look like this: "V270191_CROP1." However there are many VS pics that end with other words (or whatever you want to call them) besides "CROP1" or "CROP2." An example would be "V259239BRA_E51" or "V271350_EDIT." Photos that have these endings can be viewed in the listed site by manually typing/adding in the appropriate ending to the image name and clicking the "show image" button. What I'm getting at is that these photos may well have versions that include Marisa's face in them, but I've not the slightest idea as to what needs to be typed in to obtain them. I've tried adding the "_EDIT" ending (which is a commonly used one in VS photos besides the "_CROP" endings), and this didn't work. So if anyone can try and figure out the appropriate ending, that would be awesome! But then there may NOT be any other versions of the photos available, so it might be a waste of time. Clearly I don't have the patience to figure it out, aha.
  6. This concludes my posting of her VS pics. Well, it concludes my posting of the VS pics in which she isn't wearing clothes. Okay so she has clothes on in some of them, but anyway, perhaps I'll post her more clothing-oriented pics at a later date.
  7. All right, this is all I'm up to posting for now. However I have LOADS more VS pics of her, which I will be sure to post over the next few days. So get pumped for those! And enjoy these.
  8. A number of these are reposts, but I figured it would more convenient for everyone if they were all on one page. Hopefully this will help anyone who's displeased with the lack of Veronica in the new SI issue... VS
  9. YOU ROCK !!!! Thank you so much Zinkbot; I've been wondering who she was for years.
  10. The VS site puts the pictures from the catalogue online early (anywhere from a few days to a few weeks early). If you know html, you can write your own source code and make your own pages to look through them. Here's a site that's a good example of it: http://www.geocities.com/bigassscans/vs/ . This is the site that a lot of us from ChilaX used to use all of the time. It's not updated for recent pictures, but you get the point. I've written my own pages on my computer just like the site that I mentioned above. Another option is to use this link: http://vsbrowser.altervista.org/vsbrowser.html Just browse through. It takes longer, but it works the same way. There are probably other ways as well, but those are the two that I use.
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