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Status Updates posted by COP11

  1. Hell yeah! Very few women compare to Pan

  2. Hello babe! Hope you're having a good day!

  3. Hello How are you?

  4. Hello hun! How are you this morning?

  5. Hello Russell!

  6. HELLO SUNSHINE! How have you been?

  7. Her ass is crazy!

  8. Hey babe! How are you? Haven't heard from you in awhile.

  9. Hey babe!! Mine are calm but they get more amped up as the day goes. How are you?

  10. Hey hun! Happy birthday!

  11. Hey hun! Hope you are doing good! There's a few more that I forgot to mention on my list!

  12. Hey hun! How have you been?

  13. Hey hun! I have to take William back to the dentist today. He is still swollen from last week

  14. Hey hun! So is Hanna going to school all day or half a day?

  15. Hey hun! Yes it is me. How have you been? And when are you putting up your face for us to see!

  16. Hey hun. I've planning my son's b-day party next weekend. Since its getting cold now it looks like the party is going to be inside. God help me.

  17. Hey I could use you Saturday at my Mr. Men and Little Miss party Saturday. i don't have a Little Miss Sunshine yet

  18. Hey It's back up! Almost time to go back home. How have you been?

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