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Everything posted by Bloodshot

  1. You can put your head in the sand all you want, but again, this is 2020 and the internet does exist. I for one have zero interest in ever paying a model for her content no matter how "hot" I may think she is. In the past models actually worked with agents and managers and found paying jobs that were then supported through advertising campaigns, magazine sales, website clicks, etc. instead of gouging their "fans" directly. Just like the music industry changed, and the movie/tv industry changed, I don't feel even slightly bad for someone who refuses to use a business model that works in the modern world and hiding basic content like this behind a paywall isn't that model.
  2. Nobody gets a "high" from posting content, what kind of ridiculous projection is that? It's no one else's fault that you pay for content that yo don't have to but your own. Putting content like this behind a paywall in 2020 is an exercise in futility, it's just not a viable business model. It's kind of like the music industry 20 years ago when everyone was refusing to license content digitally, so then Napster rose up and they all realized that if they didn't get on the bandwagon they were screwed.
  3. Don't tell me you're another one of those confused about how the internet works...
  4. It seems like she needs to find a new career if she's can't get paying jobs through her Manager/Agent/Agency and has to resort to gouging her fans directly. I just don't get it.
  5. She looks the same as always, other than sucking her stomach in for that pose
  6. Is it more than these? https://imgur.com/a/bDKrk
  7. Because it's 2020 and expecting to keep content like that behind a paywall is an exercise in futility. Join the modern world and build a business model that works instead of going against the grain.
  8. All of the sets are exceedingly easy to find searching on google.
  9. No skin off my back if you don't believe me, just contributing to the conversation.
  10. Haha, because she didn't say it in a random media appearance I just made it up? I've actually known her for a couple years, along with a few other models here in LA, so I have no need to make anything up. Open relationships aren't exactly something new or groundbreaking around here.
  11. Do you think that's really something she's going to talk about publicly in an interview?
  12. Dating off and on, aka an open relationship from her perspective.
  13. 5'9" or 5'10", depending on the source.
  14. It's completely out of touch with modern society that she insists these photos not be "shared". Her expectations are unreasonable and thus the business model isn't viable. It's not our fault as consumers that she can't seem to figure out how to monetize her career like every single other model on the planet. I think Genevieve is gorgeous, and I like the work she's done, but at the same time I think it's somewhat offensive the way she expects her "fans" to compensate her directly instead of building a career the way every other models seems to be able to do.
  15. I agree, she's looking hot again after looking too skinny for my tastes too.
  16. I love the moving goalpost here. Overpopulation in regard to economic status is an entirely different discussion and not at all what you were claiming before. But I don’t think most really want this conversation to pollute this thread. There’s already very little Genevieve content recently.
  17. That's been an issue off and on in this thread for a while by a few parties...
  18. Yep, i read a post about that UNICEF report a few months ago. However, you continue to make a logical fallacy stating a possible projection as fact. Even UNICEF stated Africa's population COULD reach 4 billion by 2100, that "could" is an important word. Also, that projection comes from a single UNICEF report and there is a lot of debate about the viability of that projection for many reasons. Even UNICEF states that it's only one possible outcome over the next 80 years.
  19. Might want to rephrase that to be "Africa's biggest problem going forward in the 21st century MIGHT be overpopulation". That's far from an issue in most of Africa right now. Also, 4 billion would be a big jump considering they're "only" at 1.2 billion now.
  20. You guys are kidding right? In the year 2019 anyone who expects their content to not be shared everywhere is deluding themselves. The business model Genevieve is trying to use in this case just isn't viable or reasonable.
  21. Why would you think she has implants? She seems to have a virtually identical body type to her mom, who doesn't have small boobs. Her boobs also seem to go up and down in size as her weight fluctuates, based on her shoots. There's nothing about her that would even make me think has implants.
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