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Status Updates posted by Ange

  1. Vlada! I love her, she's in my top ten that's for sure. Love her voice, she's so heavenly, I just hate all the negative comments about her weight. I think she looks adorable and I don't have a probably with her. You have a good taste in models Alexis.

  2. No, not true. I've broken shoes, ahah I'm good w/ them. Hopefully I won't break anything more, especially my bones :l

  3. Aha I don't go by writers, I prefer just books. It's like I prefer songs from artists, I guess I just don't have a favourite.

  4. hey you! Hows life?

  5. I feel the same way! Can't wait for Spring/March break to come faster! I'm happy though bc Gisele is doing Dolce runway show this season! Zanzibar wheres that?

  6. Oh ahaha no no, it's a slang expression: "sick" meaning "that's so cool"

  7. Ala la Alexis! when do you start study?>

  8. woot! Liverpool won today 2:1 against Barca.

  9. Melania :hug: Thanks! Whats up?

  10. ahhaha you can attempt to try, but most likely it'll end in a failure lol.

  11. desole, did you say something ?

  12. oooohhh... club party or house party?

  13. Well, i got your message in an email, and decide awe why the fuck not ? So voila, i am present. :D

  14. I for sure will snap pictures of everything!

  15. bahahhaa I will check!

  16. I don't see myself on your friends list... *whistles*

  17. I add you now. :D


  18. I know so here's two more red gifts for the taken. Sorry for any inconveniences. Aha, no you'll get back 27 cents.

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