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Cult Icon

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Everything posted by Cult Icon

  1. The website gossips about both men and women. I searched for some models. The website identified Abigail Ratchford as a high priced prostitute and when I checked I found a hardcore onlyfans. Cindy Prado's "modeling" has always looked rather suspect, especially if you look at her instagram. For some women their modeling is actually a marketing engine for their real goal of a high end party lifestyle, high priced prostitution, and to date the superrich. This made me laugh: "Welcome to CIAO BELLA, my new podcast about women empowerment, travels, success, modeling, friendship & much more!"
  2. After reading this far in the books the TV series' casting choices of Yen and Geralt are off to me from a purely physical perspective. The Game Yen looks about right but the TV series Yen is too cute, young, and harmless looking. Yen should be more of a sexy and dangerous type visually, like Baroness from GI Joe or a Bond girl with a gun (like Xena from Goldeneye or something..). Kate Beckinsale was a good choice for game Yen. Witcher 3 Geralt is closer to Book Geralt but also off. Henry Cavilli is too pretty to be Geralt, he looks like a Greek god.. Book Geralt should look more like the Geralt in Witcher 1 and Witcher 2 than Witcher 3. Geralt's appearance is that of a redneck; he is, strong, wiry with functional muscles (not Henry Cavilli's bodybuilder body), is rugged in the face, weird looking eyes/skin, and considered "ugly mutant" "vagrant" by some humans who encounter him. So he is not a handsome man, but an intimidating badass one. The closest archetype is Wolverine from X-Men.
  3. I don't know what you are referring to? In the book Geralt first encounters Yennefer as an enemy and a reader with no knowledge of Yen would see her as a villian and a psycho based on her evil acts. His later attraction to Yennefer is triggered by the insight that she is actually a mentally damaged woman, a deformed hunchback that was so ugly that she couldn't get married and thus turned herself into a feminist career-woman through hard work (it's like how in engineering, medicine, science fields etc. there are rarely good looking women...) and has a lot of wounds and issues related to this past and her current lifestyle. Geralt's attraction to Yennefer in the book and the games is a cycle of sorts that mirrors real relationships in real life. There is a punishment-reward cycle. She is chronically creating interpersonal drama, difficult to please, and is constantly sending put-downs on Geralt's way. When the desired situation comes, she switches her personality to a more feminine and intimate one and rewards Geralt with love and sex... The author of the books never directly tells the reader why Geralt is so attracted to her but it is implied that he enjoys this type of relationship dynamic. He likes challenge and drama, the punishment and the reward. This is my best guess on the author's intent. He likes this aspect so much that he is okay with her extreme egotism, extreme selfishness, along with some abusive and sociopathic traits. However by the end of the games "Blood and Wine" Yennefer is presented as completely dropping the difficult side to her personality as she has fully let go of her struggles. ------------------- I am close to finishing Witcher book 2, so pretty soon I will be ready to watch Season 1. Yennefer is met at the end of book 1, and Ciri is met at the end of book 2. The important stort story in Book 1 is called "the Last Wish" and this game quest is the sequel to it: Books 1 , 2, and 8 are essentially the "side quests" books. I recognize many characters that later reappeared in Witcher 3!
  4. There seems to have been a crackdown on "thedirty.com" as the site seems less popular than it is used to and is subject to defamation complaints/removals This entry on Stefanie G. has some accuracies (amid false claims) though. She has a softcore only fans (shows everything), dates the ultra rich, does a little modeling, likely has a parasitic lifestyle funded by the wealthy men she dates : https://thedirty.com/city/los-angeles/stefanie-gurzanski-3/#post-2621045 all of Cindy Prado and some of Kara Del Toro's /Abagail Ratchford stuff has been removed..
  5. Doutzen Kroes' next career move after her modeling career is destroyed is to team up with Jenny Mcarthy in anti-vaxxery....
  6. ^ It's probably because the VS aesthetic was perceived by the current environment as being too aligned to "traditional" male uberfantasy and being anti-feminist/too objectifying of women as sexual objects? 80s/90s Supermodels as angels, in various sexy halloween outfits, etc. There is also an issue of female jealously/resentment going on with the models promoting "unrealistic" body standards for the non-gifted majority to live up to. Look at Sports Illustrated, which moved towards contemporary obesessions (populism and trying to "diversify" beauty standards) before VS..
  7. very little hype for the new GOT. It looks like a lot of no-name actors and blacks.. the original S1 at least had some veteran actors in it. The new Vikings series is also all no-name actors.
  8. here are 3 screenshots from a VS holiday bit:
  9. The ending of Polanski's Macbeth (1971) is vicious and reminds me of Dark Souls. Far Cry 6 looks interesting as usual with the setting beginning a drug-infested south American shithole. Have you heard of Far Cry Primal? Pretty interesting settling for that spin-off too. Back 4 Blood early access is out, already streaming on youtube
  10. I am finally getting into the brilliant Witcher audiobooks after being dropping them early in the summer. My progress is 1.5 out of 8 books. So Season 1 of the show is supposed to cover books 1 and 2 (which were short story collections with emphasis on character and world building). I will watch it after I finish book 2. Season 2 appears to start from the main story, which is Blood of Elves and 4 more books. @Enrico_sw So the books are the prequel to the Witcher 3 and certainly are essential to fully understanding the world in the game.. From what I've listened to so far CD Red did a great job with writing a fan-fiction sequel to the books, the quality of the writing is on par with the author/creater and it even seems rather indisguishable from it. It's like when I'm listening to the books I imagine the Witcher 3 game... Also the character of Yennefer is presented similar to one in the game but with her "difficult" aspects being on steriods. She is bipolar, with a selfish bitch side and a more feminine, intimate side. In later books she might soften up but so far she is a huge bitch character in book 1 and book 2 and I find myself disgusted with her. However Geralt is hugely attracted to her, just like in the game. It is not revealed why he likes her...
  11. I gave myself one of the best haircuts I've ever had, looks like I went to a salon. however it still took 2 hrs. The key difference is that I watched 15 minutes of shearing sissor videos and found out that I was using the sissors wrong!
  12. 110 lbs? how tall? I am pretty much at my target now, maybe just 2 lbs left to go.
  13. The estimates of the figures vary, but the most common one is 80% of German casualties were against the Soviet Union. The US "war economy" was massive and about half of the US economy in WW2. Lend-lease was important but the Red Army produced the overwhelming majority of their own weapons so the Allied contribution here was minimal. The Lend-lease categories were heavily concentrated in goods and raw materials that the Soviet economy had trouble procuring, that are just as important as weapons in sustaining and improving a military. The Allies did a minority of the fighting, but in the economic contribution it was greater than the Soviets- not so much in terms of Lend-lease but the huge dispersal of German resources throughout Europe (spreading them thin) and also the Allied bombing/Naval campaign forced them to invest in a U-boat fleet, massive Anti-aircraft force (FLAK and fighters) that weakened the German Army and air force's offensive abilities in combat. But I think it is pretty common knowledge that WW2 was defeated by a team, at least I haven't personally encountered anyone who said that that the US won WW2 nearly single-handingly. There is definitely however a bias, it is clear to me that most British/American enthusiasts have massive gaps of knowledge about the German Army, the Eastern Front and Red Army. The liberation of France in June- Sept 1944 was about 50: 50 America : UK/CW in terms of casualties, in terms of equipment the US contribution was more than the UK one. That's what I remember from General history. I focus mainly on units and operations, not on economics.
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