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Status Updates posted by COP11

  1. Always here hun!

  2. You ain't as classy as botox and cocaine :)

  3. WHOOHOO!! You got Candice Swanepoel mentioning you on Twitter. Aren't you special? I bet she doesn't do that for her crazy ass fans!

  4. You spoke what is on everyone else's mind. But you forgot to call her a coked out botox CUNT!!

  5. It's one I've had in my images forever now!

  6. I live in the country and sometimes it's a bitch to get a signal. But at least you got it fixed now

  7. I come back and it seems like everyone is just more irritating then before

  8. Yes I do! At least it wasn't so damn hot there

  9. I am wonderful! You're never on any more!

  10. Hey hun! How have you been?

  11. Well thank you my dear

  12. You were right about argan oil. It is wonderful!

  13. oh I will. Try to behave yourself Limey

  14. I'm back...for today only though. Then I'll be back home next week

  15. You are right hun, they aren't. And my weekend was good. I have a huge cookout this afternoon


  17. HOW THE HELL DO YOU NOT KNOW WHO KIM COATES IS!? I will be thinking about this all night now!!

  18. Once again, BE NICE!

  19. it's all business so no fun for me. I'll be on when I can

  20. I leave for Dubai on the 5th. So I won't be on much after that

  21. You too. Any plans?

  22. I know but that's how the world is today unfortunately

  23. Nevermind the last statement

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