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Everything posted by toodarnhot

  1. Super bummed she wasn't at Cannes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CeIbOf043j4
  2. Elsa is 5'9" and Martha is 5'10". It looks like more because Elsa is hunched down in her neck, and Martha is stretching her torso up.
  3. It would never happen, but it would be cool if they did a show with Angels only, now that they basically have a full cast. I thought Gigi shot with Pink after the Spring Break party? They would have cancelled the shoot if that was the reason they were dropping her. No sense paying for images they won't use. Vita was in T&C as well last week.
  4. The holiday commercial is going to be the Bad Blood music video 2.0. 2 second shots of every girl, and way too much hype.
  5. Just stopped in the VS store and Elsa is everywhere.
  6. Chrissy needs one more year to land the cover and then she can go. I agree about the rest of the veterans though. Rachelle seems promising.
  7. Perfect, cause I just bought a pair of cutoff Levi's. I'm halfway to becoming Alexandria, although they look a hell of a lot better on her.
  8. Ed follows a new model everyday. Doesn't mean much. Martha is at the VSX shoot as well, and the producer confirmed it's for Train Like An Angel.
  9. Two of my favs. Love those two together.
  10. It's definitely for Train Like An Angel, the producer posted this pic and said it was what they're working on.
  11. Sorry, didn't see that Jasmine was there. That's what I was thinking too!
  12. I think they're shooting a VSX commercial today, with Romee, Elsa and Stella.
  13. Taylor's #1 on Maxim Hot 100, they might as well just give her the Fantasy Bra.
  14. Thanks for the Pearls of Purpose pictures! That instagram shot was posted back in December, it's a repost. Russell took it at the VSFS.
  15. I got Slay Z too. For anyone who's still curious, the shoot with Russell and Jo in St Lucia was for Sauvage Swim, not VS.
  16. I was trying to make out the label on the shorts. I want a pair.
  17. Elsa, you should have flipped the picture before you posted it. Also this is the caption, but I'm 99.9% sure it's a typo. She was probably shooting VS today.
  18. Which would explain why she never did it before too. And still doesn't make it any less unbecoming.
  19. Mark's been hinting on both twitter and tumblr that he's joined the cast. Filming spoilers under here in case anyone wants to avoid them.
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