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Everything posted by alexandra23

  1. alexandra23

    I Am...

    Dave, you mean her breast implants (that strangely no one is talking about)? Also, I am very upset by a story I read on the news. Apparently a woman - a VETERINARIAN at that - killed a cat with a bow and arrow in her backyard. She thought it was feral? Absolutely disgusting - feral or not (it wasn't), you do not hunt cats.
  2. This is very true. She can look stunning, but there's something more average looking about her than most models. The main issue with Barbara is her smile. If she had a better smile she'd be very attractive (still kind of average looking, but never unattractive).
  3. I don't really care for honey either. Only recently have I started to like it a little more.
  4. She is looking good for GQ. I don't think a lot of the poses are particularly flattering for her body (the poses just don't really show her off), but I like the hair and makeup.
  5. Some guys still think Lohan is hot? Interesting. She just looks dirty and grimy...not to mention she leaves absolutely nothing to the imagination, so there's no enigma about her anymore. I second Iza Goulart. She's OK, but something about her face has always kind of bothered me.
  6. Gonna repeat: Jennifer Aniston. Some guy friends were talking recently about how she's the hottest woman ever...and they aren't the first guys I've heard say that. All I can come up with is that her fun, funny personality affects the way many men view her. She's just so plain and kind of weird looking!
  7. alexandra23

    I Am...

    Overwhelmed with school and work....and becoming an EmRata fan
  8. OK - look at that photo jj3 posted of grumpy cat with the dress. After I saw that, my eyes slowly adjusted in a span of about 25 seconds and then I saw it as black and blue
  9. 1. I'm a student in my final semester of school. 2. I wear mostly black. 3. I enjoy running. 4. I live in a very cold state.
  10. I was firmly in camp "white and gold" .... but then when I went back to it after a while, it looked blue and black! Looks white and gold to me right now.
  11. Making a new one later today...be patient plz
  12. ^ Absolutely loved his speech - my favorite part of the Oscars. So many teenagers need to hear that.
  13. Butthurt boys who gossip.
  14. 1. I had an abortion at age 17.
  15. alexandra23

    I Am...

    Watching VS Swimsuit Special
  16. I still think Emily D's face is gorgeous. Her eyebrows look funny if they aren't filled in/shaped, though.
  17. alexandra23

    I Am...

    Nooo...I like when you update us
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