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Status Updates posted by LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE

  1. and I'm going to make the booty dance gifs JUST FOR YOU lolllllll

  2. ok that does make it all the funnier LOLLLLLLLLLLLLL OMG!!!!!!

  3. OMG!!!! Loved the tropic thunder gifs, the closing scene with tom dancing to the rap music is F'ING AWESOME

  4. GIfs are in your mailbox hun, enjoy

  5. its not out yet, its the movie trailor, lollllll, and yes i have a 3 yr old

  6. no worries, i cant spell worth shite, gonna make some from daybreakers, the new robin hood, clash of the T's, and for the heck of it toy story 3

  7. thanks for showing me that thread, Yahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh NOW I CAN MAKE ALL KINDS OF GIFS LOL, BEEN WANTING TO MAKE SOME FROM DAYBREAKERS

  8. no worries take your time

  9. anytime you get an itch for a gif, i'm the girl for you, love making them yeahhhhhh xoxoxxox

  10. your gifs are in your mailbox, hope you like them!!!!

  11. will have your gifs to you by tonight hun xoxoxo

  12. will have your gifs by lunch babe, then you can see, if there up to snuff xoxo

  13. how many outfits & shots did they take

  14. cool glad you had a good experience, that always helps

  15. very very cool, you gonna post some on your page?

  16. ok i see you like rosie Hm and Miranda K, i can give you samples of my work, and you can judge if you want me to make you some gifs

  17. hope your photoshoot goes well, fingers & toes crossed, you'll do awesome xoxoxo

  18. coollllllllliooooooooooo feel better now, gonna make myself soem Dita von teese files, i'll have them ready for you monday night

  19. havent heard from you in a bit *pouts* did i do something?

  20. making your files now babe, wil have them for you monday

  21. your such a doll, thanks for the sweet messge, drop in anytime babe

  22. Hey Hun, glad to meet u, you ever want gifs made I'm your girL

  23. i really need some help, with Sig & layout sizing, everytime i put one up, it gets taken down, even if its the same size as others are, i looked at the rules, and cant seem to fig it out, you have any pointers


  25. oh my my my where'd you get that sexy GIFFFFFFFFFFF

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