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Everything posted by CandleVixen

  1. I wish we could have a Skype session, so we could read Barbara's thread out loud to each other in our best fan girl voices. You do that without me and I'll never talk to you again And you got the name wrong, It would have to be Shit #Barbellas Say, okay? :brows: As I mentioned...I'd almost kill to watch.
  2. Oh shit, it does! Man hands on a T-Rex's arm. Oh the poor poor dear. How does she care for herself, being that she can't reach anything with those? :blueeyedbaby:
  3. Thanks for that. She's been with them longer than I thought. Agreed, VS....pay attention! We need more Lais! I keep seeing her John Frieda commercial and the occasional peek in one of the VS commercials, and it's not enough. She's got a fantastic body. Not to mention her face...angelic comes to mind.
  4. I think so too. I am envious of that skin! I'm glad that she's trying out different looks on the red carpet. She'll win some, she'll lose some, it's all part of playing dress up. (I think it totally rocked though. Very different than what we've seen before.)
  5. What year did she start with VS?
  6. I love it. It's different and a bit rock, a bit of punk, and a lot of edgness. I applaud her and the stylist choices. Why? Because she's young enough to pull off this look. (Someone who's closer to my age would look pathetic and sad, like they'd be trying to reclaim their youth.) Go Barbara! !!
  7. Indeed, thanks for all the new shares. She just gets better to my eyes. Above pic is a new favorite.
  8. Thanks! I must be getting old and decrepid because I did NOT recognize Heidi! I kind of liked the rip off commercial too.
  9. Hans (such an Inglourious Basterd!) Kevin Whip John Count
  10. And once again, bellazon eats my posts. I was trying to say that I really adored the Mombo pics, thanking AppleAuto for the links since she seems to find the most, and lastly to Michellexo for loading the shots up.
  11. Ahhh I so love your satire and wit!
  12. I quite agree about Ana BB in that commercial. For the record, who all was in that commercial?
  13. Borg? I thought that was Bane from the last Batman Movie. Either way, she makes it look dead sexy!
  14. Stunning video. Anyone know info on the song? It fit wonderfully.
  15. And there's nothing wrong with it. Bless her for doing it. I couldn't get the vid to load, but I did see the caption. SOw those wild oats while you have a body that easily recovers, Barbara!
  16. Like I've said before, Mad props go to her for: 1) doing a cartwheel, 2) in a dress 3) in heels
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