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Status Updates posted by COP11

  1. I have heard possibly Junior Dos Santos. But I'm not 100% sure yet. Are you a fan of Cain?

  2. She is awesome isn't she

  3. You are hilarious!

  4. Kiki made me laugh today. She's hilarious!

  5. Yes and they will all be in my house. So that makes it so much worse. And I have white carpet. So they will have water to drink!

  6. Hey hun. I've planning my son's b-day party next weekend. Since its getting cold now it looks like the party is going to be inside. God help me.

  7. Yes I do! I had to go to the store at one point which was a nightmare. And I have kids here that are rowdy so I can't be on 24/7, like SOME PEOPLE!!!

  8. Happy Birthday!

  9. I have had a few visitors already this week

  10. Good morning!

  11. Hey! I'm not too worried about it. I knew he would come back eventually. But he is an ass and things won't be the same now

  12. HELLO SUNSHINE! How have you been?

  13. Happy Monday. Have a good one

  14. Happy Halloween

  15. Happy Birthday!

  16. I think we need to hold off on the name calling. I can't have everyone getting banned on here now!

  17. Happy Hump Day! Hope you're day is going better than mine!

  18. Good morning!

  19. I haven't seen AnaBB but I bet she is hot too

  20. Of course you! You are hot!

  21. OMG Is that you? Miss Hottie

  22. Mine was the best i ever had!

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