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Everything posted by Bloodshot

  1. Yes, they pay for advertising campaigns through the revenue generated from selling actual products, that's how every other model makes their living. Not this BS trying to take money directly from people, well at least not until onlyfans, which is where she belongs at this point.
  2. Any model that needs to grift her own “fans” this way doesn’t deserve anyone’s support, it’s frankly insulting. Like every other model she needs to find work that pays her without going into people’s pockets, not this failure of a business model she’s trying. If she’s this insistent on charging people directly for shots then she’s no better than most of the “models” on onlyfans. Not to mention the fact that this site tries to fight gravity sometimes, her shots are all over the internet and are not hard to find.
  3. As far as I know you're not an admin, so you're what... just a busy body? A tattle tale? Maybe let the admins handle things like that, if they think it's an issue.
  4. I think you misunderstand how the internet works...
  5. Possibly the strangest comment I've seen here in a while... She looks absolutely gorgeous in that clip, probably hotter than anything I've ever seen her in. What are you going on about?
  6. Great posts! The 5th and final pictures aren't Bar though...
  7. The eating disorder is pretty obvious sadly.
  8. Maybe you need higher standards. As others have pointed out also, the vast majority of these girls would never have even made the swimsuit issue 10 years ago.
  9. There are 33 "models" in this year's issue. 8 of them are fat or out of shape. 1 is bald. 1 is old as dirt. 1 is wearing a full body burqa. 1 is trans. Sorry, but having more than 1/3 of the "models" be unattractive on some level is NOT what the core audience of the SI swimsuit issue is interested in. This is supposed to be fantasy. These are supposed to be some of the most beautiful women in the world. This issue is broken and needs to die at this point.
  10. In Cailfornia we're NOT required to wear masks outdoors, only indoor public spaces. The beach is NOT a risk, no outdoor space is, unless someone is literally breathing or coughing in your face. And yes, the wind has a huge amount to do with it because transmission of Covid is done is aerosol form, aka particulates from our breath, so being outdoors where those particulates immediately are dispersed into the atmosphere is exactly why it's very hard to transmit in that environment. In fact studies have shown that you are 17-18x LESS likely the transmit covid outside vs. inside.
  11. Wear a mask on the beach? You do know studies have shown that your chances of contracting covid outdoors are extremely small, right? Especially in an environment like the beach where there's always a wind. The idea that someone should wear a mask walking down the beach is pretty ridiculous.
  12. The differences from then and now are profound and sad, even through the early 2010s the swimsuit issue was a big deal. I still remember when Bar Refaeli's cover came out, that was huge, to the point they were advertising on the side of Southwest planes here in the US.
  13. I think you hit the nail on the head, trying to be woke has killed it. From a male perspective, I have zero interest in a swimsuit issue filled with 50% overweight women, that's just NOT attractive. Modeling to me is like pro sports, you don't get there based on participation, it's merit based. As an athlete you actually have to be GOOD at your sport, you don't see a bunch of short overweight people playing in the NBA just to be inclusive. Models are supposed to be beautiful and possibly "unobtainable", not average women that you see walking down the street every day.
  14. To me they're completely different issues, though they do overlap to a degree. I think being overweight is unhealthy and shouldn't be glamorized, on top of finding it totally unattractive and unappealing. With the trans thing, as a straight male, which is who 90% of the SI swimsuit edition's audience at least used to be, I have zero interest in seeing a trans person, and zero attraction towards trans-women in general, and frankly don't understand why a publication would be pushing that on a an audience that doesn't and won't have any interest in it. It's not hard to figure out why men want to look at hot women in bikinis and a trans-woman completely kills that vibe on every level. There's a huge difference between supporting trans rights and thinking it makes sense to put a trans-person in a publication aimed at males. Now I'll freely admit that SI doesn't seem to want the swimsuit edition to be focused on a male audience anymore, but that's also why it's dying a not so slow death. Just like there are differences between the sexes there are differences between women and trans-women. Which again, doesn't mean that we don't all deserve equal rights, but it doesn't mean we're the same either.
  15. And the final nail in the coffin for the SI Swimsuit Edition to ever have any popularity again... https://www.vogue.com/article/valentina-sampaio-becomes-sports-illustrated-first-trans-model
  16. Where was this originally published?
  17. Sadly I agree, that style of hair should have stayed in the 80s.
  18. The virtue signalling is strong in this one!
  19. Just weight loss and normal change in hormones as she hits her late 20s.
  20. You said it far better than I could or did. The only thing that I'll add is that I have no problem with content creators charging fans for early access to something, this is very common with Youtubers. Many of them use Patreon also and they'll charge an early access fee for videos, sometimes it's just 24 hours, a few times I've seen it up to a month. Sometimes they also have "exclusive" content, but from what I've seen that's almost exclusively "extras", not their core video product. If photographers were using Patreon in a similar way I don't think many would complain. Especially since content with a small digital footprint, i.e. overall file sizes, will ALWAYS get leaked at some point. Trying to create a business model that fights that is like fighting gravity after a while.
  21. I'm not stealing anything and I don't care one way or the other if anyone else is either. I'm talking about the fact that trying to keep content like this behind a paywall is a totally futile exercise and I gave you examples as to why. Plus "theft" of a digital item that you would never have paid for is NOT the same as theft of a physical item where someone is out the cost of those goods. Which isn't to say that theft is ok, just totally different circumstances. Instead of being an ideologue making straw man arguments, maybe you should think about what I've said a little deeper.
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