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Sweet Lu

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Status Updates posted by Sweet Lu

  1. your default makes me smile. lollllll

  2. thank u. and how are you enjoying bz so far?

  3. You are welcome hun. hope you enjoy it. mwahhhhhhhhhhhh (love the new default, lol)

  4. hey Kiki. kissssssssss. how you doing sweets?

  5. ahhhh, that dilema. i beleive that nowadays the only place to grab those are at a comic book store. i miss the days of them being sold at 7-11. lolllll now it is all about the speciality stores. blahhhh

  6. oh please. you know how my voice gets raised. not a pretty sight at all is it. least this time you wouldn't be on the receiving end. lol

  7. well at lesast you are with your family now

  8. almost 2 years now, though didn't really start psoting hardcore til about a year ago

  9. about the same. relaxing for the night.

  10. hey UB, how you doing

  11. i heard what happened. what an ahole!

  12. thanks Des. I couldn't resist, as she looked so stunning in this pic.

  13. not as hot as OUR GIRLS, but she does look aweosme in that one

  14. thank you for helping, well ok doing, the wallpaper of that pic for me. i lvoe it. thanks hun


  15. ahhhhhhhhhhhhh. there's kiki.

    all better now


  16. no visit form you on ym page today?

    i'm gonna cry.


  17. chloe is a cute name. bet she is your little princess.


  18. thanks for the fun time today. hope to do it again reallll soon


  19. so do I!!!! always a fun day


  20. morning Kiki my dear. mwahhhhhhhhhhh. happy HUMP day


  21. morning DC. thanks for your help with TFS

  22. hey Des. i am doing great so far. hope you are too. love the new Kate that T got you.

  23. kisssssssssssss for you Red

  24. sweet in a naughty way. lolllll

  25. hey sweetensss, how are you? and i happen to think you are one the sweetest and prettiest on bz

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