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Sweet Lu

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Status Updates posted by Sweet Lu

  1. there is the beautiful kiki!!!! yeahhhhhhh

  2. we finally ahd a break in the heat. very cool today. loving it

  3. anytime. hopefully the real LMS will be back up there soon. Much prettier than any bz model.

  4. nice new default. very yummy indeed. course the real you is a million times better looking

  5. are you melting in that heat???

  6. ok kiki, time to put up the real you

  7. you need to put up the REAL kiki.

  8. you mean french woman don't?!?!?! hmmmm, wonder if any french woman would consider it for me. lolll

  9. awwww. damn. well i will be waiting on bated breath for your email Kiki. xoxoxo

  10. and you french woman with your legs and curves and sexy ferench maid outfits. oh wait, that is jsut YOU. lolll. Viva La Frenchkiki!!!!

  11. hell yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh. let's knock back a few now. CHEERS

  12. do you need my mail addy again? and pretty was talkign about the euros that do nothing but bash us americans, saying hiow evil we are and unintelligent and barbaric and have no taste and such

  13. sorry, meant that it was from your SLAVE. i deserve a whipping for that msitake


  14. and you french women, with your deadly curvey body. argh!!!! hate them all!!! lolll. 5 stars for you from your pet.

  15. we need a good group name for all those anti-americans

  16. hey pretty. happy friday hun


  18. sorrty to hear that Des =(

    kisses for both of you to help feel better

  19. mornign Duchess. xoxoxoxo

    how are you and abbey feeling this morning?

  20. hey DC, how you doing cutie?

  21. same ehre. it is ok for everyone to bash the usa, but when we fire back, we are the rude ones. it is so old. and thank you for psoting the bill of rights, though on here alot of those freedoms do NOT apply it would appear.

  22. andf all i can say about the fragrance comp and comments made is "god bless america"

  23. thank you my friend.


  24. ki know. thus begins the legend of sweet lu. roflmao. and sorry about the stars. it won't accept mine anymore. i am surprised i have not been knocked all the way down to zero yet

  25. and i agree that it shows a great deal of low self esteem and vamity that that one comment bothered her enough to have to tweet about it. and thank you for your support.

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