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Status Updates posted by Baby.Jude9

  1. Heya Dave! Nice to hear from you again! :) Things have been pretty good over here. Adjusting hasn't been as hard as I thought it would be. Anywho, how has your week been? :D

  2. Nah, just saying that that didn't seem like the kind of music you would be into. Not a big fan of his, but, I have to admit he has a pretty nice voice. ^_^ So, you changed your avatar and sig, again? :) Just wondering, but, who's the girl in your avatar right now?

  3. I guess this is the closest I've ever seen you to having a matching set. :D So, you never came across as an Adam Lambert liking kind of guy to me... *ninja*

  4. I just mean that your avatar and signature usually have nothing to do with each other... If you get what I'm saying. ^.^

  5. Heya honey! Once again, thanks so much for the gifs. Have nice day! :D

  6. You're welcome Jade! Glad to see that you're using it. :)

  7. <_< Fine. So, just a questions, but, would you say that you have the most mix-matched sets on Bellazon? Because I would. :D

  8. Oh, it's ok. I knew you weren;t saying I was mean. And thanks so much for the gifs! ^.^

  9. That is SOOOOOO me. I like, frickin LOL'ed when I first saw it! :D

  10. Hey. I'll send you the link in a little while. Sorry, I was really busy today! :D

  11. That's fine. Thanks love! ^.^

  12. Good Morning Sweetie! *Kiss* Hey, do you think you could make me a couple of gifs or are you busy?

  13. Really? I actually never got to the theaters to see it the first time around. I've been meaning to rent it or something ad watch it, but, if they're re-releasing it in theaters, I might as well go see it there. What did you think of it?

  14. Actually, it's unfortunate to say that I was never much of a LOTR fan, myself. I could never really fully get into the books. Though, I must admit they are very well written and incredibly original, just not for me. Harry Potter has always been my love. :wub:

  15. Hello there sweetie! :D *Kiss* Hope you have a nice week! ^.^

  16. Happy Birthday! :D

  17. I think this would be the appropriate response to that comment: http://a.imageshack.us/img576/5691/shitposter.jpg

  18. Really? I feel like I've used that word in conversation before this. O.o

  19. Oh, well, that certainly makes sense. What's your favorite song by them? (I think we've had this conversation before, but, whatever.)

  20. Fine... Oh well, like I said, I like Rush. And, clearly you do too (As if the name didn't give it away)...

  21. I like Rush. ^.^ Does Sum 41 count?

  22. Going all Bachman-Turner Overdrive on my ass, huh?

  23. Psh, I usually change mine every couple of days. I just can't choose. -__-

  24. Ight. Nice new avatar. ;D

  25. Happy Birthday! :D

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